THE CHALLENGE TO THE NEW HAMPSHIRE GENERAL COURT Restore funding to the University System of New Hampshire to $100 million (the level in 2009) and maintain capital funding
OUR PLEDGE Plymouth State University, the University of New Hampshire, Keene State College & Granite State College will freeze tuition for New Hampshire students for two years and increase financial aid for New Hampshire students
THE NEW HAMPSHIRE “ED-VANTAGE” Four public colleges and universities More than 6,500 graduates each year Graduating students in critical majors such as business, computer science, criminal justice, education, nursing and other health-related fields University System institutions contribute more than $2 billion to the NH economy
ABOUT PSU More than 7,300 students 54% from New Hampshire Students from 43 states and 34 countries 45% are the first in their families to attend college More than 30,000 alums (approximately half living in New Hampshire)
PREVIOUS LEGISLATIVE ACTION FY 2009 University System appropriation was $100 million (about 13% of operating budget) Appropriation reduced in 2011 to $51 million PSU now receives about 6% of operating budget from the state Lowest level of support per state resident in the nation
UNDERGRADUATE TUITION $ 15,820 $ 16,570 $ 17,310 $ 7,650 $ 9,110 $ 10,410
STEWARDSHIP University System institutions’ operating costs are 15-20% lower than comparator institutions System enrollment growth 17% and sponsored research growth 85% in last decade, but only 14% increase in full-time faculty Shared services through Chancellor’s office save $6 - $9.5 million annually (Huron Consulting)
THE PSU ADVANTAGE Hundreds of partnerships with businesses, government, schools and non-profits
THE PSU ADVANTAGE Community programs promoting healthy families, healthy environments and healthy communities Center for Active Living and Healthy Communities Center for the Environment Center for Rural Partnerships Enterprise Center at Plymouth Institute for New Hampshire Studies New Hampshire Impact Center Small Business Institute White Mountains Institute Museum of the White Mountains
THE PSU ADVANTAGE Plymouth State University has a $330+ million annual impact on the New Hampshire economy
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