Chemical vs. Electrochemical Reactions Chemical reactions are those in which elements are added or removed from a chemical species. Electrochemical reactions are chemical reactions in which not only may elements may be added or removed from a chemical species but at least one of the species undergoes a change in the number of valance electronS. Corrosion processes are electrochemical in nature.
Chemical Corrosion Chemical corrosion: Removal of atoms from a material by virtue of the solubility or chemical reaction between the material and the surrounding liquid. EXAMPLES: Dezincification: A special chemical corrosion process by which both zinc and copper atoms are removed from brass, but the copper is replated back onto the metal. Graphitic corrosion: A special chemical corrosion process by which iron is leached from cast iron, leaving behind a weak, spongy mass of graphite.
©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc ©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Photomicrograph of a copper deposit in brass, showing the effect of dezincification (x50).
Electrochemical Corrosion Electrochemical corrosion - Corrosion produced by the development of a current in an electrochemical cell that removes ions from the material. Electrochemical cell - A cell in which electrons and ions can flow by separate paths between two materials, producing a current which, in turn, leads to corrosion or plating. Oxidation reaction - The anode reaction by which electrons are given up to the electrochemical cell. Reduction reaction - The cathode reaction by which electrons are accepted from the electrochemical cell.
©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc ©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. The components in an electrochemical cell: (a) a simple electrochemical cell and (b) a corrosion cell between a steel water pipe and a copper fitting.
The anode and cathode reactions in typical electrolytic corrosion cells: (a) the hydrogen electrode, (b) the oxygen electrode, and (c) the water electrode.
Thermodynamics at the electrode Electrochemistry Thermodynamics at the electrode
Redox (Review) Oxidation is... Reduction is... Loss of electrons Reduction is... Gain of electrons Oxidizing agents oxidize and are reduced Reducing agents reduce and are oxidized
Redox Review (Cu-zn) Zn displaces Cu from CuSO4(aq) In direct contact the enthalpy of reaction is dispersed as heat, and no useful work is done Redox process: Zn is the reducing agent Cu2+ is the oxidizing agent
Separating the combatants Each metal in touch with a solution of its own ions External circuit carries electrons transferred during the redox process A “salt bridge” containing neutral ions completes the internal circuit. The energy released by the reaction in the cell can perform useful work – like lighting a bulb
Labelling the parts
Cell notation Anode on left, cathode on right Electrons flow from left to right Oxidation on left, reduction on right Single vertical = electrode/electrolyte boundary Double vertical = salt bridge Cathode: Cu2+ + 2e →Cu Anode: Zn →Zn2+ + 2e
Odes to a galvanic cell Cathode Anode Where reduction occurs Where electrons are consumed Where positive ions migrate to Has positive sign Anode Where oxidation occurs Where electrons are generated Where negative ions migrate to Has negative sign
The role of inert electrodes Not all cells start with elements as the redox agents Consider the cell Fe can be the anode but Fe3+ cannot be the cathode. Use the Fe3+ ions in solution as the “cathode” with an inert metal such as Pt
Anode Cathode Oxidation Reduction
Connections: cell potential and free energy The cell in open circuit generates an electromotive force (emf) or potential or voltage. This is the potential to perform work Energy is charge moving under applied voltage
Relating free energy and cell potential The Faraday : F = 96 485 C/mole Standard conditions (1 M, 1 atm, 25°C)
Standard Reduction Potentials The total cell potential is the sum of the potentials for the two half reactions at each electrode Ecell = Ecath + Ean From the cell voltage we cannot determine the values of either – we must know one to get the other Enter the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) All potentials are referenced to the SHE (EH=0 V)
Unpacking the SHE The SHE consists of a Pt electrode in contact with H2(g) at 1 atm in a solution of 1 M H+(aq). The voltage of this half-cell is defined to be 0 V. An experimental cell containing the SHE half-cell with other half-cell gives voltages which are the standard potentials for those half-cells Ecell = 0 + Ehalf-cell
Zinc half-cell with SHE Cell measures 0.76 V Standard potential for Zn(s) = Zn2+(aq) + 2e : 0.76 V
Where there is no SHE In this cell there is no SHE and the measured voltage is 1.10 V
Standard reduction potentials Any half reaction can be written in two ways: Oxidation: M = M+ + e (+V) Reduction: M+ + e = M (-V) Listed potentials are standard reduction potentials
Applying standard reduction potentials Consider the reaction What is the cell potential? The half reactions are: E° = 0.80 V – (-0.76 V) = 1.56 V NOTE: Although there are 2 moles of Ag reduced for each mole of Zn oxidized, we do not multiply the potential by 2.
