Peralta Elementary School 4th GRADE WELCOME TO OUR CLASSROOM!!! Mrs. Crislip
Who is this teacher as a person?
Ways To Contact Mrs. Crislip Through the internet: My Email Address The best way to contact me is through email. My e-mail is: Through the school’s phone number: (951)222-7701 Announcements Homework Supply List Links Teacher Class Schedule Wish List © 2000-2005 TeacherWeb, Inc. Mr. Sanchez WELCOME!!! WELCOME!!! WELCOME!!! WELCOME!!! WELCOME!!!
Discussion Topics Classroom Rules Consequences for breaking the rules Classroom Procedures Classroom Economy
Our Classroom Rules 1.) Work as a team 2.) Be responsible 3.) Listen to others 4.) Be respectful to everyone 5.) Be kind and helpful 6.) Do your best always 7.) Be safe 8.) Be ready to learn 9.) Adjust your voice level to Suit the activity
Positive Rewards for following rules Verbal praise Bonuses (Classroom Economy) Positive notes/e-mail home Positive phone call home Positive notice to the Principal Extra computer time Extra PE/Recess time Special Privileges (TBD by teacher)
Consequences For Breaking The Classroom Rules 1st Rule reminder (class or individual) Fine Paid (classroom economy – depends on infraction) Verbal warning 2nd Modification (e.g. change seat) Time away in another class - 3rd Parental Contact Recess taken away - 4th Office referral
What happens if I do not do my homework? You will receive a ticket and will pay a fine (classroom economy). This means you will have less money available to purchase items from the class store/monthly auction.
Discussion Topics Asking Questions Classroom Guidelines
Mrs. Crislip what do I need to do if I have a question to ask? Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged. Once I call on you, ask your question. Wait until I respond to your question before you begin to talk. I want to hear your questions, but I can only answer one question at a time.
Entering the room (Morning) Please enter quietly, remain standing at your desk. We will say the Pledge of Allegiance Have a seat (backpack on back of chair) Take out your morning work notebook and a pencil Take out your completed homework. The Homework Supervisor will check in homework and will pass out bonuses to those who completed their homework, and fines to those who did not. Complete morning work assignment Copy the homework assignment(s) in your agenda. **Meteorologist and News Director will deliver forecast and current events during this time**
Entering the room (All other times) Please enter quietly Have a seat Continue working on assignment, or wait for instruction from your teacher
Getting your attention/Quieting down I will: Raise my hand or use the music wand to get your attention. This means that everyone in the room must stop what they are doing immediately. 1st Clear your hands of any materials 2nd Stay still 3rd Look directly at me 4th Be prepared to listen to what I have to say to you I am trying to get your attention It will be my turn to speak to you
Using the bathroom/water fountain When you need to use the bathroom, use the sign language symbol for ‘t’. When you need to use the water fountain, use the sign language symbol for w. YOU MUST WAIT until I give you the sign, by shaking my head up and down, to use the bathroom or water fountain. You will then sign out and proceed quietly to the bathroom. Only 1 student at a time will be allowed to be signed out.
Exiting the room Make sure that your desk is cleared of any materials. Look around your desk and pick up any trash from the floor. Line up in the line quietly. No one should ever talk while in the line.
Standing in line Always look ahead of you Never look to the sides Standing in line is NOT THE TIME TO TALK WITH FRIENDS OR OTHERS THAT PASS YOU BY Always make sure you are quiet, you need to be able to listen to my instructions.
Entering and exiting the cafeteria for assemblies You are to always enter the cafeteria quietly. Only I will dismiss you from the cafeteria. DO NOT GET UP from your seat until I tell you to do so. You will line up quietly against the wall, once we have exited the cafeteria.
Entering and exiting the cafeteria for lunch You are to always enter and exit the cafeteria quietly. Absolutely NO horsing around in line or in the cafeteria. Do not leave until you are dismissed by a supervisor.
Following Classroom Guidelines will result in: Verbal Praise A Stress free learning environment An enjoyable and orderly classroom atmosphere Opportunities to earn economy money for the student store and monthly auctions.
Not Following Guidelines will result in: 1st Rule reminder (class or individual) Fine Paid (classroom economy – depends on infraction) Verbal warning 2nd Modification (e.g. change seat) Time away in another class - 3rd Parental Contact Recess taken away - 4th Office referral
Discussion Topics Attendance Tardies Classroom Supplies
Attendance and Tardies It is very important that you come to class!!! If you come to school after 8:40, you are late!!! 1st tardy-free pass 2nd tardy- warning 3rd you will receive a $50.00 fine (economy $’s) It is very important that you come to school on a daily basis. If you miss school then you miss out on learning valuable information.
