Introduction to Pre-Millennialism Premillennialism is a popular theory among many Christian denominations. The theory is constructed from both OT and NT scriptures, principally the writings of the prophets, and the book of Revelation, where a 1,000 year reign of Christ is mentioned (Rev 20:1-5). Verne R. Weir March 12,
2 Introduction to Pre-Millennialism Premillennialsim is the view that there will be a literal reign of Christ on earth for the 1000 years referenced in Rev 20:1-5. That is, Christ’s final return will occur before (pre-) the millennium (1000 years) mentioned in Rev 20.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Introduction to Pre-Millennialism Note: Unless otherwise noted, the premillennial views and definitions presented in this study were taken from a book entitled The Truth Behind Left Behind, written by Mark Hitchcock & Thomas Ice, copyright I abbreviate references from this book as TTBLH.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Introduction to Pre-Millennialism The Truth Behind Left Behind, attempts to explain the premillennial concepts behind the fiction contained in the Left Behind series of books that have been written recently.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Introduction to Pre-Millennialism This study will focus on the pre- tribulation view of premillennialism. For simplicity, this view will be referred to as the premillennial view.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Introduction to Pre-Millennialism Some general understanding of premillennialism is necessary before discussing specific teachings and objections to those teachings. One fundamental principle when interpreting scripture, according to premillennialists, is that prophetic scriptures are to be interpreted literally.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Premillennialist Statements Consider the following quotation from Hal Lindsey, a popular premillennial author during the 1970’s: “The real issue between the amillennial and the premillennial viewpoints is whether prophecy should be interpreted literally or allegorically.” - There’s a New World Coming, Hal Lindsey, pg 267.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Premillennialist Statements However, premillennialists are not bound by what they consider to be a “wooden literalism”, as shown in the following quote from Bernard Ramm: “The program of literal interpretation of scripture does not overlook the figures of speech, the symbols, the types, the allegories that are as a matter of fact to be found in Holy Scripture. It is not a blind letterism nor a wooden literalism as is so often the accusation.” (TTBLB, pg 175)
Verne R. Weir March 12, The Premillennial Time Table Due to time constraints, we will discuss only the ninth chapter of Daniel, and the seventy sevens. Premillennialists interpret this passage to establish a schedule for the events listed in Dan 9:24-29, which they believe include the final coming of Christ.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Premillennialist Statements – Daniel “The truth of a worldwide time of tribulation that lasts for seven years derives primarily from the books of Daniel and Revelation. To zero in even closer, however, we need to turn our focus to the famous ‘seventy weeks’ prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27.” – TTBLB pgs 89-90
Premillennial View of Daniel 9:24-27 Verne R. Weir March 12,
12 Premillennialist Statements – Daniel Overview of the Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9:24-27) Daniel 9:24 The entire seventy weeks (490 years) Daniel 9:25 The first sixty-nine weeks-seven weeks plus sixty-two weeks (483 years) Daniel 9:26 The time between the sixty-ninth and seventieth weeks (indeterminate number of years, the present church age) Daniel 9:27 The seventieth week (seven years) – TTBLB pg 95
Verne R. Weir March 12, Premillennialist Statements – Daniel “The divine prophetic clock for the seventy weeks or 490-year period began ticking on March 5, 444 B. C., when the Persian king Artaxerxes issued a decree allowing the Jews to return under Nehemiah’s leadership to rebuild the city of Jerusalem.” – TTBLB pg 92
Verne R. Weir March 12, Premillennialist Statements – Daniel “From the time the countdown began until the coming of Messiah (‘the Anointed One’) will be 69 sets of seven (7+62) or 483 years. This exact period of time-173,880 days-is the precise number of days that elapsed from March 5, 444 B.C. until March 30, A. D. 33, the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem for the Triumphal Entry (Luke 19:27-44). The precision of this prophecy is staggering! This is a monumental proof of the inspiration of the Bible.” – TTBLB pgs 92-93
Premillennial View of Daniel 9:24-27 Seven Major Points of the pre-tribulation premillennial view: 1. The 70 (7s), or 70 weeks, are understood as being 490 years. 2. The decree to rebuild the city occurs in March 444 BC (according to TTBLB). Some premillennialists claim 445 BC, or 458 BC. Verne R. Weir March 12,
Premillennial View of Daniel 9: The interval between the decree and the cross is 483 years (69 weeks). 4. The destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD is understood to be the city destroyed by “…the people of the prince who is to come…” Verne R. Weir March 12,
Premillennial View of Daniel 9: The “Prince who is to come” is a future Antichrist (previously anticipated in the 20 th, and now the 21 st century). 6. A “gap” occurs between the 69 th and 70 th weeks; this is the church age. Verne R. Weir March 12,
