Dr. Bálint Magyar Minister of Education School of future Dr. Bálint Magyar Minister of Education www.om.hu
Accelerating time 5% of the existing professions change in every five years, 5% decrease in the professions not based on knowledge of infocommunication technology in every two years Exsistential perspectives of professions not based on ICT knowledge move around the average minimal wage. Ez a folyamat ráadásul gyorsul www.om.hu
Features of change in knowledge Learnt professional skills become out of date within 10 years, 32 times increase of relevant information linked to the given profession in the Internet every year The number of Internet connections doubles in every year, Continuous increase in broadband. www.om.hu
Knowledge-based society Changing Paradigm Industrial society Knowledge-based society Facts, data, rules Skills and Competences Transfer of closed, final, textbook-knowledge in one occasion Lifelong learning knowledge-networks Fixed, homogeneous team- studying method Flexible, heterogeneous team- studying method (individual-centred education) Frontal pedagogy „Constructivist” education www.om.hu
Metamorphosis of the role of teachers The role of instructors in the XX. century: father, scholar, monopolist of knowledge. The role of instructors in the XXI. century: colleague, manager in handling information, chief coordinator controlling the „jungle” of information. www.om.hu
Lifelong learning Skills, competences backing continuous studying process should be the focus of education: Intelligent learning Digital literacy Problem solving skills Communication skills Social and career building competencies www.om.hu
Role of ICT in education For instructors it means: Unlimited access to information, Lower costs and time demand, Ceasing of routin tasks, reduce in work load, Comprehensiveness of professional development, Opportunity for cooperation, Utilization of opportunities provided by the National Core Curriculum in the field of alternative teaching materials Continuous self-training. www.om.hu
Role of ICT in education For students it means: Interactive, individual-based education, Better understanding by the wide range of presentation facilities (verbality → visuality), Time sparing, Individual sense of achievement, Easier concentration on the subject, Integrative but individual-based education offered to disadvantaged students and students with special educational needs. www.om.hu
Role of ICT in education For the Administration: Easy tracking of educational progress, Effective feedback from labor market demand, Easier analysis of economic processes, Easier completion of statistical and quality measurement surveys, Quality and performance control. www.om.hu
ICT means in education – Pillars of Schoolnet Express, pillar 1 „Public utility” Internet network 2005. Organized by the Ministry of Informatics and Communications, Every public institution will be equipped with broadband Internet acess, 5500 institutions of public education (until 2005), Satellite network in 600 separated/or neighbouring country institution (2004). www.om.hu
ICT means in education, pillar 2 Establishment of local networks First part of 2004 – providing 300 wireless network to secondary schools through a call for proposal announced by the Ministry of Informatics and Communications. www.om.hu
ICT means in education, pillar 3: innovation Mobile, digital presentation equipment („digital trolley”) www.om.hu
ICT means in education Mobile, digital presentation tool („digital trolley”) Contents: 1 laptop 1 projector Amplifier, speaker, microphone VHS, DVD Keeping box Digital suitcase: laptop + projector Digital trolley and suitcase in all secondary schools Responsible for this project: Ministry of Informatics and Communications. www.om.hu
ICT means in education Increase in the number of computer laboratories: Normative support for the development in informatics – starting from 2005, Providing advantageous financial terms and conditions. www.om.hu
ICT means in education – pillar 4, teacher training In-service teacher training and incentives for purchasing computing instruments: Spring 2004: ICT training for 10 000 teachers, 2004 – 2006: ICT training for 30 000 teachers for competence based education combined with incentives for purchasing computing products, Sulinet Expressz tax allowance. www.om.hu
ICT means in education – pillar 5: content development Sulinet Digital Base of knowledge (September 2004) Digitalized teaching materials for classes 7-12. Examples, animation, demonstration films, Supplementary data bases, background information, Methodological assistance, lecture drafts, Opportunity for individual editing and content forming Forum, chat, collaborative opportunities. www.om.hu
ICT means in education Sulinet Digital Base of knowledge (September 2004) Instructor Utilization of prepared, team or individually developed output in class, Consultation, restructuring of the subject, Cooperative work in class or project task. Student Individual learning, Background for preparation (home essay, presentations etc.), collaborative, cooperative learning, Content development individually or in cooperation. www.om.hu
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