Web Sites, Addresses, & Login Protocols
Study Island Uses Study Island is used primarily for Benchmark assessment of Skills for the Keystone Exams Assignments are designed to target specific reading, writing, and grammar skills required for these State Exams. All Students can access Study Island to independently practice for SAT exams, College and Career Essays, & AP Exams
Study Island Login Protocol Accounts are already created and set up for students grades 9-12 Go to studyisland.com User id and password Same as network information
Turnitin.Com - Uses Turnitin is a website that collects student essays and performs originality checks against other student submitted work, published works, and internet sources. Turnitin also performs spelling and grammar checks, word count, and includes online rubrics useful or scoring essays. Turnitin DOES NOT automatically grade student papers.
Turnitin.com – Login Protocol Go to Turnitin.com Create an account User id = gaggle address Password = network password FL12345
Turnitin Class - Login Protocol Class Codes Spring 2014 Class PeriodClass IDEnrollment Password Period read180 Period Period3 Period Period4 Period Period8
My Access - Uses My Access automatically scores you essay using a rubric similar to the Rubrics on State Assessments PSSA and Keystone My Access provides immediate feedback on your essay as well as prewriting tools and suggestions for revising and improving your writing.
My Access – Login Protocol Go to myaccess.com User ID = FirstNameStudent ID Use you full first name No spaces between your name and ID # Password = 999Last Name No Spaces between 999 and your Last Name Capitalize the first letter