NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project PIN 6039.11, Contract No. D900019 Town of Chemung, Chemung County.


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Presentation transcript:

NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project PIN , Contract No. D Town of Chemung, Chemung County Draft Request for Proposals RFP Informational Meeting July 17, 2014

Catherine Traina Attn: SR 427 over Chemung River Project Office of Contract Management New York State Department of Transportation 50 Wolf Road, 6 th Floor Albany, New York SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Rules of Contact 2

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Agenda  Project Overview  Procurement Schedule  Department’s Goals & Project Requirements  Scope of Work  Status of: ROW and Utilities  General Contract Information  RFP Content  Quality Control & Quality Assurance  Evaluation and Selection  Additional Information and Submission Guidelines  Questions and Answers 3

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) General Location 4

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Anticipated Procurement Schedule ActivityDue Date Draft RFP Info MeetingJuly 17, 2014 Final RFP to Shortlisted FirmsJuly 31, 2014 Final Date for Requests for Changes to Proposer’s Organization and PersonnelAugust 13, 2014 Final Date for receipt of Proposer QuestionsSeptember 2, 2014 Issue Date for Final Addendum and/or Answers to Proposer QuestionsSeptember 8, 2014 Proposal DueSeptember 17, 2014 Post Proposal Meetings (if required)TBD Selection of Best ValueOctober 2014 Contract AwardNovember 2014 Notice to ProceedDecember

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Goals 6  Replace aging structure over Chemung River  Ensure the safety of the traveling public  Ensure coordination with all utility owners and third parties  Ensure a long-service life for all Project elements to satisfy long term preservation goals  Maximize the beneficial impact of the public investment in the Project by  Providing cost-effective solutions that maximizes value over the lifespan of the SR 427 Bridge over the Chemung River;  Sequencing construction to minimize effects on vehicular traffic operations;  Reducing future maintenance requirements;  Deliver Project Safely, On Schedule, On Budget, and Environmentally Compliant.  Provide best value to the Department

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) General Scope of Work  Demolish existing structure and foundation  Construct new bridge over Chemung River  New bridge and foundation constructed to 75-year design life  Maintain traffic on-site throughout construction  Use of off-site vehicular detours prohibited  Maintain minimum travel way widths during construction  Design-Builder has the option of two-lane, two-way traffic or signal- controlled one-lane, two-way traffic  Provide adequate hydraulic opening for the Chemung River  Construct new approach roadways  Design and construct scour resistant piers and channel banks  Construct open drainage system with 75-year service life 7

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) General Scope of Work (Continued)  Construct new USGS gaging station  Demolish old USGS gaging station  Avoid environmental impacts:  Threatened and endangered species  Farmlands  Wetlands  Obtain necessary environmental permits  SPDES General Permit coverage  USACoE Section 404 Permit  NYSDEC Section 401 Permit  Relocation and/or preservation of existing utilities  Remediation and disposal of asbestos containing materials if disturbed 8

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Proposed Typical Cross Section 9

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Right-of-Way  The Department owns a substantial right of way that will allow construction to occur on existing alignment or new parallel alignment.  The Department acquired a small parcel on south side of river that contains the existing USGS gaging station.  The contractor shall rebuild the USGS gaging station within the ROW on the south side of River.  No additional Right-of-Way acquisitions or temporary easements are anticipated to be required for this project. 10

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities In accordance with Part 4 – Utility Requirements, Design- Builder is responsible for:  Verifying utility facility locations;  Identifying & resolving any conflicts not yet documented;  Coordinating with utility owners for utility relocations;  Providing stakeout and final layout of utility relocations;  Protecting existing utilities;  Cost to repair damages to utilities caused by Design-Builder;  Informing the Department of all meetings/correspondence with utility owners. 11

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Utility Coordination – Existing Utilities  Frontier: – Frontier shall be responsible for any necessary relocation of aerial facilities within the project limits.  NYSEG: – NYSEG shall be responsible for any necessary relocation of aerial facilities within the project limits.  USGS Gaging Station: – Design-Builder shall be responsible for coordinating with utility companies (Frontier and NYSEG) to provide communications and electrical services to the new Gaging station and for disconnecting services from the existing station, including all fees required by the utilities. 12

