United States Health Information Knowledgebase AHRQ Conference /10/2012
The Meaningful Use portal allows a user to: View “at a glance requirements” for meeting Meaningful Use Stage 1 or Stage 2. Displays the tables from the Final Rule including links to the measure details. Search for measures, key words, and quality data elements throughout the MU portal. Provides links to CMS and ONC to receive more detailed information regarding Meaningful Use including the Final Rule. FAQ for multiple topics of MU. USHIK and Meaningful Use
View “snapshot requirements” for meeting Meaningful Use Stage 1
View “snapshot requirements” for meeting Meaningful Use Stage 2
The Meaningful Use portal allows a user to: View the MU Stage 1 and Stage 2 (TBD) Clinical Quality Measures and the associated NQF Quality Data Elements. View the MU Stage 1 and Stage 2 Core and Menu Measures. Compare Clinical Quality Measures side-by-side for similarities and differences (compare the July and October versions of the same measure or view and compare multiple measures). Export measure details in xml, Excel or pdf formats. Click on ICD-9, LOINC and SNOMED-CT codes to receive the NLM description of the code. USHIK and Meaningful Use
“ ” Payers include insurance carriers, third party administrators (TPAs), pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), dental benefit administrators, Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), Medicare, Medicare Part D, Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB), and TRICARE. APCDs are databases that collect health care claims data from a variety of payer sources. These databases typically created by a state mandate, include data from medical claims, pharmacy claims, eligibility files, provider (physician and facility) files, and dental claims from private and public payers.
view screen capture comparing state data admission type
Identify harmonized data between states and Standards
“ ” = harmonized data elements
The Standards and Interoperability (S&I) Framework is an investment by the country in a set of harmonized interoperability specifications to support national health outcomes and healthcare priorities, including Meaningful Use, the Nationwide Health Information Network, and the ongoing mission to create better care, better population health and cost reduction through delivery improvements. The S&I Framework is a collaborative community of volunteers from the public and private sectors who are focused on providing the tools, services And guidance to facilitate the functional exchange of health information.
USHIK S&I Framework Portal captured the artifacts of the work groups and initiatives in order that they may be harmonized, reused and/or repurposed toward interoperable exchange in a standardized manner. Information Model Navigation Left Panel Navigation
View snap shot Core Matrix drill down to inputs and outputs via User Stories and Scenarios Includes not only data elements, but actors and actions
View “screen capture” Data objects used in Use Cases mapped to Meaningful Use Measures