index.php Palmyra Area High School 1
Why Teach Programming? Some folks believe that every student should learn to program – Computational thinking is an essential capability for just about everyone. – Programming is an incredibly useful skill: fields from anthropology to zoology students who code will have an advantage over those who can’t. – It is predicted that 71 percent of all new jobs in STEM fields during the next decade will be in computer science. 2
What I Find True About Coding It teaches students about logic and patterns Empowers some, frustrates others It takes some time to really develop this beyond simplicity Scratch is written for simplicity but can become as complex as needed 3
The ability to talk to a computer in a language it can understand The computer will read your programming code and execute your instructions The code must be correct and unambiguous 4
Why do we have programming languages? A way of thinking A way of effectively expressing instructions What is a language for? Tell the hardware what you want it to do Not necessary to make physical hardware changes 7
Programming in Scratch Visual based programing Commands are in the form of pieces Pieces are then linked together sort of like Legos Simplifies programming less intensive on learning the language and more on the application Based off of Python Should be used to introduce the idea of coding elementary & middle school HS should move into actual programming languages –but we are not there yet! It can be used to develop apps for Android OS 8
Statements Boolean Expression Conditions Loops Variables Threads Events Sprite 9
2D image or animation Costume 1 Costume 2 Costume 3 Costume 4 Animated Sprite 10
Tell the computer what to do It is an instruction to follow SCRATCH EXAMPLE: 11
An expression that is either TRUE or FALSE SCRATCH EXAMPLE: With Boolean expressions we can create conditions! PYTHON Boolean = bool(input( “Enter a Boolean Value: “)) 12
TRUE Must be TRUE to occur If, When & Until are condition labels SCRATCH EXAMPLE: If Construct 13
If- Else Construct PYTHON Value = input (“Press a Key”) If value == SPACE: Print “Hello!” Else: Print “Goodbye!” 14
A loop executes multiple statements SCRATCH EXAMPLE: 15
A changeable value recorded in memory Used whenever a value must be stored SCRATCH EXAMPLE: 16
A mini-program within a program You can have multiple threads in your program SCRATCH EXAMPLE: It is helpful to use separate threads for conceptually distinct tasks 17
Threads and sprites can communicate through the use of EVENTS SCRATCH EXAMPLE: 18
Today’s Assignments Interactive Virtual Card If time create a video game – Probably not, but maybe a simple game! 19