Place the tardy slip my desk Have a seat and take out your materials When you are tardy Enter quietly Place the tardy slip my desk Have a seat and take out your materials
Make Up Work If you are absent it is your responsibility to make up the work you missed. Go to the “While you were out” folders, located next to the door, and look for your name. Your name will be labeled on the material(s) you missed in my class. If is not made up and turned in on the assigned date, your grade will be a zero. Tests/quizzes missed will be made up before or after school the following day. You have 24 hours to make up all work.
Classroom Supplies Community supplies will be located and shall remain in the middle of your table group in the appropriate storage area. Mrs. Crislip’s pencils, crayons, markers, highlighters and other supplies will be marked and must be kept in the designated area when not in use. Pencil sharpeners will be available with your supplies as needed. Custodians will sharpen all pencils at the end of the day. Please treat all supplies with care! You will be issued a fine for the misuse or destruction of Mrs. Crislip’s supplies.
Classroom Supplies
GREAT STUDENTS WANTED!!! Great students ALWAYS follow the rules…
YOU SHOULD ALWAYS… Follow our classroom rules, procedures, and guidelines. Be prepared to learn. Be prepared for class. Bring with you to class everyday your pencil/pen, paper, notebook, and silent reading book. Read your silent reading book during silent reading. Ask questions!!!! There is no such things as silly questions. Be courteous and respectful to your fellow classmates. Use Black or Blue ink only. Use lined paper. Make sure that you have loose leaf paper.
Discussion Topics Grading Scale Grading Policy Conduct and Effort
Grading Scale 95-100% 4 Exceeds Standard/Thorough Understanding 75-94% 3 Meets Standard/Adequate Understanding 50-74% 2 Needs more practice with that standard and is working on meeting it/Partial Understanding 0-49% 1 Does not seem to grasp standard/Minimal Understanding
Discussion Topics Turning in Paper Classroom Materials
Classroom Materials Silent Reading Book Loose leaf paper (2 packs) 2 inch binder (1) Number 2 Pencils (1 pack) Pencil Pouch (1) Pencil sharpener with cover (1) Black or blue ink pens (1 pack) Index cards (1 pack) Glue stick (1) Scissors (1) Markers (1) Highlighter (2)
Finish Classwork Early “What do I do next?”
What Do I Do Next? Activities Work on unfinished Reading and Language Arts assignments Read your book silently Review vocabulary words Read a book from our classroom library
Discussion Topics Homework Homework Folder
Homework Is your responsibility to do homework everyday!!! Homework helps you learn and improve on the lessons we are learning in our class. If you do not do your homework assignment(s), you will receive a fine.
Homework Folder The homework folder is green. All of your homework will be in your homework folder. On the left hand pocket of the folder is the “Out” section. All of the homeworkthat is complete goes in this section. On the right hand pocket of the folder is the “In” section. The home learning that needs to be completed will go in this section.
Discussion Topics Interactive classroom (Smart Board) Classroom Library Computer Lab
Classroom Library Library day in our classroom is every Tuesday. You are allowed to check out one book from our classroom library. All books are due the following Tuesday. You must check out the book with the class Librarian. If you need help, please see our classroom Librarian. If you do not follow these procedures, you will not be allowed to check out books.
Entering and exiting the computer lab You are to always enter the computer lab quietly. DO NOT USE THE COMPUTER UNTIL I instruct you do so. You need to listen to the learning activity for the day. Always follow our classroom rules while at the computer rules. Failure to adhere to these rules will cause you not to participate in the computer lab activity for the day.
Discussion Topics Classroom Economy Classroom Economy Jobs Classroom Economy Bonuses Classroom Economy Fines Classroom Economy Rewards Examples
What is Classroom Economy? Students will earn classroom money for jobs that they hold in class, they will pay rent for their desks and they will pay taxes in April. Students can earn bonus cash for good attendance, completed assignments, etc. On the other hand, students who do not meet classroom expectations will be given fines for not meeting classroom expectations. Students will be allowed to purchase items from the classroom store, and will be allowed to participate in a monthly auction.
