1 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Outline ECS HV control of the ECAL and HCAL. ECS HV control of the PS and SPD.
2 ECS CALO HV Control The ECS CALO HV control projects have been developed in close contact with the LHCb Online group. There are two type of the projects. One is for ECAL/HCAL and second for PS/SPD. Current projects allow: 1.Work within the LHCb FSM hierarchy. 2. Set HV for individual PMT or a group of PMTs; 3.Set HV for all detector channels with a desirable ramp time factor; 4.Fast emergency HV OFF; 5.Monitor : a)HV control signals, and produce the warnings in case if the set and read values are different more than 1%; b)100 V and LV power supplies status for group of PMT’s, and produce the errors if values are out of the limits; 6. There are many possibility to create the recipes and there is a connection to CALO specific database. 7. The standard recipes for PHYSICS and COSMICS runs under preparation now. CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/
3 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ ECAL/HCAL HV_LED_DAC board and PS/SPD HV crate. HARDWARE
4 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Screen- short of the top level ECS-FSM hierarchy for ECAL/HCAL HV system. Control Unit Options for recipes creation HV and LED intensity scaling first time CALO HV system initialization
5 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Screen- short of the first time CALO HV system initialization panel. Will be started automatically soon
6 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Screen- short of the ECAL region (outer region) HV system control panel. Control Unit FSM options: Go_READY Go_STANDBY1
7 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Device Unit Screen- short of the ECAL HV board panel.
8 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Screen- short of the ECAL HV CW group control panel.
9 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Screen- short of the ECAL one HV channel control panel.
10 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Screen- short of the top level ECS-FSM hierarchy for PS/SPD HV system. Options for recipes creation first time CALO HV system initialization PS/SPD HV system
11 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Screen- short of the PS/SPD HV crate panel. PS/SPD HV system
12 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Screen- short of the PS/SPD HV board panel. PS/SPD HV system
13 ECS CALO HV Control CALO Piquet Training Session Anatoli Konoplyannikov /ITEP/ Screen- short of the PS/SPD one HV channel control panel. PS/SPD HV system