Premillennial View of Daniel 9: The Antichrist makes a seven-year covenant with the Jews, but breaks it after 3 ½ years, and attacks the Jewish temple, putting an end to animal sacrifice, which had been resumed. Verne R. Weir March 12,
Background Scriptures Isaiah prophesied that the decree to re- build Jerusalem would be issued by Cyrus the Great. – Is 44:24-28 Note that Ezra confirms the decree was issued by Cyrus, in his first year. - Ezra 6:1ff Verne R. Weir March 12,
Background Scriptures Note, also, that Ezra says that the decree was issued by Cyrus to fulfill the word of God, as spoken by the prophet Jeremiah. - Ezra 6:1 Jeremiah prophesied that Judah would be taken captive for seventy years by Babylon, and then Babylon would be punished – Jer 25:8-14 Verne R. Weir March 12,
Background Scriptures Daniel, in Chapter nine, realized that the time frame prophesied by Jeremiah was at hand. “…in the first year of his reign (Darius the Mede – vs 1), I Daniel, perceived in the books the number of years that, according to the word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet, must pass before the end of the desolation of Jerusalem, namely, seventy years.” – Dan 9:1-2 Verne R. Weir March 12,
Background Scriptures Daniel, realizing that the seventy years were at an end, prayed that God’s anger would now turn away from Jerusalem. – Dan 9:16. It was in response to this prayer that God sent Gabriel to Daniel, to show him that seventy sevens had been decreed for Israel (Dan 9:20ff). Israel’s punishment was not over. Verne R. Weir March 12,
Observations Regarding the Premillennial View of Daniel 1.Note that, whether one understands Daniel 9 to refer to 70 (7’s), or 70 weeks, it is not possible to take this statement literally, and arrive at a duration of 490 years. So, at the outset, the principle that drives premillennialism (the literal interpretation of scripture), is abandoned by premillennialists. Verne R. Weir March 12,
Observations Regarding the Premillennial View of Daniel 2. There is no indication from Daniel’s vision that a day represents a year. Only twice in Scripture is a day figuratively used to stand for a year, or a year for a day – Num 14:33-34, and Eze 4:4-8 The only way to know that a day stands for a year, is if it has been explicitly stated. Verne R. Weir March 12,
Observations Regarding the Premillennial View of Daniel 3. To accept a decree in 444/5 BC, or 458 BC, one has to ignore the prophecy of Isaiah that the decree to re-build Jerusalem will be issued by Cyrus the Great. – Is 44:24-28 The only reason to ignore Isaiah is to make the vision fit a 490 year time frame. Verne R. Weir March 12,
Observations Regarding the Premillennial View of Daniel Cyrus’ decree was issued in 539 BC, or perhaps 538 BC if the ascension year is ignored. Cyrus the Great was killed in battle approximately 10 years after the fall of Babylon. Therefore, any decree from Cyrus is too early for the premillennial time table. Verne R. Weir March 12,
Observations Regarding the Premillennial View of Daniel 4. It is not literally possible to get to the date of Christ’s crucifixion in 483 years, starting at 444/5 BC. Allowing a year to be a modern 365 day year: A 445 BC starting date results in a crucifixion date of 38 AD, which is too late. A 444 BC date puts the crucifixion at 39 AD, which is also too late. Verne R. Weir March 12,
28 Daniel’s Vision of (70) 7s Pre- Millennial Chronology Decree to rebuild Jerusalem 444/445 BC Neh 2:1 Crucifixion of Christ 33 AD Church Age 483 yrs (69 weeks) 7 years (final week) Gap Rapture Christ Returns
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations Regarding the Premillennial View of Daniel To arrive at a crucifixion date in 33 AD, premillennialists have assumed that the years of the prophecy are based upon a Jewish calendar of 360 days per year. They then calculate, on the basis of a 360- day year (483x12x30=173,880), to arrive at a crucifixion date of March 30, 33 AD.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations Regarding the Premillennial View of Daniel Note, however, that the Jewish calendar year sometimes included an additional (13 th ) month. This month, second Adhar, was added to the calendar periodically to approximate a 365-day year. This adjustment was necessary to keep the feasts, which were seasonal, at the appropriate seasons.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations Regarding the Premillennial View of Daniel Premillennialists ignore the additional months that would have been required during the 483 year interval following their 444 BC starting date. If these added months were included in the premillennialists calculations, then the crucifixion date would be approximately that for a 365-day year, and occur in 39 AD.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations Regarding the Premillennial View of Daniel Also, note that history records that Herod the Great died in 4 BC. Recall that Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt, following Jesus’ birth, until Herod died. - Matt 2:13-15
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations Regarding the Premillennial View of Daniel Since Jesus was born prior to Herod’s death, perhaps by as much as two years (according to the age of the children Herod ordered to be killed – Matt 2:16), then Christ’s crucifixion would have actually occurred around AD; not 33 AD. The premillennial calculation does not account for a crucifixion date prior to 33 AD.
