University Education in the United Kingdom
UK Universities Quality of education overall (11 top 100 universities worldwide) Times Higher Education 2014- 15 England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Prestigious Oxbridge opportunity (Oxford-Cambridge) Wide-choice: 154 recognized higher education learning institutions Studies generally focus on a particular field of study from day 1 Choice of specific subjects at the beginning of Undergraduate level A field and job oriented education versus a broad, multi-modular one
UK Universities Conditional offers based on Counsellor’s Predicted Bac score (which are based on Lycée grades) High level of autonomy required Different types of campuses (a few examples) Traditional Setting: University of Oxford Urban Setting: Imperial College London Autonomous Campus: Warwick University City Campus: Bristol University
Imperial College London
Undergraduate Study and Degrees
Degrees Bachelor level : 3 to 4 year courses BSc : Bachelor of Science, BA : Bachelor of Arts, BEng : Bachelor of Engineering, Integrated Masters Degree MEng : Masters in Engineering - 4 years instead of 5 in France Specific courses in certain areas Medicine MB ChB (5-6y), Dentistry BDS (5y), Veterinary BVSc (5-6y), Law LLB (3-4y) Joint courses & Major-Minor courses, Liberal arts (less specialized field of study); May have work placement in the middle of studies Careful, check in detail « with Language ≠ and Language » Options to go Abroad Erasmus exchanges and double diplomas Other options: shorter, part-time
UNDERGRADUATE UNIVERSITY COSTS General Costs: Tuition Fees : +/- 9 000 £ a year (UK and EU students), and from 15 000 to 37 000 £ a year (International students) Accommodation Fees : from 4000 to 9000 £ a year Living costs : +/- 500 £ a month This is just an indication: accommodation and living costs vary significantly according to location/university/type of accommodation
Application Process
Applying Through UCAS : one central on-line agency: Choose up to 5 courses very carefully 4 in Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary + 1 other UCAS and uni websites, Write one Personal Statement online (4000 characters max) for all applications Concise, informative, specific, honest (plagiarism detection) (≠ US essay) Apply by mid-January deadline (usually by 18h UK time) Watch out for Extra Application Requirements and/or Earlier Deadlines Oxbridge requires additional tests, grades or personal work Specific subjects: Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary, Law, English, Classics, Fashion
oxbridge Specificities Application deadline mid-October, usually 15th(by 18h UK time)- still one Personal Statement in UCAS Interviews that assess both subject specific skills and your profile: require preparation Choice of Colleges or Open Application Admission tests to be taken: require preparation TSA Cambridge in Computer Science, Engineering , Mathematics TSA Oxford in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and Economics and Management
Other Specificities In Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Studies: Same mid-October deadline for applications as Oxbridge An interview is required by all universities BMAT or UKCAT admission test is also required Other Admission tests to look into: CATS in Classics, ELAT in English, HAT in History, LNAT in Law, MML in Languages, STEP in Mathematics, PAT in Physics … Some universities require an interview in certain courses (e.g Imperial College in Civil Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering…) Check this out carefully
Preparation for the UK
What UK Unis Want Academic requirements that vary according to courses and universities Get the best grades you can, so your Baccalaureate Prediction allows you to get good offers, and in the end, you meet your best offer. Once you meet an offer you are guaranteed a place A Personal Statement that stands out (and that you can defend in an Interview if necessary) Put forward your motivations and skills in line with your courses. Also, have Work Experience in your field to talk about: practical experience is highly valued. Although extra-curricular activities are good to mention too, they are not as important.For interviews, try to be an expert in the field you During interviews, you need to demonstrate your interest, expertise in a subject.
In Seconde Choose what subject(s) you want to study, in line with the fields you most likely want to work in later on Orientation programs, Fairs, Discussions, Counsellor Start looking into both Courses and Universities Plan Campus visits, go to University Open Days, meet alumni, ask yourself where you would like to live (city or countryside, town or campus, old or new environment…) Make sure your grades are consistent with your goals Arrange Work Experience internships in order to determine and demonstrate your interest in a field
TIPS FOR Life in the UK Adjust to cultural shock Be independent: plan your own studies-revisions, fill up your schedule (1 contact with Tutor /month) Be flexible Avoid isolation by choosing the right accommodation Enjoy!