Michael Tucker DBA / Webmaster Forsyth County Public Library
Many Open Source Options such as Joomla Retail Options Are Also Available Build Your Own!
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IIS on Windows Server Access Databases ASP Microsoft Expression Web Vbscript
Anyone with Access can edit the databases without SQL knowledge. Cheap (check SRS, formerly MSD)! No new licenses or servers required.
Plays nice with Windows Servers / IIS. Code can be generated from web design software.
Standards based. Allows for asp master pages to control look of website throughout. Excellent ASP tools for database connections and displaying data.
Edit the database directly. Use Microsoft Expression Web to create an asp page that edits your database. Create your own system.
Tip: Make a copy of the database and edit the copy. Otherwise the lock will stop your WebPages from displaying correctly.
Create a new aspx page on your site. Create a new datasource pointing to the database you want to control.
Configure the Datasource to select the primary key for the table and if needed a column that you could select from a drop down menu that would be unique to each entry.
Add a drop down list to your page and configure it to point to your datasource. Select a display and data field. The datafield should be assigned to the tables primary key.
Add an ASP button to the page.
Add a second datasource to the page making sure to select all of the columns or *
Click on the “Where” button and make your query use the value of the drop down list.
Click on the “Advanced” button and have it create insert, update, and delete statements.
Insert a Form View to your page and assign the second datasource to it.
Adjust permissions on your webserver to allow modify access in the directory where your access database file resides. Highly recommend then putting some form of authentication on the new webpage you have created. In IIS you can use Windows Authentication, or I have also done this through ASP by hiding visibility of the dropdown and button until a username and password is entered.
At FCPL, we designed our system so that everyone who is approved to contribute to our website is given Remote Desktop rights to a system we call our Portal machine. This is the only system that has access into the DMZ in which our webserver lives. Once on this machine, the login used determines which Content Management Tools (CMTs) can be accessed. The CMTs are.hta files (written in vbscript) which allow staff to edit the approved databases.
Warning the follow slides will contain some code. Also this is just one of many ways to go about the creation of such a tool. For those wanting to get this custom with your solution, I hope this will provide a great start and give you a few ideas.
Main Screen for our Programs CMT
The Edit and add new screen
The Category Link screen
Online programs <HTA:APPLICATION APPLICATIONNAME="Admin online Programs" SCROLL="yes" SINGLEINSTANCE="yes" WINDOWSTATE="maximize" > Programs Content Management Tool Put programs here! Check your Work: utFCPL/programsAndServices.aspx The HTML Section of the hta file
DataArea.InnerHTML = Is used in the vbscript to update the div DataArea in the HTML html = " " programDropDown html = html &programString &" " html = html &" " DataArea.InnerHTML = html
driver = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0“ dataSource = "Data Source=programs.mdb“ Query = "select branchNum, branch from branch order by branch“ set con = createobject("ADODB.connection") con.Provider = driver con.ConnectionString = dataSource con.open set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rs.ActiveConnection = con rs.Open Query Example Database Connection and Query
rs.movefirst Used to access the first record rs.movenext To move to the next record returned rs.fields(0).value Will access the first column of the record
Full source code for our Program CMT can be found at ams.txt ams.txt
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Michael Tucker Forsyth County Public Library