Developing Deaneries a bottom up process of transformation
Our Diocesan Vision One of our four priorities : a renewed understanding of deaneries in order that they become a key strategic place in the mission of the diocese.
Strategic → Participatory → Transformational → on a Journey →
Changing Context Ageing congregations - less people doing more Clergy spread more thinly A need to be strategic and resource efficiently Some non - viable deaneries Fresh Expressions Development of confident lay leadership Mission Action Plans Parish Plus
The journey ….. our vision for bigger Deaneries. New Ways of Working and Parish Plus encouraging parishes to look beyond themselves for the better resourcing of mission and ministry and to foster partnership in the Gospel.
1. A sense of purpose informed by enabling mission locally 2. The local identifying, overseeing and developing resources 3. A support structure for Ministers which is both caring and robust 4. Leadership by a team of lay and ordained colleagues who have dedicated time for the task 5. Structures and meetings which have a clear sense of purpose 6. Being large enough to realise the opportunities and meet the needs of the community
Consultation…. Collaboration…. Communication … Relationship building – meetings with key stakeholders Indaba-style listening – every voice matters Participative learning – creative ways of identifying the issues Collaborative leadership – sharing the role Reflection and review – learning and shaping as we go
Renewal of deanery life Greater sense of purpose Suitable infrastructure to support mission and ministry Better delivery of central support and resources Setting the mission agenda as a priority
RESOURCING FOR MISSION In collaboration and partnership with the archdeaconry and diocese, the deanery has the potential to become the key hub for the development and ownership of plans regarding: Local Mission strategy Deployment and resource allocation Pastoral re-organisation Finance and buildings Discipleship and training With regard to administration it is hoped that administration offices might be developed that can share resources and reduce duplication and costs. The diocese currently provides a degree of funding for Deanery Administrators and it is proposed that this should be increased. In the light of this proposal it may be that archdeaconry mission and pastoral committees will no longer be necessary. This will save on duplication and additional committee work.
Good Strategy Bad Strategy by Richard Rumelt the Kernel of a good strategy
that it is going to be strategic, participatory, transformational and a journey that the principles will be about bottom up process, collaborative leadership and ownership of the design have some purpose and impact
There is no blue print. Rural deans, Lay chairs and synods have the opportunity to be part of the design process. Identifying the possibilities Reshaping the deanery landscape Brokering new partnerships Assessing the challenges Overcoming the obstacles Re – imagining Deanery life Making it happen!