vdir2 Web. config Echo. svc A A B B C C vdir2 vdir1
Echo. svc A A B B C C SchemeBinding …… vdir2 Echo. svc vdir2 vdir1
Web. config A A B B C C vdir2 Echo. svc vdir2 vdir1 <binding name="" maxBufferSize=" " maxReceivedMessageSize=" "/>
Web. config A A B B C C Bv vdir2 Echo. svc vdir2 vdir1 Web. config
A A B B C C Bv Bv vdir2 Echo. svc vdir2 vdir1 Web. config
Windows Server.NET Framework Windows Server AppFabric Services Management Tools IIS/WAS Workflows Runtime Databases Persistence Monitoring Hosting Persistence Caching Monitoring IIS Manager Modules PowerShell
WCF Application WCF Analytic Trace WCF Analytic Trace WCF Message Logging WCF Message Logging Diagnostic Trace Diagnostic TraceETWETW.svclog EventCollectorEventCollector Extensions to IIS Manager Extensions to IIS ManagerMonitoringDBMonitoringDB PowerShell command- lets PowerShell command- lets
Message Pump Routing Service
Client Time Service Routing Service Routing Service Echo A A B B C C Supported Message Exchange PatternsMulticastInterface Request Reply, Sessionful Request ReplyNoIRequestReplyRouter OneWayYesISimplexDatagramRouter Sessionful OneWayYesISimplexSessionRouter Sessionful DuplexYesIDuplexSessionRouter
MessageFilterEndpoint action == action == TimeService Client Time Service Routing Service Routing Service Echo Filter OnMessageFilter ActionActionMessageFilter Address headerAddressMessageFilter Address header – longest prefix matchingAddressPrefixMessageFilter Endpoint NameEndpointNameMessageFilter No Filter – matches everythingMatchAllMessageFilter Logical And of two filtersStrictAndMessageFilter XPath expressionXPathMessageFilter Custom
Client Service Routing Service Routing Service BasicHttpNet.Tcp SOAP 1.1SOAP 1.2
Client Service Routing Service Routing Service
Client Backup Echo Service Routing Service Routing Service Echo Service Echo Service MessageFilterEndpointAlternate Endpoints action == EchoBackup EchoService
Probe ProbeMatch
Probe HelloProbe Hello ProbeMatch Jurgen
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