UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Ocean Biological Properties Ru Morrison
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Why? Spectral ResolutionSpectral Resolution –Hyperspectral - Improved constituent algorithms Temporal and Spatial ResolutionTemporal and Spatial Resolution –Cloud avoidance –Coastal Oceanographic forcings –Biological phenomena / diel variability "What biological science questions can we address with geostationary hyperspectral imager?"
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Time and Space GEO- CAPE From Dickey, 1991 Reviews of Geophysics
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Top of the Atmosphere Reflectance Remote Sensing Reflectance Inherent Optical Properties PhytoplanktonNon-algal ParticlesCDOM Atmosphere Source, photobleaching Species (photoadaptation) photoacclimation Composition (size) Atmospheric Correction IOP models Reflectance Model
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Reflectance Algorithms O‘Reilly, J. E. and others Ocean color chlorophyll a algorithms for SeaWiFS, OC2, and OC4: Version 4, p SeaWiFS postlaunch calibration and validation analyses, Part 3. SeaWIFS post launch technical report series. NASA.
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 [Chl] with standard algorithm a(442) after removal of bottom effects with a “hyper”-spectral sensor [m -1 ] [mg m -3 ] Hyperspectral ‘True’ water column optical properties
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 MERIS FR data, Dec. 14, 2004 Bathymetry of Bahamas derived from MERIS R rs (λ) with HOPE Data from ZhongPing Lee, MS State
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Hyperspectral – Phytoplankon functional groups Data from Steve Lohrenz, USM Karenia brevis Gulf of Mexico Lee et al. (2002) Applied Optics, 41(27), Millie et al. (1997) Limnol. Oceanogr., 42, Remote Sensing Reflectance HAB Abundance
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Coastal Oceanographic Forcings
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 AVPPO Deployments FRONT site Massachusetts Bay Martha’s Vineyard Coastal Observatory
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Tidal Fronts
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Ullman, D. S., and P. C. Cornillon Satellite-derived sea surface temperature fronts on the continental shelf off the northeast U.S. coast. Journal of Geophysical Research 104:
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Episodic Events
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Internal waves
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Jackson, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 112, C11012, doi: /2007JC004220, 2007
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Internal Waves Jackson, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 112, C11012, doi: /2007JC004220, 2007
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Diel variability
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Diel cycle Mean properties for top 20 mMean properties for top 20 m Diel variationDiel variation EitherEither –Division towards the end of day –Changes in accessory pigment concentrations –Or combination of both Phytoplankton Biomass Phytoplankton peak ratio Scattering ratio Non-algal absorption ratio
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Diel cycle
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Phytoplankton fluorescence
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Phytoplankton Physiology MODIS Aqua observations 2006
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Phytoplankton Physiology MODIS Aqua observations 2006
UNH Coastal Observing Center NASA GEO-CAPE workshop August 19, 2008 Why? Spectral ResolutionSpectral Resolution –Hyperspectral - Improved constituent algorithms Temporal and Spatial ResolutionTemporal and Spatial Resolution –Cloud avoidance –Coastal Oceanographic forcings –Biological phenomena / diel variability "What biological science questions can we address with geostationary hyperspectral imager?"