School Improvement Plan South Scotland Elementary School
American Indian 111 students (24%) AIG30 students (7%) African American 92 students (20%) Students w/Disability 60 students (14%) Asian3 students (>1%) Economically Disadvantaged Students 312 students (67.68%) Caucasian224 students (49%) K-5 Enrollment431 students Hispanic5 students (1%) Total Enrollment w/ Pre-K 466 Multi26 students (5%) South Scotland’s Demographics
Literacy & Writing (Goal 1 Strategy 1) Reading 3D Composite Scores South Scotland-EOY 82% Kindergarten-EOY 86% First Grade-EOY 80% Second Grade-EOY 81% Third Grade-EOY 80%
ClassScape Data (Goal 1 Strategy 3) Standard Analysis results show that RI 5 & RI 8 (informational text) need to be an area of focus in all grade levels Classroom Walkthrough Data (Goal 1 Strategy 3) Instructional trends show that differentiation and level of questioning are areas of focus across all grade levels Instructional trend show an increase of differentiation strategies through Daily Five and Café Literacy. Levels of Questioning continue to be an area of focus.
South Scotland’s EVAAS Data Educational Value-Added Assessment System EVAAS is a computer program that keeps track of student data over time. Information on how students perform on End of Grade tests are tracked to help identify instructional trends for the teacher. South Scotland exceeded growth for students. The composite score was South Scotland’s students showed the most growth in the county when compared to other elementary schools.
Literacy and Writing Implementing Daily Five and Café Literacy school-wide to incorporate researched based instructional practices for teaching reading and writing (Goal 1 Strategy 3) Keys to Literacy-3 rd thru 5 th grade and EC teachers were trained and now use this program to organize thoughts, note taking, and summaries in all content areas through 2 column notes, top down topic webs, and other visual aids for processing information. (Goal 1 Strategy 3)
Literacy and Writing Cont.’ Leadership Notebooks are maintained by all students to reflect on goals, leadership roles, and accomplishments. Weekly leadership time is built in to class schedule. (Goal 4 Strategy 2) Math and Science teachers incorporate writing journals for their subject area for reflection, proving answers, and solving story problems. (Goal 2 Strategy 1 & Goal 5 Strategy 3)
Literacy and Writing Cont.’ ( Goals 1, 2, 4 & 5) Each Specialist will maintain a Data Notebook that contains the following sections: Discipline plan Communication log Curriculum Integration Planning Sheet Each specialist will have a data section for their content standards
CompositeReadingMathScienceGrowth State Scotland County South Exceeds END OF GRADE PROFICIENCY Due to the implementation of Common Core and re-norming of new assessments the state showed a 15%-40% decrease in proficiency. As a result South Scotland’s proficiency scores are as follows:
EOG Comparison Chart
RTI Grade Level# of Students in Tier 2 or 3 Kindergarten 31 First 30 Second 30 Third 25 Fourth 40 Fifth 30 Total 186 South Scotland currently has 431 students enrolled in K-5.
Professional Development Professional Development has been determined by Classroom/District Walkthroughs, ClassScape data, Reading 3D data, EVAAS data, feedback from teachers, and state mandates.
PD Needs in True North Logic Daily Five and Café Literacy (Goal 1 Strategy 3) Identifying Reading 3D, EVAAS, Classroom Walkthrough trends ( Goal 1, 2, 4, & 5) Leader In Me initial training and refreshers ( Goal 4 Strategy 1, 2, & 3) Technology as a student tool for collaboration, creation, and research (Big Universe, Edmodo, Ipads, Google docs, electronic notebooks) ( Goal 1 Strategy 3, Goal 2 Strategy 2, Goal 5 Strategy 3) RTI-Tier 3 Module and researched based interventions (Goal 1 Strategy 3Goal 5 Strategy 2) Keys To Literacy-Training 2 K-2 teachers (Goal 1, Strategy 2) Learning Walks at South Scotland (All Goals)
Special Populations EC Students Caseload: 38 students (non-speech) IEP’s are reviewed to ensure appropriate goals, service time, modifications, and accommodation are being utilized. EC teachers have attended Reading Foundations training. One EC teacher has attended Math Foundations training. Inclusion model is used 4 th & 5 th. EC and classroom teachers plan together. EC teachers received training in Daily Five and Café Literacy. EC is implementing SPIRE, Sound Sensible, Corrective Reading, Rave-O and Pin- Point Math. Progress monitoring is done through Brigance and Reading 3D. Currently looking at FAST as another method of progress monitoring. RTI-3 Tier Module will be utilized to provide researched based interventions.
