Texting and Driving, it kills. Whatever you have to say it can wait. Unless it’s goodbye. Using a cell phone is the same as using a gun.
Statistics on texting and driving 29 percent of young adults admit to texting while driving 23x more at risk to crash while driving Nearly 6,000 people have died in the past year due to texting and driving. More than half a million have been injured For every 6 seconds of drive time, 4.5 seconds are spent with eyes off the road, while receiving or sending a text message
Audience Ages Teen drivers to young adults. Ethnicity- All races. This issue pertains to everyone. Wealth- Mostly all classes. Everyone who can purchase a phone and a car. Besides really poor people. Profession- Every profession requires use of a car and a phone. Interests- People who are social, outgoing, busy, lots of travel.
Persuasion of audience Don’t text and drive You will suffer more tragedies in your lifetime due to texting and driving You will be a poor driver = fear of others to get in your car More likely to have a premature death Think about how your premature death will affect your friends and family…
Mediums used I created a billboard to use as my medium. The same ad could be used in a magazine, or a newspaper as well. It’s a more effective way to relate the message of don’t text and drive to humans. Use as a billboard- drivers all over the world will see the graphic image while driving and most likely put their phone away instantly. Use in a magazine or newspaper- Not as effective as billboard but would relate to most people, especially college students and young employees in the workforce. Place in car magazines (Motor Trend, Automobile, etc.) and national newspapers (NY times, USA today, etc.)
Persuasive strategies used Symbols- The gun represents death/violence in correlation to using the phone while driving. Fear- Texting while driving will result in blood and injury Plain folks- Injury/death can happen to anyone who texts and drives Simple solutions- Injury, death, higher insurance rates, wreckage of car = DON’T TEXT AND DRIVE. Rhetorical questions- How many of you have texted while driving?
Most effective about my project Texting and driving is a big problem today in the world. Not only does the issue directly relate to us (college students) but it also impacts many people across the globe. Used graphic images (gun, blood) and graphic words (kills, goodbye) to display the message of don’t text and drive
Most challenging and what can be improved Deciding on how to display the message of don’t text and drive. Can be done in many different ways, tough choosing one that would be most effective. More emphasis could have been placed on the concept of “Focusing on the road”, and the positive outcomes in doing so.
Works Cited The car connection. (n.d.). Retrieved from ian-roulette-public-service-ad-against-texting- or-talking-while-driving_ _m.jpg Link, M., & Smith, H. (2010). Texting accident. Retrieved from driving-statistics/ (n.d.). Retrieved from