American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 February 24, 2009
Presentation Outline l Overview of the Plan l County Programs Transportation Social Services Housing Other l Internal Tracking l Next Steps l Summary
Presentation Outline l Overview of the Plan l County Programs Transportation Social Services Housing Other l Internal Tracking l Next Steps l Summary
Overview of the Plan Tax Relief$ 288 Tax Relief$ 288 State & Local Relief 144 State & Local Relief 144 Infrastructure & Science 111 Infrastructure & Science 111 Protecting the Vulnerable 81 Protecting the Vulnerable 81 Health Care 59 Health Care 59 Education and Training 53 Education and Training 53 Energy 43 Energy 43 Other 8 Other 8 Total$ 787 B Total$ 787 B
Overview of the Plan Purpose of the Plan Create and save jobsCreate and save jobs Jumpstart the economyJumpstart the economy Build foundation for long-term growthBuild foundation for long-term growth
Overview of the Plan Florida - $12.2 billion over three years Florida - $12.2 billion over three years EducationEducation MedicaidMedicaid TransportationTransportation OtherOther Governor’s proposed FY 2010 budget includes $4.7 billion from stimulus funds Governor’s proposed FY 2010 budget includes $4.7 billion from stimulus funds
Overview of Plan Local governments Local governments Estimated $5.3 billion through state agenciesEstimated $5.3 billion through state agencies $600 million in competitive grants$600 million in competitive grants Funding over next three yearsFunding over next three years
Presentation Outline l Overview of the Plan l County Programs Transportation Social Services Housing Other l Internal Tracking l Next Steps l Summary
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Federal Infrastructure Stimulus Program
Transportation l $48B Nationwide Transportation Infrastructure Investment Aviation- Transit Highways- Maritime Railroads l Additional $10B for High Speed and Passenger Rail (Competitive Grants)
l $1.7B for Florida transportation infrastructure $1.35B Highways and Bridges $290M Urban Transit Systems $50M Airport Improvements l Funding to be apportioned by population formula Funding available for mix of state and qualifying local projects Transportation
Project Rules Must be construction ready Federal requirements must be met (NEPA, URWRA, Buy America, Davis-Bacon) Must be in MPO long range plan and local comprehensive plan No previous expenses can be reimbursed Must be prioritized by MPO and locals No supplanting of current year funds Constructing agency must be LAP certified MPO will need to amend TIP Transportation
l METROPLAN (MPO) Infrastructure Funding Categories Highway Capacity Projects Management & Operations, Resurfacing and Bridge Projects Enhancements & Other Projects Training Projects Transportation
Orange County State Projects l MetroPlan Orlando approved state and local prioritized list l Orange County - state projects SR 50 (SR 429 to Avalon Road) $35.5M (approx. project cost)
Orange County Local Projects l Maintenance & Operations, Resurfacing and Bridge Projects 4 Bridges 7 Resurfacing 4 ITS 1 Intersection
Orange County Local Projects l Bridge Replacement Projects Taylor Creek Road Campo Way Harrell Road Thorpe Road l Total Request: $3.83M
Orange County Local Projects l Resurfacing Projects Lake Underhill Road General Rees Avenue Dean Road Kaley Street Bennett Road Lakeville Road Pine Hills Road l Total Request: $7.3M
Orange County Local Projects l ITS Projects LED Traffic Signal Conversion Pedestrian Safety Projects In-Pavement LED Lane Lights Highway Signing Program l Total Request: $4.88M
Orange County Local Projects l Intersection Project Powers Drive at Indian Hill Road l Total Request: $483K
Orange County Local Projects l Enhancement and Other Projects 9 Trails 16 Sidewalks 14 Drainage Related l Funding -- TBD
Orange County Local Projects l Training Projects Texas Engineering Extension Service – Traffic Signal O&M for 35 Persons Light Brigade – Fiber Optics for Traffic Systems l Funding Request $ 81.7K
Transit – LYNX l $22.5M Requested Appropriation FTA LYNX Appropriation FTA LYNX l TIP Amendment
High Speed Rail l $8B Nationwide Appropriation FTA HSRA Appropriation FTA HSRA l Develop information & application process next 2 months l FL HSR Competitive EIS complete (2005) l FL HSR Authority meeting Feb. 26 th at OIA