Special Populations AIG Students ( Goal 1 Strategy 1 and 3 & Goal 3 Strategy 3) 30 students are currently served in AIG Title One money was used to buy a full time AIG teacher to improve growth of students in the upper grades and target students K-3 to identify students earlier and target minority students to expand the AIG population using Primary Education Thinking Skills (PETS) 3 Teachers are currently working on their AIG certification through UNCP
Special Population Cont.’ Alignment of Common Language and Procedures Vertically Teachers in grades 3-5 and EC received Keys To Literacy training and have uniformed procedures and a common language for teaching note taking, organization of information, and processing of information Daily Five and Café Literacy will provide common language and processes vertically for students to have common procedures, language, and instructional strategies in place as well as assist teachers in differentiating instruction to help all students grow Leader In Me provides interventions for life long leadership and self accountability through teaching the 7 Habits and participating in leadership roles
Special Population Cont.’ 4 th and 5 th grades have a scheduled enrichment/intervention block Classrooms are heterogeneously created to provide a diverse population of learners
Discipline Data ( Goal 4 All Strategies) Out of School Suspensions Out of School Suspensions Out of School Suspensions-10 (updated 1/3/2013) Grade LevelNumber of OSS Pre-K0 Kindergarten0 First0 Second1 Third2 Fourth0 Fifth7 EC1
Any student who was suspended had a parent conference with administration and reported to guidance or administration before returning to class. All students who were repeat offenders meet with guidance for a period of time or indefinitely. These students will also be seen by guidance at the beginning of the new school year. Mentors were put in place for targeted students. GenderNumber of StudentsRepeat Offenders Boys72 students Girls10 students
The Day in the Life of a Leader Scheduled leadership time to discuss and explore habits Student led conferences using Leadership Notebooks Habit Highlights through morning announcements Community Leader Assemblies Student led Awards Day Assemblies Leadership Carnival Leadership Day Scotty Helper
Leader In Me ( Goal 4 All Strategies) Implementation of 7 Habits and Leadership Notebooks in all classrooms Habit Highlights on morning announcements Host community leaders to spotlight leadership Host Leader in Me Night for parents Host Leadership Day
Technology ( Goal 1 Strategies 2 & 3, Goal 2 Strategy 2, Goal 5 Strategy 3) South has 2 computer labs used for Fast ForWord. K-3 classes have reserved lab times each week. South currently has 2 fourth and 3 fifth grade classrooms with virtual labs. Kindergarten-third grade classrooms have 3-4 computers per classroom and 3 iPads per classroom. The focus for technology this year will be on evaluating programs we currently use and utilizing technology as an instructional tool vs. a skill and drill tool. Big Universe was purchased as an online library that also adds components of writing/publishing books and blogging.
Read To Achieve (Goal 1 Strategy 1) Held 3 rd Grade parent night in September along with Dr. Burris to discuss Read to Achieve and curriculum Parents signed letter stating that they understood the new Read To Achieve Law Parents were surveyed for their understanding of the law and plan of action Planning a second Read To Achieve night for February 2014 and a morning parent session 3 rd grade teachers receive an extra planning time on Fridays that is solely dedicated to scoring and data analysis for Read To Achieve and selection of passages for students
South Scotland has received $3, in grants to purchase classroom materials for Daily 5.