Extensive VS intensive Free energy is extensive property so need to multiply by no of moles involved But to convert to E we need to divide by no of electrons involved E is an intensive property
The Nernst equation Working in nonstandard conditions
Electrode potentials and pH For the cell reaction The Nernst equation Half-cell potential is proportional to pH
The pH meter is an electrochemical cell Overall cell potential is proportional to pH In practice, a hydrogen electrode is impractical
Cell potentials and equilibrium So then and
Cell potential a convenient way to measure K
Many pathways to one ending Measurement of K from different experiments Concentration data Thermochemical data Electrochemical data
Summary Electrode potential - Related to the tendency of a material to corrode. The potential is the voltage produced between the material and a standard electrode. emf series - The arrangement of elements according to their electrode potential, or their tendency to corrode. Nernst equation - The relationship that describes the effect of electrolyte concentration on the electrode potential in an electrochemical cell. Faraday’s equation - The relationship that describes the rate at which corrosion or plating occurs in an electrochemical cell.
©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc ©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. The half-cell used to measured the electrode potential of copper under standard conditions. The electrode potential of copper is the potential difference between it and the standard hydrogen electrode in an open circuit. Since E0 is great than zero, copper is cathodic compared with the hydrogen electrode.
HalfCell Potential for Copper Example HalfCell Potential for Copper Suppose 1 g of copper as Cu2+ is dissolved in 1000 g of water to produce an electrolyte. Calculate the electrode potential of the copper half-cell in this electrolyte. The atomic mass of copper is 63.54 g/mol. Example 22.1 SOLUTION From chemistry, we know that a standard 1-M solution of Cu2+ is obtained when we add 1 mol of Cu2+ (an amount equal to the atomic mass of copper) to 1000 g of water. The atomic mass of copper is 63.54 g/mol. The concentration of the solution when only 1 g of copper is added must be: From the Nernst equation, with n = 2 and E0 = +0.34 V:
Design of a Copper Plating Process Example Design of a Copper Plating Process Design a process to electroplate a 0.1-cm-thick layer of copper onto a 1 cm 1 cm cathode surface. SOLUTION In order for us to produce a 0.1-cm-thick layer on a 1 cm2 surface area, the weight of copper must be: From Faraday’s equation, where MCu = 63:54 g/mol and n = 2:
SOLUTION Therefore, we might use several different combinations of current and time to produce the copper plate: Our choice of the exact combination of current and time might be made on the basis of the rate of production and quality of the copper plate. A current of ~ 1 A and a time of ~ 45 minutes are not uncommon in electroplating operations.
Example Corrosion of Iron An iron container 10 cm 10 cm at its base is filled to a height of 20 cm with a corrosive liquid. A current is produced as a result of an electrolytic cell, and after 4 weeks, the container has decreased in weight by 70 g. Calculate (1) the current and (2) the current density involved in the corrosion of the iron. SOLUTION 1. The total exposure time is: From Faraday’s equation, using n = 2 and M = 55.847 g/mol:
SOLUTION 2. The total surface area of iron in contact with the corrosive liquid and the current density are:
Copper-Zinc Corrosion Cell Example Copper-Zinc Corrosion Cell Suppose that in a corrosion cell composed of copper and zinc, the current density at the copper cathode is 0.05 A/cm2. The area of both the copper and zinc electrodes is 100 cm2. Calculate (1) the corrosion current, (2) the current density at the zinc anode, and (3) the zinc loss per hour. Example 22.4 SOLUTION 1. The corrosion current is: 2. The current in the cell is the same everywhere. Thus:
SOLUTION 3. The atomic mass of zinc is 65.38 g/mol. From Faraday’s equation:
Polarization Polarization - Changing the voltage between the anode and cathode to reduce the rate of corrosion. Activation polarization is related to the energy required to cause the anode or cathode reaction Concentration polarization is related to changes in the composition of the electrolyte Resistance polarization is related to the electrical resistivity of the electrolyte.
