Nazi Propaganda
This poster from 1936 emphasizes the role of students for the "Führer and People."
An antisemitic poster published in Poland in March The caption reads, "Jews are lice; They cause typhus." This German-published poster was intended to instill fear of Jews among Christian Poles.
"Behind the enemy powers: the Jews" Nazi propaganda often portrayed Jews as engaged in a conspiracy to provoke war.
Money is the God of the Jews “Money was and is his God! Through money he hopes to lord it over us, And achieve the mastery of the world.”
How To Tell A Jew “Would we from the Jew be free, Again be cheerful and happy, Then must youth fight with us To get rid of the Jewish Devil.”
One page of an antisemitic coloring book. In the upper left hand corner is the Der Stürmer logo featuring a Star of David superimposed over a caricature of a Jewish face. The caption under the star reads: "Without a solution to the Jewish question, there will be no salvation for mankind."