Classroom Economy Jobs
Banker There are 5 Banker positions available. Responsibilities: You will keep banking records for 6 to 7 students. You will accept money for deposits, payout money for salaries and withdrawals. You will keep some cash ready to meet requests and will deposit remaining cash into the Central Classroom Bank. Salary: $300 a month ($150.00 every 2 weeks)
Police Officer There are 5 Police Officer positions available. Responsibilities: You will be responsible for monitoring 6 to 7 students. You will issue/collect fines for students who are not meeting classroom expectations. You will keep a record of all fines/fine payments. Salary: $280 a month ($140.00 every 2 weeks)
Clerk There are 2 Clerk positions available. Responsibilities: You will be responsible for handing out and collecting papers and student supplies. You will also be responsible for organizing supplies and keeping them neat. Salary: $250 a month ($125.00 every 2 weeks)
Messenger There are 2 Messenger positions available. Responsibilities: Deliver messages/papers to other classrooms or to the office. Answer the phone during instruction time. Salary: $220 a month ($110.00 every 2 weeks)
Custodian There are 5 Custodian positions available. Responsibilities: Keep the board, floor and countertops clean. Tidy up classroom areas when they need it. Make sure recycling items are placed where they should be. Salary: $250 a month ($125.00 every 2 weeks)
Librarian There is 1 Librarian position available. Responsibilities: Keep a record of books checked out of the classroom library. Remind students to return the books if they are late. Keep the classroom library organized. Take books to the school library as needed. Salary: $240 a month ($120.00 every 2 weeks)
Attendance/Lunch Supervisor There is 1 Attendance/Lunch Supervisor position available. Responsibilities: You will take daily attendance, lunch count and record absences. Report absences and lunch count to the teacher. Provide students with make-up materials when they return to class. Salary: $220 a month ($110.00 every 2 weeks)
Homework Supervisor There are 2 Homework Supervisor positions available. Responsibilities: You will check in all homework, recording all completed, incomplete and missing homework assignments. You will report all missing/incomplete homework to the police officers to issue fines. Salary: $220 a month ($110.00 every 2 weeks)
Technology Supervisor There are 2 Technology Supervisor positions available. Responsibilities: You will be responsible for turning the lights/computers on or off at appropriate times. You will assist with technology tasks such as setting up projectors, preparing cameras, using equipment and assisting students with logging in. Salary: $220 a month ($110.00 every 2 weeks)
Equipment Supervisor There are 1 Equipment Supervisor position available. Responsibilities: You will keep a record of all classroom equipment. Borrow and return gym equipment as needed. Salary: $220 a month ($110.00 every 2 weeks)
Store Clerk There are 2 Store Clerk positions available. Responsibilities: You will manage the school store, keep a record of inventory and run the store when students purchase items. Salary: $220 a month ($110.00 every 2 weeks)
News Director There is 1 News Director position available. Responsibilities: You will be responsible for keeping the class updated on current events. Research topics of interest (with teacher approval) and report to the class. Update classroom newsletter. Salary: $240 a month ($120.00 every 2 weeks)
Meteorologist There is 1 Meteorologist position available. Responsibilities: You will be responsible for checking daily weather forecasts and reporting them to the class. Keep a record of weather that occurs throughout the year. Salary: $240 a month ($120.00 every 2 weeks)
Substitute There are 1-4 Substitute positions available. Responsibilities: You will be responsible for performing the job of any absent student. Salary: $200 a month ($100.00 every 2 weeks)
Information Rent Desk Monthly Rent: $200 a month One-time desk purchase price: $500 Failure to pay rent Students who miss a rent payment will be excluded from that month’s auction. Successful Saving Students who make their rent payments and manage to save additional money can reap rewards: They get to be bidders on Auction Day. They can be recognized in front of everyone during the year-end wrap-up. Most temptingly, they have the chance to buy their desks outright and forever be rent-free.
Information Key Points Students are responsible for keeping up their own registers to record transactions (banker can check math upon request) Payday is every other Friday. Bankers will distribute paychecks, students will record in register Students may only spend money they earn. They may not give away money or hire students to do their job. Students are encouraged to save at least 10% of their paycheck for unexpected fines or expenses.
