INTRODUCTION Modern medicine requires modern technology. Discovery of x-rays in 1895 Ultrasound, CTs, PETs and MRIs have revolutionized medicine, allowing radical invasive surgeries What’s the latest great advancement? *For more info about the history of medical technology, visit /20th-century-and-role-technology /20th-century-and-role-technology
BACKGROUND INFORMATION Bolle, Volgyes, Rissi and Hines, particle physicists at the University of Oslo in Norway (Vogt, Vngve)
TECHNOLOGY CT Computerized Tomography MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging PET Positron Emission Tomography X-raysMagnetsRadioactive positrons Structures Functions Image/detail clearImage/detail clearestImage/detail not clear minutes30 minutes30 minutes-2 hours Least expensiveMore expensiveMost expensive (Dolson, Laura)
ADVANTAGES Higher image quality and soft-tissue contrast a faster diagnosis with increased accuracy Reduce radiation exposure Procedure takes less time one scan instead of two
DISADVANTAGES Differences in procedures/preparations adds time Combining them might degrade the performance of either Expensive Advanced training for staff Space constraints & Retrofitting Redo spaces for extra weight/support spaces (uptake rooms) * visit for more info on advantages/disadvantages
AVAILABILITY AND USE Currently, 3 companies declare availability of PET/MRI devices: PHILIPS, SIEMENS, & GE Presently, there are only ~30 machines in use Mainly at research institutions
CONCLUSION PET/MRI scanners could Revolutionize/replace current scanning procedure/machinery likely impact clinical practice within the next few years The PET/MRI has great life-saving, industry-altering potential.
THANK YOU! References: Dolson, Laura. "CATs 'n' PETs: A Guide to Cancer Imaging Technologies." N.p., Web. 13 Apr Judenhofer, Martin S., Pichler, Bernd, Kolb, Armin and Wherl, Hans F. "PET/MRI: The Next Generation of Multi-modality Imaging?" National Center for Biotechnology Information, May Web. 13 Apr Vogt, Vngve. "New Cancer Scanner Halves Radiation." Apollon, 22 Aug Web. 13 Apr