Irrigation Evaluation Dotty Woodson Extension Program Specialist Water Resources Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Dallas Research and Extension Center
Water Issue – Is there Enough? Population and development will double by 2060 New water resources will cost billions of dollars Conservation is the easiest and least expensive way to make our water resources sustainable
Efficient Irrigation Future sustainable landscapes must use water as efficiently as possible
Current Situation Water usage increases 35 to 70% during the summer
How Many Gallons One acre = 43,560 square feet ▪ One-acre feet of water = 26,136 gallons ▪ Every time you apply one inch of water to your landscape, you apply 0.623 gallons of water per square foot 1/5 acre = 8,712 square feet 8,712 x 0.6 = 5,227 gallons 5,227 x 16 irrigations = 83,632 gallons This calculation show water used in 3 months watering once a week. The point to make is not all parts of the landscape require 1 inch of water a week. Plant water requirement is the main factor to reduce landscape water use. There are plants once established require very little supplemental water except in July and August
Efficient Irrigation How Often How Long When Seasonally How often – every 5 to 7 days during summer; 7 to 10 days spring and fall; 10 to 20 days during winter How long can only be determined by precipitation rate/catch can test because each system and soil is different. When: after 6:00 pm and before 10:00 am
Efficient Irrigation
Even Distribution of Water Even distribution is necessary for good growth
Irrigation System Evaluation vs Irrigation System Audits There is a difference Even distribution is necessary for good growth specially on the lawn
Irrigation Evaluation Most irrigation systems are not efficient 60% or less Poorly maintained Leaks, Misaligned heads, etc Rain and Freeze senor Adjust controller each season Conserve water Save money
Irrigation Evaluation Purpose: Check Irrigation Efficiency Create an Efficient Irrigation Schedule Identify Problems with Irrigation System Potential Water Savings Potential Dollar Savings Improved Water Distribution Increased Quality of Landscape Excellent Neighbor Relations Most Accurate Method to Determine Run Times
Irrigation Evaluation ▪ Site Inspection with Home or Business Owner/Representative Run each Zone/Station Identify Problems ▪ Irrigation Scheduling • Irrigation frequency • Run times per zone
Most Common Problems Clogged nozzle Misaligned heads Misdirected heads Mismatched heads Leaking or Broken pipes/heads/valves Too high or too low water pressure Irrigation head too low Grass too high Tree, shrubs, groundcover grown to block irrigation Poor Design Dry landscape areas or poor coverage Water bubbling, dripping or gushing all the time Runoff occurs before adequate water applied Area along road, driveway or sidewalk stays too dry A leaking pipe may not be obvious but will effect performance by lower the pressure that makes the system work well whereas a broken pipe or head is obvious. Too high pressure causes overspray which create a huge loss due to evaporation and does not distribute the irrigation water properly. Low presure does not allow the system to work properly. Create poor coverage. Irrigation head too high will get run over by mower. Best to irrigate after mowing. Keep grass mowed or raise head. Grass too high will out allow poor distribution. Lower head. If tree or shrubs have grown in the way, adjust heads by rising or lowing. Usually because landscape has changed since original design. In some cases sprinkler systems can be reworked for new designs, in other cases a new system using the old main lines or new main lines may have to be designed.
Same irrigation as in previous picture only on a rainy day Same irrigation as in previous picture only on a rainy day. Spray irrigation is most inefficient because of water lost to evaporation and displacement. Replace heads with nozzles that put water out in haevt droplets like Hunter PM rotators or Toro Precision nozzles. It is a easy change such as just remove old nozzle and replace with new.
Irrigation water displaced by wind
Over watering causes erosion and loss of good turf
Grass too tall or sprinkler too low. Irrigate after mowing Grass too tall or sprinkler too low. Irrigate after mowing. If sprinkler still to low, raise sprinkler head.
Tree blocking good coverage. Move sprinkler if need the coverage Tree blocking good coverage. Move sprinkler if need the coverage. Under shrubs, either raise or lower sprinkler or better convert to drip irrigation.
Catch Can Test Place 5 to 9 catch cans (tuna or cat food cans work great) in each irrigation zone or station. Run each zone for 3 minutes To determine run time (time each station should run) Some irrigation systems apply water faster than the ground will absorb 1 inch of the water so water run off. To this, you may need to run these stations several short times instead of one long time. If the water level in each catch can varies greatly, go through the Irrigation Check to help identify problems Test each zone. Water application and distribution can vary by zone. Place 5 to 9 catch cans (tuna or cat food cans work great) in each irrigation zone or station. Run each zone for 3 minutes to determine how much water is applied in each zone by measuring the amount of water in each catch can. To determine run time (time each station should run) use this example: if there is ¼ inch of water in each catch cans after running for 3 minutes, to apply 1 inch of water set the run time for 12 minutes (This is just an example, your measurements could vary greatly). Some irrigation systems apply water faster than the ground will absorb 1 inch of the water. To avoid water running off the landscape into the street, you may need to run these stations several short times instead of one long time. With this example, set the controller to run 6 minutes 2 times. See ‘Soak and Cycle’ and ‘Aerate Lawn Area’ for more ideas. If the water levels in the catch cans are equal or near equal, your irrigation system is working efficiently (distributing water evenly). If the water level in each catch can varies greatly, go through the ‘Irrigation Checkup’ below to improve distribution of water in that zone. Test each zone. Water application and distribution can vary by zone.
New Irrigation Technology Saves Water Replace wasteful spray nozzles with water saving multi-stream nozzles Hunter Industries MP Rotator Toro Precision Rain Bird Rotary Nozzle New water efficient nozzles put water out in heavier droplets so not so much water is lost by evaporation and displacement.
Soak and Cycle Determine how long to run each zone (see ‘Catch Can Test’) Water these areas in 2 or 3 short cycles or 4 cycles if on a slope instead of 1 long cycle. Wait 20 to 30 minutes between cycles. Most irrigation controllers have a way to set different start times. If you have trouble programing your controller, visit the irrigation controller company’s web site or contact their customer service for instructions. Some newer controllers have a soak and cycle settings, so this may be a good time to upgrade your irrigation controller. Some irrigation systems apply water faster than the ground will absorb 1 inch of the water. This is especially true in lawn areas. Mulched areas absorb water more efficiently. To avoid water running off the landscape into the street, you may need to run these stations several short times instead of one long time. Use soak and cycle method by: Determine how long to run each zone (see ‘Catch Can Test’) Water these areas in 2 or 3 short cycles or 4 cycles if on a slope instead of 1 long cycle. Wait 20 to 30 minutes between cycles. Most irrigation controllers have a way to set different start times. If you have trouble programing your controller, visit the irrigation controller company’s web site or contact their customer service for instructions for soak and cycle. Some newer controllers have a soak and cycle setting, so this may be a good time to upgrade your irrigation controller.
Rain and freeze sensor. By state irrigation rules, a rain sensor is now required on all irrigation systems. By city irrigation rules a rain and freeze sensor is recommended in location where freezing weather occurs.
For More Information Dotty Woodson Extension Program Specialist- Water Resources Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department Texas A&M AgriLife Extension 17360 Coit Road Dallas, Texas 75252 972-952-9688