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Contract Information  Lump Sum Design-Build Contract;  Best Value Selection Process (50% Price, 50% Quality);  Project Completion Date shall be the earlier of:  August 31, 2016; or  The number of days past NTP proposed by the successful Proposer on Form SCD (ITP Appendix D)  There is a Payment Schedule provided in the RFP;  $45, Stipend to Unsuccessful Proposers;  Liquidated Damages will be imposed for not meeting the Project Completion date;  Escrow Submission of Bid Documents for Successful Proposer 13

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Contract Information (Continued)  There is a Buy America Clause  There is an Iran Divestment Act Clause  There is a DBE Participation Goal of 10%  All ROW acquired by NYSDOT  All Environmental and Construction Related Permits by Design-Builder 14

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Contract Information (Continued)  RFP Documents:  Instructions to Proposers  Part 1:D-B Agreement  Part 2: General Provisions, Section DB 100 and Appendices  Part 3: Project Requirements (Scope of Work)  Part 4: Utility Requirements  Part 5: Special Provisions  Part 6: RFP Plans  Part 7: Engineering Data  Part 8: Special Specifications (Including New DB Specifications)  Part 9: The Design-Builder’s Proposal  Part 10: RFP Addenda (If Any)  Reference Documents: On Department’s web site (Not Part of the Contract Documents) 15

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Contract Information (Continued)  RFP Documents:  Instructions to Proposers General Instructions Appendix A – Project Information Appendix B – Administrative Submittal Appendix C – Technical Submittal Appendix D – Price Proposal Appendix E – Forms Appendix F – Conflict of Interest Appendix G – Abbreviations and Definitions 16

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Quality Control (QC)  QC is Design-Builder’s Responsibility  Design-Builder shall appoint a QC Manager responsible for QC Plan for both Design and Construction  Design QC shall be performed by the Designer in accordance with the QC Plan  Construction Inspection shall be performed by an Independent Engineering Firm (Hired by the Design-Builder)  Materials Testing shall be performed by an Independent Materials Testing Firm or Laboratory (Hired by the Design-Builder)  The Materials Testing Firm shall report to the Construction Inspection Firm  Offsite Plant Quality Control shall be performed by the Department 17

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Quality Assurance (QA)  Design and Construction QA is the Department’s Responsibility  The Department may perform QA on any of the Design- Builder’s Design and Construction activities  The Department will utilize an independent Consultant to perform QA of the Design-Builder’s Designs  Construction QA will be performed by Department staff  Offsite Plant Quality Assurance will be performed by the Department 18

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) RFP Evaluation and Selection Pass/Fail Evaluation Factors  Legal – Financial – Administrative – DBE Compliance - Price Proposal (Bond/Conformance) Quality Evaluation Factors (50%)  Key Personnel (30 points)  Management Approach (32 points) Overall Design-Build Team Organization (10 points) Design Management Plan (5 points) Construction Management Plan (5 points) Quality Control Plan (12 points)  Technical Solutions (30 points) Design Approach (10 points) Construction Approach (10 points) CPM Schedule (10 points)  Project Support (5 points)  Proposal Format(3 points) Price (50%) Design-Builder must obtain a minimum score of 60 points on Quality Evaluation factors 19

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Additional Information – Submission Guidelines  All proposals must be self-contained. Proposals should not have links to external web sites. Proposals should contain all information needed for evaluation.  Do not “assume the Department knows” your firm and it’s experience/qualifications. 20

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Additional Information – Submission Guidelines  Submit ALL Forms required.  Do not alter any Form unless indicated on the Form.  Do not add any appendices or attachments to the Forms.  Do not include photographs or illustrations unless specifically indicated.  Do not submit Form SA (Stipend Agreement) Form BDEA (Bid Document Escrow Agreement) PAB (Payment Bond (Labor and Material Bond)) PEB (Performance Bond (Faithful Performance Bond)) 21

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Additional Information – Submission Guidelines  Responses to Proposer Questions will be posted on the Department’s Project Web Site  Reference Documents are Posted on the Department’s Project Web Site:  Reference Documents include:  Design Report  Bridge Inspection Reports  Record Plans  Utility related Documents  Historical Borings  Other Documents 22

Catherine Traina Attn: SR 427 over Chemung River Project Office of Contract Management New York State Department of Transportation 50 Wolf Road, 6 th Floor Albany, New York SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Rules of Contact 23

SR 427 over Chemung River Design-Build Project (PIN ; D900019) Questions and Answers Questions ? 24