Types of Electrochemical Corrosion Intergranular corrosion - Corrosion at grain boundaries because grain boundary segregation or precipitation produces local galvanic cells. Stress corrosion - Deterioration of a material in which an applied stress accelerates the rate of corrosion. Oxygen starvation - In the concentration cell, low-oxygen regions of the electrolyte cause the underlying material to behave as the anode and to corrode. Crevice corrosion - A special concentration cell in which corrosion occurs in crevices because of the low concentration of oxygen.
©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc ©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Example of microgalvanic cells in two-phase alloys: (a) In steel, ferrite is anodic to cementite. (b) In austenitic stainless steel, precipitation of chromium carbide makes the low Cr austenite in the grain boundaries anodic.
©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc ©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Photomicrograph of intergranular corrosion in a zinc die casting. Segregation of impurities to the grain boundaries produces microgalvanic corrosion cells (x50).
©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc ©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Examples of stress cells. (a) Cold work required to bend a steel bar introduces high residual stresses at the bend, which then is anodic and corrodes. (b) Because grain boundaries have a high energy, they are anodic and corrode.
Corrosion of a Soldered Brass Fitting A brass fitting used in a marine application is joined by soldering with lead-tin solder. Will the brass or the solder corrode? SOLUTION From the galvanic series, we find that all of the copper-based alloys are more cathodic than a 50% Pb-50% Sn solder. Thus, the solder is the anode and corrodes. In a similar manner, the corrosion of solder can contaminate water in freshwater plumbing systems with lead.
Corrosion of Cold-Drawn Steel Example Corrosion of Cold-Drawn Steel A cold-drawn steel wire is formed into a nail by additional deformation, producing the point at one end and the head at the other. Where will the most severe corrosion of the nail occur? SOLUTION Since the head and point have been cold-worked an additional amount compared with the shank of the nail, the head and point serve as anodes and corrode most rapidly.
Concentration cells: (a) Corrosion occurs beneath a water droplet on a steel plate due to low oxygen concentration in the water. (b) Corrosion occurs at the tip of a crevice because of limited access to oxygen.
Example Corrosion of Crimped Steel Two pieces of steel are joined mechanically by crimping the edges. Why would this be a bad idea if the steel is then exposed to water? If the water contains salt, would corrosion be affected? SOLUTION By crimping the steel edges, we produce a crevice. The region in the crevice is exposed to less air and moisture, so it behaves as the anode in a concentration cell. The steel in the crevice corrodes. Salt in the water increases the conductivity of the water, permitting electrical charge to be transferred at a more rapid rate. This causes a higher current density and, thus, faster corrosion due to less resistance polarization.
©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc ©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. (a) Bacterial cells growing in a colony (x2700). (b) Formation of a tubercule and a pit under a biological colony.
Protection Against Electrochemical Corrosion Inhibitors - Additions to the electrolyte that preferentially migrate to the anode or cathode, cause polarization, and reduce the rate of corrosion. Sacrificial anode - Cathodic protection by which a more anodic material is connected electrically to the material to be protected. The anode corrodes to protect the desired material. Passivation - Producing strong anodic polarization by causing a protective coating to form on the anode surface and to thereby interrupt the electric circuit.
Effect of Areas on Corrosion Rate for Copper-Zinc Couple Example Effect of Areas on Corrosion Rate for Copper-Zinc Couple Consider a copper-zinc corrosion couple. If the current density at the copper cathode is 0.05 A/cm2, calculate the weight loss of zinc per hour if (1) the copper cathode area is 100 cm2 and the zinc anode area is 1 cm2 and (2) the copper cathode area is 1 cm2 and the zinc anode area is 100 cm2.