OOCEA l $549.5M Requested SR Lane Widening SR 417 Interchanges (2) SR 429 Interchanges (2) Chickasaw Trail/SR 408 Overpass
Turnpike Enterprise l $101.3M Requested SR Lane Widening Three Lakes Toll Plaza
Aviation – OIA Appropriation FAA OIA Appropriation FAA OIA l $137.7M Requested Taxiway Overlay & Rehab and Construction Airfield Improvements Runway Lighting Upgrades Baggage System Capacity Tradeport Drive Cargo Road Master Plan Update* *Subject to Stimulus Eligibility
Follow-Up Meetings l FDOT, MPO & Other Local Governments l Identify Funding Levels State/Local l Identify Process Contracts FDOT Requirements Amend TIP/WP/CIP LAP Certification
Presentation Outline l Overview of the Plan l County Programs Transportation Social Services Housing Other l Internal Tracking l Next Steps l Summary
Social Services Medicaid $87 billion in Plan $87 billion in Plan Estimate for Florida is $5.2 billion over three years Estimate for Florida is $5.2 billion over three years Beneficial for local hospitals and providers Beneficial for local hospitals and providers Positive impact to PCAN clinics Positive impact to PCAN clinics Prohibition on increasing county Medicaid costs Prohibition on increasing county Medicaid costs
Social Services Community Service Block Grant $1 billion available; $29 million for Florida $1 billion available; $29 million for Florida Serve an additional 11 million individuals Serve an additional 11 million individuals Increases income eligibility ceiling to 200% of federal poverty Increases income eligibility ceiling to 200% of federal poverty Housing, emergency food, etc. Housing, emergency food, etc. Funds based on formula Funds based on formula
Crisis and Long Term Family Assistance (Welfare Revolving Fund) – Crisis Assistance Program - Short term assistance providing one time rental/mortgage payment, utilities to prevent homelessness – Family Resource Program - Case Management and temporary financial support for long term self- sufficiency Social Services
Welfare Revolving Fund FY – 45,000 calls – 80% eligible based on prescreening – 5% assisted (2,622 families) – Call volume up 20% in FY Costs per client increasing Funding history – $2M FY – $1M FY Social Services
Community Health Centers (FQHC’s) 2.1 billion competitive grant funding 2.1 billion competitive grant funding Funds directed to Federally qualified health centers Funds directed to Federally qualified health centers Funding for service expansion and facilities Funding for service expansion and facilities Important revenue source for PCAN Important revenue source for PCAN Work with our partners to secure funds Work with our partners to secure funds
Social Services Head Start $1 billion for Head Start $1 billion for Head Start Funds distributed based on current formula funding Funds distributed based on current formula funding Requesting Head Start facility funds Requesting Head Start facility funds
Social Services Health Information $5 billion competitive grants $5 billion competitive grants Seek funds for PCAN electronic medical records Seek funds for PCAN electronic medical records Continue to work with Regional Health Information Organization (RHIO) for funds Continue to work with Regional Health Information Organization (RHIO) for funds
Social Services Community Funding Opportunites Employment training grants- Workforce Investment Employment training grants- Workforce Investment Public health funding Public health funding Senior nutrition programs Senior nutrition programs WIC increases WIC increases Child Care Child Care Grants to non-profits Grants to non-profits
Presentation Outline l Overview of the Plan l County Programs Transportation Social Services Housing Other l Internal Tracking l Next Steps l Summary
HOUSING Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) The program helps reduce energy costs for low-income households by increasing energy efficiency of homes. Current Fiscal Year Funding: $100,000 Potential Funding from Stimulus: $500,000 to $1 million
Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) Under the Recovery Act, ESG funds will be used for homeless prevention activities such as: Under the Recovery Act, ESG funds will be used for homeless prevention activities such as: Short term or medium term rental assistance Family stabilization services to include case management and other community resources Housing relocation assistance including security and utility deposits Current Fiscal Year Funding: $270,000 Current Fiscal Year Funding: $270,000 Potential Funding from Stimulus: $1 to $2M Potential Funding from Stimulus: $1 to $2M HOUSING
Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 (NSP) l Provides $2 billion nationwide for competitive NSP grants l Establishes a set aside of NSP funds for competitive grants among non-profits l Includes competitive funding for governments l The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has 75 days to publish the rules HOUSING
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) The purpose of the CDBG program is to revitalize low to moderate income communities. The purpose of the CDBG program is to revitalize low to moderate income communities. Current Fiscal Year Funding: $6.2 million Current Fiscal Year Funding: $6.2 million Potential Stimulus Funding: $2 million additional funding Potential Stimulus Funding: $2 million additional funding HOUSING
Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan l The plan will offer assistance to as many as 9 million homeowners while attempting to prevent the destructive impact of foreclosures. l Three components: Refinancing for responsible homeowners to make their mortgages more affordable A $75 billion homeowner stability initiative to reach at-risk homeowners Supporting low mortgage rates by strengthening confidence in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac HOUSING
Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan Refinancing for responsible homeowners includes: l Access to low cost refinancing would substantially reduce mortgage payments. l Benefits borrowers who owe more than 80 percent of the value of the home and cannot refinance. l Current rules require 80 percent loan to value for refinancing. l Under the new rule mortgage debt will be allowed to be up to 105% of home value. HOUSING
Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan $75 Billion Homeowner Stability Initiative: l Includes loan modifications to reach 3-4 million homeowners using reduced interest payments and incentives to servicers and borrowers l Offers clear and consistent guidelines for loan modifications l Requires participation by financial institutions receiving federal money l Strengthens the HOPE for Homeowners and Other FHA loan programs HOUSING
Presentation Outline l Overview of the Plan l County Programs Transportation Social Services Housing Other l Internal Tracking l Next Steps l Summary
Other Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Brown Fields Brown Fields Underground Storage Tanks Underground Storage Tanks Byrne/JAG grants Byrne/JAG grants COPS grants COPS grants Crime Victims Assistance Crime Victims Assistance Clean Water State Revolving Fund Clean Water State Revolving Fund Other Other
Presentation Outline l Overview of the Plan l County Programs Transportation Social Services Housing Other l Internal Tracking l Next Steps l Summary
Internal Tracking Legislative Team Legislative Team Federal and StateFederal and State Grants Coordinator and Grants Committee Grants Coordinator and Grants Committee Staff Work Group Staff Work Group Executive Group Executive Group Comptroller’s Office Comptroller’s Office
Presentation Outline l Overview of the Plan l County Programs Transportation Social Services Housing Other l Internal Tracking l Next Steps l Summary
Next Steps Monitor and coordinate through appropriate state agencies Monitor and coordinate through appropriate state agencies Complete grant applications Complete grant applications Process budget and CIP amendments as necessary Process budget and CIP amendments as necessary Tracking and compliance Tracking and compliance Keep Board updated Keep Board updated
Presentation Outline l Overview of the Plan l County Programs Transportation Social Services Housing Other l Internal Tracking l Next Steps l Summary
Summary $787 federal stimulus plan includes funding for state and local governments $787 federal stimulus plan includes funding for state and local governments Most funds will flow through state agencies Most funds will flow through state agencies Some competitive grant opportunities Some competitive grant opportunities County will pursue funding opportunities County will pursue funding opportunities
American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan of 2009 February 24, 2009