Hello, My Name Is Inigo… Lets walk through how to set up your company with Inigo. You will set up a business card on your phone serving as a template for all of your employees
How it works Your work address can be used as your Login – (You can still have personal cards) Inigo will set up a card upon registration and the appearance of THIS card will be how all of your employees and customers cards will look. – (More explanation in the following slides)
Downloading + Logging In Android / iPhone – Go to the AppStore from your smartphone (Inigo does not work from a computer) – Search “Inigo” and look for this icon Login using your work address iPhoneAndroid
Activation After logging in with you will get this in your inbox. Click on iPhone or Android depending which phone you used. Android Users, Click Here iPhone Users Click Here
When you login you will be presented with a card. This card is your default company card. – This card will provide a standard look with possible elements for your users to have preset into their app when they set up Inigo. – You can choose websites, notes, information and anything else that you find relevant for your business. Setting Up Default Card
Choose a background you want to appear on your companies cards – Step 1: Press Edit – Step 2: Click on the background – Step 3: Click “add from phone” – Step 4: Choose a picture from your saved photos To save a photo to your phone, the photo to yourself. Then save it to your phones library. This is optional. If you want to allow your users to select their own, skip to the next slide Change the Background 2
Add Elements To Card Select a Element To Customize iPhone Android Select a Element To Customize
The company background and contact information you created appear on Ania’s business cards out of the box. She can edit or add more information as needed to personalize. How Company Template Works When Ania Logs In… Your Template This is how her card will look
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