Tetrahedron Kite Created by: Atiah Husamudeen Date : July, 19,2012
Project Overview We used straws, string, and tissue paper, we also use four long strings and four short strings to make the four triangles. I then tied the strings together then I had glued the tissue paper to the straws. After I was done I put the short string across the middle and the long piece on top. I used a tissue paper roll to hold and help unwrapped the string.
What I’d like to learn What I’d like to learn is how to build a kite and what that need to work except wind and strings.
Basic of flight The Flight of my kite good because I turn the triangles to so the open part would help left the kite. The Thrust of my kite really help pick it up from the ground it flow.
The kite can be used for many applications. Air kites, water kites, bi-media kites, fluid kites, gas kites, kytoons, paravanes, soil kites, solid kites, and plasma kites have niche applications that are furthering the interests of humans in both peace and conflict. Non-human-made kites have applications; some spiders make use of kiting. Kytoons- A kytoon a portmanteau of kite an balloon it is a kite with a significant amount of aerostatic lift from a lighter than air gas carried within. Paravanes- A paravanes is a water kite with tong wings it’s a under water object. My Research
Comparisons/differences in flight (kites,birds, etc.) The thing that’s the same about them is that they can both fly and both get stuck in trees. The difference is the kite is not an animal the can’t have baby’s and all the kite can do is fly it has a string and someone has to pull it, The kite has to help keep it in the air.
How kite flow My kite flow correctly because I turned it around so the open part would be to the back to help with the wind. It didn’t fly very much because not much wind where I was, I really enjoy doing the Tetrahedron kite.