“No Lennie. I ain’t mad. I never been mad, an’ I ain’t now. That’s a thing I want ya to know.” pg. 99 This quote explains that no matter what George and Lennie have gone through, George was never really upset with Lennie for anything he did and deep down the two of them are like brothers to one another and George’s decision to kill Lennie wasn’t out of anger or selfishness, he killed Lennie because he was, in a way, trying to protect Lennie and make him happy, which in this case was to painlessly kill him and send him up to heaven were he could be free.
“ I done a bad thing. I done another bad thing.” Pg. 91 This quote explains that Lennie cant be mixed in with the common population. He cannot control himself and can do harm even if he does not mean to.
Lennie said, “Tell how its gonna be.” “Look across the river Lennie, an ill tell you so you can almost see it” “We’ll have a cow an’ we’ll have maybe a pig an’ chickens an’ down the flat we’ll have piece of alfa—” “For the rabbits,” Lennie shouted. “For the rabbits.” George repeated “and I get to tend to the rabbits.” “An’ you get to tend to the rabbits.” Lennie giggled with happiness. Pg. 105 I believe Georges decision to kill Lenny at the end of the novel was best for the both of them. George loved Lenny and knew that if he did not kill him he would’ve suffered. Lenny was in a happy state of mind, he was focused on what made him happiest in his life and had no worries; which is why I feel as though George did the best thing because if he were to let him be killed by the men, his death would be torturing.