The Power of Music In the United States and Italy Emily Mathis PSYCH 384
The Importance of Music in Children’s Lives The Cognitive Mind United States #Music creates pathways in children’s brains and causes them to engage in sensory rich environments. #It is statistically proven that children involved in music do better in reading and math. #Music is one of the most important modes of communication experienced by young children. #Music contributes to “school readiness” and prepares students’ skills that will apply to language, literacy, and life. #Children’s logical, perceptual, and spatial ideas are linked and expanded through music.
The Importance of Music in Children’s Lives The Cognitive Mind Italy #Music is treated as one of the core curriculum subjects in primary school-the use of movement as a means of experiencing music is an important mode of communication for children. #There is an emphasis on music encouraging the development of language. #Music in Italy connects young children with the Italian culture and its interaction with social systems.
The following video is an example of music as a vehicle to total learning processes. Specifically, it displays how music is used to help children understand the concepts of listening to and following directions. Music can help teach the following concepts in almost any culture.
The Importance of Music in Children’s Lives Behavioral Patterns United States #Children involved in music are better able to control their bodies in school and at home, and are able to play better with other children. #Musical exposure encourages the child to engage in playful experimentation. #Children’s behavioral patterns regarding cooperation, collaboration, and group effort skills improve through musical exposure, effectively done through rhythmic activities. Ex. One group of students clap a steady beat while another group claps a specific pattern simultaneously. This can also be done through putting away instruments in a cooperative manner in the classroom. #Music encourages self-expression and creativity in young children.
The Importance of Music in Children’s Lives Behavioral Patterns Italy #Both cognitive and behavioral patterns in the U.S. and Italy are similar regarding the effects of music. #Italian children may mature faster due to the more intensive, non-traditional approach to musical instruction (Italian children have more exposure to music at a young age, as they are required to have at least 2 hours of musical instruction every week).
This video displays how music can contribute to the development of behavioral patterns such as impulse control in children. This specific video is of a music therapist and a certain method he uses in order to teach young children impulse control through music.
In this picture, children practice the behavioral concept of taking turns.
Universality As one can see, the benefits of music regarding cognitive and behavioral development in the United States and Italy are, more or less, universal. The main points and most important benefits of music are true for both cultures, aside from a few culturally specific benefits (such as Italians learning more about their culture and maturing slightly faster). In regards to emotion, I am going to combine the two cultures in the following slide. Children’s emotional development in the two cultures is the most universal of the 3 subcategories.
The Importance of Music in Children’s Lives Emotional Development United States and Italy #Music helps increase children’s self-esteem, while motivating and inspiring them. #Self-esteem improves when the child has a better sense of self-which can be directly related to music when the child sees themselves as competent. #Emotional development increases through music; children begin to have empathy for other cultures through musical practice. #Children involved in music better cope with anxiety. #Music can help children relax and remain stress-free. #Music can cause children to express their emotions more easily.
This video is a perfect example of what music can do emotionally. Although, this is a video of a baby, it displays how powerful music really is.
Every Child Belongs to Music There is no such thing as a child who doesn’t belong in the music classroom. No student should be “weeded out” of musical instruction- there is always a place for them.
My Personal Advocacy Statement “ Music is essential for a healthy life. Music should always remain in the school systems and students should always have exposure to it. As a future music educator/therapist, I am advocating music simply because it makes people feel good. Music allows people of all ages and cultures to think creatively, express themselves freely, and have a high level of self-esteem; all of which are important for a positive and successful life. It really is the universal language of the world.”
References 1.“20 Important Benefits of Music In Our Schools.” Bachelors Degree 20 Important Benefits of Music In Our Schools Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov “Italy-International Society for Music Education.” International Directory of Music and Music Education Institutions. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov “Let the Kid Study Music, Already!.” Let the Kid Study Music Already. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov “Music Classes for Toddlers, Babies, Kids & Families | Kindermusik.” Music Classes for Toddlers, Babies, Kids & Families | Kindermusik. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov “Music Together – The Importance of Music in Early Childhood.” Music Together – The Importance of Music in Early Childhood. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov “Music in Higher Education in Italy and the United States: The Pros and Cons of Tradition and Innovation.” College Music Symposium: Journal of the College Music Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Nov “Start the Music: A Report from the Early Childhood Summit.” NAfME – Music Education – N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov