Ready or not, here they come! Recruiting baby boomers for your senior program
What is a baby boomer The United States Census Bureau considers a baby boomer to be someone born during the demographic birth boom between 1946 and New births continued to grow throughout the 1940’s and 1950’s, leading to a peak in the late 1950’s with 4.3 million births in 1957 and 1961.
Numbers of Baby Boomers 79 million: estimated number of boomers 7,918: number of people turning 60 each day 330: number of people turning 60 each hour 50.8 percent: percentage of boomers who are female
Famous Baby Boomers Madonna Cher Jay Leno Paula Abdul George Bush Bill Clinton Jerry Seinfeld David Letterman Oprah Winfrey Johnny Depp Ozzy Osborne Tom Hanks Prince George Clooney Spike Lee
Why 1964 as the end year? From 1965 on, there was a plunge in the number of births to a low of 3.14 million births in 1973, lower than any year’s births since 1945! Alternative Theory The boom lasted until the birth control pill was introduced in 1964.
Who coined the term Author, Landon Jones coined the term "baby boomer" in his book Great Expectations: America and the Baby Boom Generation. Landon Jones is an author and magazine editor. He was the editor of Money magazine from and People magazine from
What makes Boomers so special Economic Impact Cultural Impact Historical Impact Aging and End of Life Impact
Economic Impact 80% of personal financial assets 50% of discretionary spending power. 77% of all prescription drugs 61% of Over the counter medication 80% of all leisure travel. Interesting Theory The economic downturn started when Baby Boomers started retiring during 2007–2009
Cultural Impact Baby Boomer cohort #1 (born from 1946 to 1955) Memorable events Key characteristics Key members
Cultural Impact Baby Boomer cohort #2 or Generation Jones (born from 1956–1964) Memorable events Key characteristics Key members
Historical Impact Experienced Wars, Civil Rights, Gay, Women’s and Environmental Movements Time magazine of the Baby Boom Generation as its 1966 "Man of the Year". The last 3 Presidents have been Baby Boomers
Aging and End of Life Impact Medicare projected to grow from 47 million to 80 million in 2030 By 2030, about one in five Americans will be older than 65. Social Security alone will exhaust its trust funds by 2036, after which it would need $6.5 trillion over 75 years to pay all existing benefit
O LDER A MERICAN A CT Congress passed the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1965 in response to concern by policymakers about a lack of community social services for older persons. First Senior Center opened in New York in 1946 Texas has approximately 500 Senior Centers
Can Boomers and Seniors Co- exist ? Most Boomers don’t consider themselves “Seniors” Senior centers must accommodate the interests of this new group as well in order to survive. Changes in Programs, Events and Operation Hours.
Texas is the new Florida boomers-retiring-texas boomers-retiring-texas
M ARKETING TO B ABY B OOMERS MYTHS They aren’t tech-savvy. False Older people aren’t cool They don’t spend They see their “golden years” as a time of relaxation They are loyal to brands
3 Areas to Recruit Baby Boomers Exercise and Fitness Travel Social Interaction Opportunities
E XERCISE AND F ITNESS Baby boomers started the fitness craze People 55 and older are the fastest-growing population in the nation's health clubs, up by 380% since 1987 What are some trends Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, Aquatics, Elliptical, Recumbent bikes
T RAVEL Boomers consider travel a necessity, not a luxury. Boomers have traveled more than their predecessors. Boomers will pay for luxury, expertise and convenience. Expand local trips and travel
S OCIAL I NTERACTION O PPORTUNITIES Volunteerism Teaching classes Bringing their parents