Observation – Artaxerxes’ Decree 5. Neh 2:1-8 Records the discussion between Nehemiah and King Artaxerxes regarding the rebuilding of Jerusalem. Although the king issued letters to provide for materials to rebuild Jerusalem, there is no reference to a decree to rebuild the city. Verne R. Weir March 12,
Observations Regarding the Premillennial View of Daniel 6. There is no link to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, and a future prince who has not yet arrived in the 21 st century. Some premillennialists attempt to tie the future Antichrist (a specific individual) to the Roman empire, but there is no logical or scriptural justification for this. Verne R. Weir March 12,
36 Observations Regarding the Premillennial View of Daniel Summary comments regarding the premillennial time table: 1.It ignores Isaiah’s prophecy regarding Cyrus issuing a decree to build Jerusalem. 2.It does not arrive at the crucifixion date when using a 365-day year, or a literal Jewish calendar with intercalary months. 3.It does not arrive at the crucifixion date, considering the date of Herod’s death.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Premillennialist Statements – The Gap Theory “First, the text of Daniel 9:26-27 clearly denotes a gap of at least thirty-seven years between the end of the sixty-ninth and the beginning of the seventieth week (the time between the triumphal entry in A.D. 33 and the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70).” – TTBLB pg 211, footnote #1 from Chap 6
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations – Daniel Chap 9 Gap From the English Standard Version of the Bible: “26 And after the sixty-two weeks, an anointed one shall be cut off and shall have nothing. And the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary. Its end shall come with a flood, and to the end there shall be war. Desolations are decreed. 27 And he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week, and for…” – Daniel 9:26-27a
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations – Daniel Chap 9 Gap Some events are described “after the sixty-two weeks”, in verse 26. Then, verse 27 mentions that a covenant will be made for one week The premillennialist argues that there is a gap between the end of verse 26, in Daniel 9, and the beginning of verse 27. They suggest that the events listed at the end of verse 26 occur prior to the covenant in verse 27.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations – Daniel Chap 9 Gap However, there is no indication that a gap is present, or necessary, from a reading of the text. The covenant mentioned in verse 27 can simply be understood as another event in the series begun in verse 26. Daniel 9:26-27 does not state that there is a “gap” between the sixty-ninth and seventieth weeks..
Verne R. Weir March 12, Premillennialist Statements – The Gap Theory “Second, if you don’t put a gap of years between the sixty-ninth and seventieth weeks, you have the seventy weeks ending in about A. D. 40. And what great event happened that year? Nothing!” – TTBLB pg 211, footnote #1 from Chap 6
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations – Daniel Chap 9 Gap Note that the statement that “nothing happened in 40 AD” should cause the bible student to consider that the premillennial theory could be incorrect. Instead, the premillennialist introduces a “gap” in an attempt to force the vision to fit the theory.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations – Daniel Chap 9 Gap The thirty-seven years referenced in the premillennial theory assumes the gap commences at the end of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem. However, as previously noted, the premillennial schedule of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem does not fit other historical data. Furthermore, the reference to the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem, as part of the vision, creates other difficulties in regard to the identity of the “prince who is to come”.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations – Daniel Chap 9 Gap If the destruction of the city is understood to be Titus’ destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, then why extend the “gap” beyond the end of the Jewish war with Rome? Furthermore, why identify the “prince who is to come” as anyone but Titus, if the 70 AD destruction of Jerusalem is in view? Premillennialists believe the “prince who is to come” is a future Antichrist. If so, how could his people have destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD?
