Exchange Visit to Malawi June 2013
St. Benedict’s has just started a partnership with St. Patrick’s Seminary School in Rhumpi, Malawi. This partnership will hopefully develop over the coming years by: learning about each other’s cultures, participating in joint curricular projects, fundraising to aid development and through exchange visits. A group from St. Benedict’s will travel to Malawi next June for an experience of a lifetime.
What will the visit to Malawi involve? Provisional Dates:21 – 30 June 2013 Staff: Mr. Johnston, Miss. McFadden plus 2 others Pupils: 6 pupils from S4 and S5 Cost:£600 payable by instalments fundraise a minimum of £600 Purpose:To experience the life and culture of Malawian young people and to build links with our partner school. Itinerary: St. Patrick’s Seminary St. Patrick’s primary school School for the disabled St. Denis’ Parish a traditional Malawian village Orphan centres Nkhata Bay, Lake Malawi Vwaza Marsh National Park Lilongwe
Weekday At St. Patrick’s 05.30:Rising 06.00: General Cleaning 06.20: Breakfast 06.45: Morning Prayer & Meditation 07:00 Assembly : Morning Classes 12.20: Lunch : Afternoon Classes 15.30: Sports Tues& Fri, Community Service: Mon &Thu, Clubs: Wed 17.00: Study 18.00: Holy Mass 18.30: Supper 19:15: Study 21.15: Bed
Who will be chosen to go? The 6 pupils selected will be ambassadors for St. Benedict’s High School. They will be expected to; · demonstrate exemplary conduct · make every effort to adapt to the Malawian culture with particular regard to standards of dress and eating Malawian food. · be fully aware of the health risks involved and take all the preventative measures including a series of injections and medication to prevent malaria · They will have the ability to undertake some public speaking duties. · They will be able to cope with very basic living conditions (and the insects!!!) and be emotionally mature enough to deal with meeting people who struggle daily with abject poverty and ill- health.
How do I apply? If you wish to be considered for this exchange visit then first of all discuss it fully with your parents, fill in the application form and return it to Mr. Johnston or Miss. McFadden by 1pm Wed 5th Sept. Those who submit the best application forms will be invited for an interview the following week. Yewo Chomene!