SOLUTION 1. For the small zinc anode area: 2. For the large zinc anode area: The rate of corrosion of the zinc is reduced significantly when the zinc anode is much larger than the cathode.
©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc ©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. Zinc-plated steel and tin-plated steel are protected differently. Zinc protects steel even when the coating is scratched, since zinc is anodic to steel. Tin does not protect steel when the coating is disrupted, since steel is anodic with respect to tin.
Design of a Corrosion Protection System Example Design of a Corrosion Protection System Steel troughs are located in a field to provide drinking water for a herd of cattle. The troughs frequently rust through and must be replaced. Design a system to prevent or delay this problem. SOLUTION We might, for example, fabricate the trough using stainless steel or aluminum. Either would provide better corrosion resistance than the plain carbon steel, but both are considerably more expensive than the current material. We might suggest using cathodic protection; a small magnesium anode could be attached to the inside of the trough. The anode corrodes sacrificially and prevents corrosion of the steel.
SOLUTION (Continued) Another approach would be to protect the steel trough using a suitable coating. Painting the steel (that is, introducing a protective polymer coating) and, using a tin-plated steel, provides protection as long as the coating is not disrupted. The most likely approach is to use a galvanized steel, taking advantage of the protective coating and the sacrificial behavior of the zinc. Corrosion is very slow due to the large anode area, even if the coating is disrupted. Furthermore, the galvanized steel is relatively inexpensive, readily available, and does not require frequent inspection.
©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc ©2003 Brooks/Cole, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson Learning™ is a trademark used herein under license. The standard free energy of formation of selected oxides as a function of temperature. A large negative free energy indicates a more stable oxide.
Chromium-Based Steel Alloys Example Chromium-Based Steel Alloys Explain why we should not add alloying elements such as chromium to pig iron before the pig iron is converted to steel in a basic oxygen furnace at 1700oC. SOLUTION In a basic oxygen furnace, we lower the carbon content of the metal from about 4% to much less than 1% by blowing pure oxygen through the molten metal. If chromium were already present before the steel making began, chromium would oxidize before the carbon, since chromium oxide has a lower free energy of formation (or is more stable) than carbon dioxide (CO2). Thus, any expensive chromium added would be lost before the carbon was removed from the pig iron.
Three types of oxides may form, depending on the volume ratio between the metal and the oxide: magnesium produces a porous oxide film aluminum forms a protective, adherent, nonporous oxide film, (c) iron forms an oxide film that spills off the surface and provides poor protection.
Corrosion Cells Galvanic cell (Dissimilar electrode cell) – dissimilar metals Salt concentration cell – difference in composition of aqueous environment Differential aeration cell – difference in oxygen concentration Differential temperature cell – difference in temperature distribution over the body of the metallic material
Dissimilar Electrode Cell When a cell is produced due to two dissimilar metals it is called dissimilar electrode cell Dry cell Local action cell A brass fitting connected to a steel pipe A bronze propeller in contact with the steel hull of a ship Zn anode HCl Solution Cu cathode
Differential Temperature Cell This is the type of cell when two identical electrodes are immersed in same electrolyte, but the electrodes are immersed into solution of two different temperatures This type of cell formation takes place in the heat exchanger equipment where temperature difference exists at the same metal component exposed to same environment For example for CuSO4 electrolyte & Cu electrode the electrode in contact with hot solution acts as cathode.
Salt Concentration Cell
Differential Aeration Cell
Corrosion at the bottom of the electrical poles
Local Action Cell Any metal surface is a composite of electrodes electrically short - circuited through the body of the metal itself. So long as the metal remains dry, local - action current and corrosion are not observed. But on exposure of the metal to water or aqueous solutions, local -action cells are able to function and are accompanied by chemical conversion of the metal to corrosion products. Local - action current, in other words, may account for the corrosion of metals exposed to water, salt solutions, acids, or alkalies.