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations – Daniel Chap 9 Gap There is no reason to conclude that a gap is required for the events of verse 26, and no way to establish the duration of such a gap if it existed. Unless the events listed in verse 26 are interpreted as specific events in history, it is not possible to determine a time frame for their completion.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observations – Daniel Chap 9 Gap The premillennialist argues that there is a gap between the 69 th and 70 th weeks, because his interpretation of Daniel’s vision of 70 (7s) requires it; not because a gap is mentioned by Daniel. One would not look for a gap, unless one had already concluded that a literal chronology was intended. If one accepts the premillennial argument, then a gap must exist. However, this is circular reasoning, not evidence for a gap.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Observation - Gap Theory The Jews rebelled against God on several occasions, as noted in the Old Testament: 1. Rebelled against entering the promised land – Num 13 & Rebelled against Aaron’s priesthood – Num Rejected God as their king – I Sam 8:7 None of these rejections required a “gap” during which a new covenant was established. Why assume a gap now?
Observation - Gap Theory The church was part of God’s eternal purpose to show the manifold wisdom of God. - Ephesians 3:10-11 Verne R. Weir March 12,
49 Observation - Gap Theory To consider that the Jews could refute God’s plan by their rejection of it, is to undermine God’s authority. God does not require mankind’s approval to execute His will.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Daniel’s Vision of (70) 7s Objections to Chronological Views 1. No reason to suppose day = year –Only known instances are clearly identified Num 14:33-34 Wilderness wandering Ezek 4:4-8 Ezekiel bearing Israel & Judah’s sins 2. Date of the decree prophesied was 539/8 BC, not 458, 445 BC, or March 5, 444 BC. –Isa 44:26ff Prophesy of King Cyrus’ decree –Ezra 1:1ff & 6:1ff King Cyrus issued the decree The judgment prophesied by Jeremiah (Jer 25:11-12), being read by Daniel (Dan 9:2).
Verne R. Weir March 12, Daniel’s Vision of (70) 7s Objections to Chronological Views 3. (7) Is a reference to divine perfection; completeness. –Gen 2:2 Creation –Num 11:16-30 & Ezek 8:11 Seventy elders –Ezek 39:9 & 12 Wood for fire & burials –Mt 18:22 Forgive seventy times seven –Rev 1:4,12,14,16 churches, spirits, lamp stands & stars (70) 7s refers to God’s completion of his work with regard to Israel, the end of the Jewish commonwealth; a literal chronology is not in view.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Daniel’s Vision of (70) 7s Objections to Chronological Views 4. Vision suggests (7) 7s for the completion of the city, which extends completion beyond Nehemiah. –Neh 6:15 Wall built in 52 days (not 47 years) 5. No chronology has been presented that extends from any Persian decree to the crucifixion at the end of 483 years {69 (7s)}.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Daniel’s Vision of (70) 7s Objections to Chronological Views 6. A city and sanctuary are to be destroyed near the end of the (70) 7s. –Generally accepted as the destruction of Jerusalem, which occurred in 70 AD, too late for the chronological view.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Conclusion The premillennial argument for a literal interpretation of Daniel’s vision of seventy sevens as 490 years is based upon a chronological “fit” between the issuing of a decree to rebuild Jerusalem and the crucifixion of Christ, or a date near His crucifixion.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Conclusion However, as discussed, even allowing a day to stand for a year, and Artaxerxes’ letter to Nehemiah to be the initial decree (ignoring Isaiah), and even if the other elements of the vision are ignored, and even if a lunar year, without intercalary months, is used to calculate the date of the crucifixion; one arrives at a date in AD 33, which is too late, considering that Herod the Great died in 4 BC, which requires a crucifixion date no later than 30 AD.
Verne R. Weir March 12, Conclusion Therefore, there is no argument to interpret the vision of Daniel 9:24-27 as a literal chronology, because there is no historical time frame that would fit all the elements of the vision. The seventy sevens of Daniel 9:24-27 are best understood as a figurative representation of the end of Israel, as a commonwealth, and not a time frame for the end of the world.