Stewards MKMCF Makopan Memorial College Music Education Development Sharing session Time: 8:00-9:00
Stewards MKMCF Makopan Memorial College Music Education Development Programme Rundown Welcoming message 8:00-8:10 Music sharing 8:10-8:20 Music Ed Development sharing 8:20-8:50 Q & A 8:50-9:00
Stewards MKMCF Makopan Memorial College Music Education Development Importance of Music Education Framework strengths partners
The Value Of Music Education In MKP Common language Transcends age and cultures Transcends age and cultures Ways to understandand share our emotions Connects and promotes empathy among people
IMPORTANCE OF MUSIC EDUCATION Music Education Helps Develop: Hand-Eye Coordination Memory Skills Concentration Problem Solving Skills Teamwork Self-Confidence/Self Esteem Standards of Excellence Time Management Skills
4 Categories of Benefits for Music Education 1. Success in Society 2. Success in School 3. Success in Developing Intelligence 4. Success in Life
How Music Connects to the Core Subject Areas Research & Ideas Used in the MusicClassroom
Music and Math Spatial/temporal relationships in music exist as pitch and rhythm patterns The cognitive skills used to process music are used in math as well It can help students understand math concepts such as number lines. Gardiner, 1996
Music and Math Young children were taught fractions using concept of rhythmic notation-relationships between different note values Rauscher, 1999
Music and Science Instruments and Science Size and Pitch: Large instruments have low sounds Small instruments have high sounds The opportunities to connect music to science are ENDLESS!!!
Music and…..
Music and Liberal Studies Happens often when teaching/learning songs about: Countries Continents States Game songs from other cultures Folk dances from around the world While learning these songs, we also learn: Games Dances Instruments-both Western and Chinese Rhythms Songs in native languages History of Western music and world music
Music and…..
Music and Reading Both music and reading rely on the discrimination of sounds from each other When learning to read, we learn how to relate letters to their spoken sounds
In the Music /Band Room Your Child Has the Opportunity to: Learn how to sing Learn how to read music Learn how to play instruments Learn musical games Learn important musical terms Perform for others Create rhythms and melodies, Listen to music from many cultures and time periods And much, much more!
Music Is… Science~it is exact, specific, and demands acoustics. Mathematical~it is rhythmically based on subdivisions of time into fractions Foreign Language~terms are often in Italian, German, or French. Notation is a set of symbols used to represent ideas that everyone, regardless of language can understand
Music Is… Chinese History/History~ reflects the times, country, and origin of it’s creation Physical Education~ coordination of eyes, hands, fingers, lips, voice, facial, and diaphragm muscles in response to the sounds heard and interpreted Visual Art~ Use all of the technical aspects of music to create emotion and beauty
Scientific Research Shows Music Study Helps Young Brains Develop... Scientific Research Shows Music Study Helps Young Brains Develop... Music is a basic building block of intelligence Playing music develops critical neural connections
Benefits of Music Study... Improves Spatial Reasoning Improves Flexibility of Thought Builds Abstract Reasoning Skills Develops Good Work Habits
High School Music Makers ’ Test Scores Higher Dept. of Educ. tracked 25,000 students over ten years Music-making students outperformed non-musical peers Results same for all socio-economic groups
Music Students Score Higher SATs Average 57 points higher in verbal Average 41 points higher in math
Music Students Enjoy Greater College Success Music majors are better readers Music majors are most successful Medical school applicants Some advantages in applying JUPAS