UCAS APPLY Parent and Guardian Information Evening Tuesday 7 th July 2015 A Very Warm Welcome
Why Go To University Anyway? Lifetime income Lifetime income Experience a rich, diverse, cultural, academic & social environment Experience a rich, diverse, cultural, academic & social environment Develop self confidence Develop self confidence Experience independent living Experience independent living Immerse yourself in an academic subject you really enjoy Immerse yourself in an academic subject you really enjoy Realise your full potential Realise your full potential
“Today's graduate who finds employment, earns, on average, £15.18 per hour. The typical non-graduate earns just over half as much, £8.92. Over a typical 40 hour week, this works out as a difference of £250.” future-prospects-debt-unemployment future-prospects-debt-unemployment future-prospects-debt-unemployment
Graduate Employment Opportunities. Most graduates earn on average £510,000 more over a 40 year working life than non graduates. Most graduates earn on average £510,000 more over a 40 year working life than non graduates. Employers target graduates each year. Employers target graduates each year. Demand for transferable skills is still high. Demand for transferable skills is still high.
University Where to go and what to do? 1. Make a list of priorities Is the course choice limited? Is the course choice limited? Do I need an accredited course? Do I need an accredited course? Will I need to do further training for a career? Will I need to do further training for a career? Is the location more important? Is the location more important? Will I be able to afford it? Will I be able to afford it?
Follow UCAS on Twitter, Facebook, iphone App, YouTube Follow UCAS on Twitter, Facebook, iphone App, YouTube Research, Research, Research
Universities own websites Universities own websites
Key Dates in Process June UCAS Apply 2016 Goes Live. September 1 st Applications Open. September 1 st Applications Open. October 15 th Application deadline for Oxford, Cambridge, Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science. November 30 th Application Deadline for Alleyne’s. November 30 th Application Deadline for Alleyne’s. January 15 th Application Deadline for UCAS. However, due to large student numbers we cannot guarantee completion of a reference for those submitted after 30 th November.
Late Entry Candidates Only January 16 th 2015 – June 30 th 2015 January 16 th 2015 – June 30 th 2015 All late entries are dealt with by the universities themselves at their own discretion. All late entries are dealt with by the universities themselves at their own discretion. Universities are under no obligation to even look at your application after Universities are under no obligation to even look at your application after January 15 th 2016 January 15 th 2016
Application Fee UCAS fee of £23 UCAS fee of £23 1 course application = £12 1 course application = £12 Payable when you press SEND TO UCAS (via credit or debit card) Payable when you press SEND TO UCAS (via credit or debit card) This then sends your application to the school, and we have to then add a reference This then sends your application to the school, and we have to then add a reference No fee = No application No fee = No application It will not reach UCAS without the fee It will not reach UCAS without the fee
University Choices Choose 5 universities and 5 choices of subject Choose 5 universities and 5 choices of subject Most subject choices should be related. Most subject choices should be related. Only 4 pure medicine choices are allowed. Only 4 pure medicine choices are allowed. Recommended that you use all 5 choices but you don’t have Recommended that you use all 5 choices but you don’t have to. to. You can apply to either Oxford or Cambridge but NOT both. You can apply to either Oxford or Cambridge but NOT both. Double check course codes and institution codes. Ensure all codes are from 2016 prospectus, UCAS Directory or University website NEVER enter a code from a previous year
What happens next… UCAS Send you a Welcome Letter & Applicant Welcome guide UCAS Send you a Welcome Letter & Applicant Welcome guide UCAS Forward your application to your 5 chosen HEI’s UCAS Forward your application to your 5 chosen HEI’s HEI’s make decisions and send them to UCAS HEI’s make decisions and send them to UCAS UCAS then forward decisions to you via UCAS Apply Track UCAS then forward decisions to you via UCAS Apply Track
UCAS Track Welcome Letter gives details about UCAS Track. Welcome Letter gives details about UCAS Track. Track your application on line Track your application on line Download the UCAS Track App at Download the UCAS Track App at
Grade Offers: Examples To study History at Durham University Offer = ABB including an A in History To study Aerospace Engineering at Bristol University Offer = BBB to include Maths & Physics To study Advertising and Marketing at the University of Lincoln = A minimum of 260 UCAS Tariff points from at least 2 GCE A levels
Types of Offer Conditional (C) Conditional (C) Unconditional (U) Unconditional (U) Rejected (REJ) Rejected (REJ) UCAS send you an offer letter UCAS send you an offer letter
Replying to Offers You cannot reply to any offer until all 5 HEI’s have responded to you You cannot reply to any offer until all 5 HEI’s have responded to you Choose 2 only Choose 2 only Conditional Firm (CF) First Choice. Conditional Firm (CF) First Choice. Conditional Insurance (CI) Second Choice (ENSURE THIS IS A LOWER OFFER!) Conditional Insurance (CI) Second Choice (ENSURE THIS IS A LOWER OFFER!) If you accept an Unconditional Offer (UF) you CANNOT choose an Insurance (I) choice If you accept an Unconditional Offer (UF) you CANNOT choose an Insurance (I) choice
University Finance – Mrs Platt
Mrs Rachel Eldershaw Mrs Alison Platt