3D Technology in Schools Dr. Lesia Lennex Morehead State University Morehead, KY USA
3D is becoming cheaper to access for P-12 schools Projectors can handle 2D and 3D with same equipment Research into uses for P-12 schools increasing
3D Images Stereoscopic images are used to produce a 3D effect by offsetting two images so that the left and right eye will differentially perceive depth when the anaglyph images are viewed with cyan/ red glasses Movie 3D operates not on color separation but on polarized imaging and glasses.
3D Teaching Virtual Worlds - Second Life Textbooks - 3D Magic Library Virtual Tours - Museums, Field Trips Software- Google SketchUp iPad Apps - Science Apps (Bobo’s Circus, Toontastic) Printers - 3D printers for Media & Food
3D Printers 3D printers range in price from $500 to more than $40000 Media for printing and information about process: materials/ materials/ Cost for media is $45 and up A great source for choosing a printer is: printer-guide/ printer-guide/
3D Food Printers 3D food printers such as Cornell’s have been available since 2007 Primarily used for single ingredient compositions or designs Dutch Organization for Scientific Research producing frozen pancakes with this technology Research under way to use in Space Stations for meal variety Taste a factor for multiple item dishes
3D Camera Aiptek Low-cost 3D and 2D camera/ video Works well outdoors but not indoors Uploads directly to YouTube Easy to use
3D Editing Software ArcSoft (comes with Aiptek camera) Vegas Movie Studio (PC only)
Issues Shutter Goggles- active (rate change for HDTV display) v passive (polarized) Availability and Cost for Resources 3D printing has lots of uses: 9-amazing-hand-painted,-3d-printed- miniatures.htmlhttp:// 9-amazing-hand-painted,-3d-printed- miniatures.html