List of E-dissertation Samples No.Dissertation TopicMark 1 RFID developments in the supermarket supply chain and the possible effects on distribution centers 64 2 What is the impact of country of origin on the choice of wine 65 3 Can the EOQ model be extended to accommodate JIT inventory management policies? 65 4 An investigation to determine whether factors which motivate employees/ people at work have changed over time 65 5 Cross-cultural marketing: in which way is advertising influenced by cultural differences? 65 6 How do companies grow successfully in their home markets and abroad? The case of the Starbucks Corporation 65 7 Does celebrity endorsement have a positive effect on cosmetic brands? 65 8 Was the Talk Talk Sponsorship of Big Brother 5 effective in raising brand awareness and as a result lead to higher sales 68 9 Environmental reporting by Johnson & Johnson and Bayer: a comparative study The Best way to select staff: small business and interviews What factors enable a local authority to implement e-commerce? Consumer attitudes towards scarcity as a necessary feature of luxury consumer goods Does motivation vary across roles? A Cinch case study Fact of fiction: will RFID technology benefit the UK retail industry? Selling by presenting ¡V European castle hotels as venue for corporate events Customer satisfaction in meal experience: the main success factors for Watami Consumer behaviour on weight control product in HK A study in repositioning strategy of McDonald¡¦s 68
List of E-dissertation Samples No.Dissertation TopicMark 19 Sustainable development of Hong Kong container terminal A study on integrated marketing communication of Missha in Hong Kong A comparison of the effectiveness of the marketing and operational strategies between Fairwood and Cafe de Coral The study of Nike’s marketing communication approach to build brand equity An analysis of marketing strategy of perfume industry The main variables on customer satisfaction in coffee shop: the case of Starbucks An analysis of M & Ms¡¦ brand in China confectionery market An analysis of marketing strategy of Pizza Hut in Hong Kong An analysis of marketing strategies of IKEA The innovation strategies of Kee Wah Bakery towards New Century Is electronic auction a good way for business corporations to buy products? Analysis of the marketing strategy of exhibition industry: the case of Kenfair International (Holdings) Limited How can consumer¡¦s perception of product and promotion strategy affect brand equity? E-banking and customer loyalty case study of HSBC The pricing strategy of Wal-Mart in the global market Exploring the factos that would affect consumers shifting to E-tailing An environmental analysis of obstacles to the development of e-commerce in China Can technology innovation be a competitive advantage in watch industry: the case with Seiko 67
List of E-dissertation Samples No.Dissertation TopicMark 37 A study on the repositioning strategies of Chicks A study on the stimulus factors that affect comsumers¡¦ attention when choosing candies products A study on the factors affecting people choosing mobile phones in Hong Kong Study of customer relationship management to build customer loyalty ¡V case study of Starbucks Consumer behaviour on jewellery product in Hong Kong Exploring the factors affecting people choosing digital cameras in Hong Kong Investigating profitable satisfaction attributes: Hang Seng Bank How Salespeople use personal selling to motivate customer buying insurance The Study on the Effectiveness of New Marketing Concept by Delifrance: BristroDelifrance The Effectiveness of Using Direct Marketing Strategy for Dell Inc Consumers Behaviour in purchasing the third generation (3G) mobile phones in HK How can advertising and sales promotion affect customer behavior? A case study of Coca-Cola Consumer Behavior on Tutorial Industry Study of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in youth market - case study of Hang Seng Bank How Sales Promotion Techniques Induce Behaviour Responses - Comparison of HK Consumers and New Immigrant from Mainland China How Customer Care Build up the Customer Loyalty - Case Study of City'super The Relationship Between Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty and Repurchase Intention - A Case Study of Muji 62
List of E-dissertation Samples No.Dissertation TopicMark 54 Can Customer Value Creation Enhance Customer Loyalty - A Case Study of SmarTone-Vodafone Study of Impacts of Sales Promotion on Consumer Response - Case Study of FMCG in Supermarkets Evaluate Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement: Study of Tuition Industry Research on Employee Motivation and Implication for Employee Retention: SME in China A Study on the re-branding strategy of Fairwood - its critical marketing elements and performance A Study of how product differentiation leads to Competitive advantage - case study of Coca-Cola The impact of Brand Loyalty on Consumers' Consumption Behaviour - a case study of McDonald's Corporation The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction in the HK Mobile Phone Industry An Investigation into the Emotional Branding Issues Adopted by IKEA HK in Order to Establish Customer Loyalty An Exploratory Study of team effectiveness in the Prudential Assurance Co. Ltd. (Hong Kong) Study of Customer Relationship Management to Build Customer Loyalty - Case Study of Pizza Hut 65 An Investigation of Customer Mindset in Branding of Nike - Case Study of Hong Kong 66 Exploring Key Factors Affecting Hong Kong Young Adults on Choosing Electronic Dictionary The Investigation in Ads Slogan Succes in TV Commercial - Hong Kong Yakult Co., Ltd Study of Customer Relationship Management, Service Quality help to build Customer Loyalty - A Case Study of KMB Marketing Strategy for Retail Business "ToysRus" Hong Kong Newspapers Industry - Does Online Version kill its Print Counterpart? 68
List of E-dissertation Samples No.Dissertation TopicMark 71 Influence of Part-Time Employees on Performance Management Effects of Favorable and Unfavorable Attitudes on Buying Intentions in Parallel Imports Using Cosmetic Product as an Example Study the relationship of advertisement on perception and brand loyalty of consumers Effects of Customer Satisfaction on Loyalty: A Study of Telecommunication Industry in Hong Kong 72