Dr. Iyad Jafar Embedded Systems CPE 333
Instructor Information Dr. Iyad F. Jafar Office : Room 002 Computer Engineering Office Hours Sunday & Tuesday 10:00 – 11:00 AM Monday & Wednesday 9:30 – 10:30 AM Website: fetweb.ju.edu.jo/staff/cpe/jafar
Class Information Embedded Systems CPE333 Location: Civil 002 Time : 3:00 – 4:00 PM
Course Objectives 1. To understand the main concepts of embedded systems. 2. To learn about the structure of microcontrollers. 3. To be able to program microcontrollers 4. To be able to design simple to medium complexity embedded systems. 5. To link together various concepts from circuits, electronics and computer engineering in a practical manner.
Textbook & References Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers (principles and applications), 1st Ed. By: Tim Wilmshurst, Newnes, 2007 Textbook website me/708502/description#toc References The PIC Microcontroller Book from web site. MicroChip web site The PIClist internet site (search for it on the Internet). Technical data sheets from the Microchip website
Course Outline Introduction. Embedded Systems. (Chap. 1, sec. 1-6) Towards the Minimum System. (Chap. 2, sec.1-8) Starting to program (Chap. 4, sec. 1-4, 10, & Chap. 5, sec. 2-6) Working with time: interrupts, counters and timers (Chap. 6) Parallel ports, power supply and the clock oscillator (Chap. 3, sec. 1-6) Serial Communications. (Chap. 10, sec. 9, 10) Data Acquisition. (Chap. 11, sec. 1-3) The Human and Physical Interfaces (Chap. 8, sec. 1-9) Capture and compare, PWM principles (Chap. 9, sec. 1-8,11) Introduction to the PIC 18 series (Chap. 12, sec. 1-7)
Grading Midterm Exam 30 % Quizzes (four) 20 % Final Exam 50 %
Web Resources Course: CPE Department: ng/Computer/Pages/overview.aspx ng/Computer/Pages/overview.aspx Text: book: cription.cws_home/708502/description
Policies Attendance is mandatory. You will be banned from the final exam if you miss 8 classes or more. You are responsible for any material mentioned in class whether from the textbook or not. This material involves a lot of details; therefore, make sure to study it day by day. It is very highly recommended that you take the lab with the course. Make sure to refer regularly to the data sheets.
Policies There will be four informal quizzes. Expect a quiz almost every three weeks Exams and quizzes are closed notes and books Focus in the exams and quizzes will be on conceptual understanding and problem solving There are no make ups for the exams and quizzes. So don’t be absent and don’t ask ! Course material is not entirely from the textbook.