Respect for Self and Others: Bullying
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Respect for Self and Others: Bullying Bullying Quiz True or False 1. Bullying is just teasing. 2. Some people deserve to be bullied. 3. Only boys are bullies. 4. People who complain about bullies are babies. 5. Bullying is a normal part of growing. 6. Bullies will go away if you ignore them. 7. All bullies have low self-esteem. 8. It’s tattling to tell an adult when you’re being bullied. 9. The best way to deal with a bully is by fighting or trying to get even. 10. People who are bullied might hurt for a while, but they’ll get over it.
Respect for Self and Others: Bullying Definition of Bullying "Bullying" means any physical, written or verbal expression (including the use of electronic technologies) or pattern that is intended to cause or does cause distress to one or more students. This also may interfere with another student or students' educational benefits, opportunities, or performance. Bullying is aggressive behavior that involved unwanted negative actions Bullying involves a pattern of behavior repeated overtime Bullying involves an imbalance of power or strength
Respect for Self and Others: Bullying Bullying behavior act like they rule the world act mean act rude attack people boss people around brag about being tough break people’s things carry weapons cheat damage people’s things embarrass people force people to hand over their money force people to hand over their possessions frighten people gossip harass people haze people hit humiliate people hurt people’s feelings ignore people insult people intimidate people kick laugh at people
Respect for Self and Others: Bullying Bullying Behaviors make fun of people make obscene gestures make racist or sexist comments make people feel helpless make people feel inferior make people feel invisible leave people out lie make people do things they don’t want to do make people feel uncomfortable name-call pick on attack people because of their race, religion, gender, family background, culture, etc pick on or attack people because they’re different in some way push put people down refuse to talk to people reject people say nasty things about people say sarcastic things to people scare people scream shove spread rumors steal take people’s things taunt tease tell mean jokes threaten touch people in rude or abusive ways use physical violence use verbal taunts write nasty things about people yell
Respect for Self and Others: Bullying Facts about Bullying About 30% school children is either a bully or a victim. Bullying affects about 6 million elementary and middle school students in the U.S % of all children report being bullied on a regular basis. Bullying is more than beating people up. There are three basic types of bullying: physical, verbal and emotional. Most bullying is verbal. Kids who are obese, gay, or have disabilities are up to 63% more likely to be bullied than other children. Bullying hurts everyone. Victims feel sad, afraid, anxious and bad about themselves. Witnesses/Bystanders may feel afraid and anxious. Bullies often get into serious trouble as adults. National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center, 2010
Respect for Self and Others: Bullying Where do I fit in? Am I a Bully? Who… Finds enjoyment and satisfaction in being cruel to others. Is hurtful to others Has a lack of respect for others, a sense of entitlement to be abusive Is intolerant toward differences. GLAD, MAD, SAD, AFRAID, ASHAMED… When observing bullying, what did you feel about it? What do you think the bully is feeling? Talent show VIDEO Talent show VIDEO YouTube video
Respect for Self and Others: Bullying Where do I fit in? Am I a Victim? Who… Is one out of three students who are bullied Feels sad, anxious, and has lower self-esteem Is sometimes hassled for no reason, made fun of, left out or overpowered. GLAD, MAD, SAD, AFRAID, ASHAMED… What are the feelings when bullying happens? How do victims react to bullying? CBE VIDEO CBE VIDEO – Created by Carl Ben Eielson Middle School Students
Respect for Self and Others: Bullying Where do you fit in? Am I a Bystander/Witness? Who… Finds bullying funny or amusing. Has no idea of the pain the person being bullied is experiencing. May feel afraid and anxious and not know what to do. GLAD, MAD, SAD, AFRAID, ASHAMED… What are your feelings when observing bullying? What has been your response when bullying? RED HEAD VIDEORED HEAD VIDEO YouTube
Respect for Self and Others: Bullying Thanks for helping our school be a