Bonuses In addition to the monthly salaries that students earn from their jobs, they can earn bonus money by performing well academically and participating in extracurricular activities. Activity Bonus Amount Earn a (4) on a small test or quiz $50 Earn a (4) on a major test $100 At school all week long $100 Turned in completed homework $50 Get a complement from another teacher $50 Finishing a chapter book (submit summary) $100 Exceptional Behavior $50 Earning a good note from Sub (class bonus) $100/each student Being a model student $50 Complement from Principal $500 A good visit from the desk fairy $50 Good teamwork (table bonus) $50/each student in group
Fines Just as students can earn bonuses for go above and beyond, students may also be required to pay fines for not meeting classroom expectations. Activity Fine Amount Dishonest $50 Messy Desk $50 Off Task Behavior $50 Missing Work $50 Tardiness (3rd+offense) $50 Rudeness $50 No Name on Work $10 Not being responsible with materials $100 Late Work $50 Incomplete work/homework $50 Bad note from sub (class) $100/each student Table group off task (group) $50/each student Absent (each day) $20
Classroom Store iReward Coupon Price Homework pass (1 section) $50 (May purchase one every Friday or save money for Auction) Homework pass (1 section) $50 Pencil Box $75 Notebook $100 Pencil $25 Pen $40 Eraser $40 Treat $30 Homework pass (all sections) $200 Erase a fine pass $40 Snack from the teacher pass $30
Monthly Auction iReward Coupon Bidding starts at… (May purchase one every Friday or save money for Auction) Chew gum in class $20 Sit at the Teacher’s desk for the day $75 Wear a hat in the classroom $25 Use the Teacher’s seat for the day (front of class) $75 Sit with your best friend during class today $50 Wear sunglasses in the classroom for the day $20 Be the first in line ALL day today $20 No morning work today $20 Eat a healthy treat while you work $20 Eat candy while you work $30 20 minutes extra computer time $100 15 minutes tablet time $75 Yoga ball chair for the day $75 Yoga ball chair for the week $150 Use a pen for the day $10 Shoes off (socks on) in the classroom all day $50 Switch jobs with a classmate for a day $50 Lead a class game or activity $50 Teacher cleans and organizes your desk $100 Switch desks with a classmate for the day $50 Read a book or poem to the class $50 Teacher’s assistant for the day $50 Give the spelling test to the class $100 Share a song with the class (approved by teacher) $50 Wear your slippers in the classroom for the day $50
Class Rewards iReward Coupon Bidding starts at… (Students must pool money together as a class) 5 minute class chat break $300 List to music while you work $600 20 minutes free time for the class $1000 Cookie Party (Teacher will bring in) $1500 Donut Party (Teacher will bring in) $1500 No homework for the class for 1 night $2000 End of trimester class pizza party $3000
Example My Job: Banker Salary: $300.00/month (paid $150 every 2 weeks) Salary this month: $300.00 Rent Due this month: $ 200.00 Bonuses paid this month: 4 quizzes with a ‘4’, paid at $20 each is $80.00 Attendance, paid at $25 each week is $100.00 Completed Homework, paid at $20 each week is $80.00 Good visit from desk fairy is $25.00 Teamwork Bonus $50.00 Total bonuses: $335 Fines paid this month: Missing assignment is $50.00 No name on work $10.00 Total fines: $60.00 300.00 salary $375.00 (remaining at end of month) -200.00 rent - 30.00 (10% savings, deposited with banker) - 60.00 fines - 30.00 snack from teacher +335.00 bonuses $315.00 left for end of month auction $375.00 remaining
Example My Job: Substitute Salary: $200.00/month (paid $100 every 2 weeks) Salary this month: $200.00 Rent Due this month: $ 200.00 Bonuses paid this month: 2 quizzes with a ‘4’, paid at $20 each is $40.00 Attendance, paid at $25 each week is $100.00 Completed Homework, paid at $20 each week is $80.00 Good visit from desk fairy is $25.00 Teamwork Bonus $50.00 Caught being good (no fines) $50.00 Total bonuses: $345 Fines paid this month: Total fines: $0.00 200.00 salary $345.00 (remaining at end of month) -200.00 rent - 20.00 (10% savings, deposited with banker) - 0.00 fines - 30.00 snack from teacher +345.00 bonuses $295.00 left for end of month auction $345.00 remaining
Discussion Topics Existing Mrs. Crislip’s Class A message from Mrs. Crislip Student/Parent Signature Page
leaving at the end of the day) Class Dismissal The teacher dismisses you, not the bell Do not start packing up prior to the end of the class Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with: “Have a fantastic day” All chairs are to be stacked up in front of your table group, when I say “Stack them up, please” *(Applies to the class leaving at the end of the day)
A Message From Mrs. Crislip… I look forward toward a productive school year. I know that all of you all possess the gift of learning. I look forward to being your teacher and watching you grow academically in our classroom. Here’s to an awesome school year!!!
STUDENT SIGNATURE Student’s Name:____________________________ I have read with my parent/guardian the contents of Mrs. Crislip’s PowerPoint and understand it. I promise to follow the classroom rules, procedures, and guidelines. _____________________ _______________ Student Signature Date