GAME RULES Break into teams. Each team will get a white board & marker to write down their answers. Designate a team spokesperson to give the team’s response. Each team can answer every question. If their answer is correct, the team receives the points. Teams will rotate picking the category. NOTE If anyone shouts out an answer, the question will be thrown out and the points will be deducted from the team.
College Students NH College Trivia Going to College MajorWildcard Final Jeopardy
100 Where do college students do most of their studying? Library Dorm Room Study Lounge Apartments Computer Labs Outside
200 Where do college students live? Residence Hall Apartment At Home
300 Name three positive reasons for going to college. Better education Get a good job Study what you like to do Meet new people Experience life away from home Potential to make more money
400 Name 3 things college students do outside of the classroom? Clubs College Newspaper Student Government Sports Research Work
500 Name 3 types of buildings students can find on a college campus. Academic Buildings Library Dining Hall Student Union Sports Arena Theatre Bookstore
100 What is the largest college/university in N.H.? University of New Hampshire Durham, NH 12,000 students
200 Name ONE of New Hampshire’s Community Colleges? Great Bay CC ~ Portsmouth NH Technical Institute ~ Concord Lakes Region CC ~ Laconia & Franklin White Mountains CC ~ Berlin, Littleton, Woodsville & Conway River Valley CC ~ Claremont & Keene Manchester CC ~ Manchester Nashua CC ~ Nashua
300 What is the mascot for Plymouth State University? Panthers
400 Which is the oldest college in the state of New Hampshire? Dartmouth College 1769 Double Jeopardy!
500 Which New Hampshire college is named after the 14th United States President? Franklin Pierce University Rindge, NH
100 Can you go to college when you don’t know what you want to study? YES!
200 Diploma or Degree What do you earn at the end of your college experience? at the end of your college experience?
300 How can a student learn more about a college that they are interested in? Look it up online Visit or take a tour Talk to someone who goes there
400 What is the most important thing a college can know about you when you apply for admission? How strong your courses & grades are!
500 Besides studying hard, what should you be doing to get ready for college? Read Work Join Clubs Save Money Play Sports Community Service Leadership, etc.
100 What do you call the specific program you choose to study at college? A college major
200 True or False? Most high school students should take a foreign language in high school. True
300 Name 3 college majors. Here are just a few… Art Business Nursing Engineering Biology Criminal Justice Fire Science Law Meteorology Fashion Design Pre-Med Sports Management Physical Therapy Psychology…
400 What does job shadowing mean? Visiting job sites and learning more about a career
500 Name 5 careers a college education can help prepare you for.
100 True or False? All certificates/diplomas take 4 years to complete. False
200 True or False? Senior year grades in High School are the most important. False ~ they all are!
300 What is a college scholarship? Free Money For College! Given to students for: good grades, sports or community service Double Jeopardy!
400 How do students pay for college? Students & parents save money Loans-Scholarships-Grants Go to college part time Students live at home Work
500 What are 3 things to consider when deciding if a college is right for you? Campus size Location Programs of study / majors Sports or clubs Cost
FINAL JEOPARDY 1: Name 3 colleges or universities in the state of New Hampshire. 2: 2: Name 3 colleges/universities in New England, but outside of the state of New Hampshire. 3: 3: Name 3 colleges/universities outside of New England point Bonus: Name 1 college/university outside the United States. Category: Colleges Wager: $$$ Category: Colleges Wager: $$$