Hello Employee, Welcome to MStreamIT! The following document contains company guidelines for sending and accessing email while using the company email system. at MStreamIT. Please read through this document and follow the email Etiquette here at MStreamIT.
E-Mail Etiquette (Rules) · No text speak or slang words e.g. “OMG” or “Lol” this is not expected in any business environment · Uses a suitable subject line in the email in EVERY email so the reader knows what it’s about · Set up your own signature and add it to all emails · Setup contacts and folders · Use CC and BCC · Use high & low importance to outline important emails · Use folders to store email and keep them well arranged at all times Always writes emails well by: · Starting all emails by addressing the reader this shows your polite and shows some respect · Using paragraphs as this is basic English skills for extended writing · Ending all emails with "Kind regards,” Regards or Thanks if it is a formal email use “Yours sincerely” or “Yours faithfully” followed by their own name this is normal in business context · Uses capital letters where appropriate as this is again basic English · Keep passwords safe and do not share with others. · Passwords must be changed on a regular basis (Every Four Weeks) and follow company guidelines on setting strong passwords i.e. . Always sign off your email with your name and job title as this is normal in business context . You must have a good use of language, spelling and grammar as we expect this in a professional business environment In order to stay safe on the internet follow the password rules below: A strong password must contain the following elements: · A minimum of 8 characters long · Combines upper and lower case letters · Includes at least one number · Contains alphanumeric characters... e.g.! £$%*#
Open To open an email all you do is simply double click it and it will appear on the screen to the right
Send To send an email simply press “New” then type your email making sure you include who you want to send your email to and the subject
Reply To reply to an email press the purple arrow and type your message then send it. This is good for if you want the person to see the last message they sent you.
Forwarding Forwarding Emails means sending an email you have been sent to someone else so they can read it. To do this right click on an email you want to forward and select “Forward”. Then you can choose who you want to send it to!
Archive This involves moving specific emails to different folders. So all the emails from “Fox Z” will go to my Personal folder
Receive E-Mails To receive new messaged press the check messages button and it will receive new messages that just got sent to you.
Attachments - Send To attach something you press the little paperclip in the top left corner and then select the file that you want to send to the person.
Attachments – Open/Save To Open/Save an attachment simply click on the attachment link and click either “Open” or “Save”
Digital Signature As an employee you must follow the given rules. When you set up an email you must have your signature, job role and Contact details of the company. You may only use the colour black. The pink is for example. Press settings then mail. The first box is email signature. Type in what it says above. Then tick the box “automatically include my signature on messages I send.” Then scroll down to the bottom of the page and press save.
CC and Bcc Sending emails to the whole of the staff can help us keep people informed. To use Bcc click options and tick show Bcc and press Okay. Then type the contact into the Bcc box.
Add Contacts To add a new contact press New in the top left corner. Just add a name, email address, phone number and job title and then save the contact. This will make it easier when you want to send new emails.
High/Low Importance To change the type of email it is (Private, Confidential and normal) Press options, Click Importance and choose an option then choose a sensitivity option and press ok.
Create Folders Right click the Notes. Make a new folder called MStreamIT. Then create new folders inside the MStreamIT folder by right clicking MStreamIT and name them Manager, sales, director and Technical help. At this level I can also save time in organising my inbox. I can drag messages and place them into the relevant folders. This keeps the inbox less cluttered and more organised.
Automatic Responses Go to options and see all options and press “Tell people you are on vacation” You can choose 2 dates that people will receive during that time, then add a message people will receive during that time and sign it with your name. Remember all emails must be responded to within 24 hours! So tell the customer you will respond within that time.
Inbox Rule Inbox Rules can also be set on your email account so if a company keeps emailing you, you can just set it so that companies emails get sent straight to the bin. To do this go to options > Organise Email > Inbox rules. Then set your rule for whatever you want
Archiving Inbox has un-opened email and some of these could be important. These should be read as this is bad practise. Attachments on these emails have already been saved into an appropriate folder so have been deleted Inbox rule has been set to delete spam so it does not fill up the inbox
Archiving continued This is the deleted folder showing messages that have been dealt with BASIC RULES: Company Policy (AUP) 1. Prioritise your mail – read messages with high importance first then either save the message in to an appropriate folder or delete the message( check slide 14). 2. Set up in-box rules to automatically delete emails from people you don’t want(check slide 17). 3. Keep your in-box organised, move mail in to folders or delete messages regularly. 4. Permanently delete emails that have already been opened and now serve no use. Do this at the end of each month (If the email is still important archive it in an appropriate folder. 5.All e-mails with attachments should be dealt with appropriately, the attachment saved to a folder and the e-mail then deleted(Check slide 10).