U.S. Department of Education International Experiences with Technology in Education Project Bob Kozma Marianne Bakia Bob Murphy SRI International
Proposed Research Questions What international ICT indicators are currently being collected? What are limitations of these data? What progress has been made in measuring ICT impacts on teachers, instruction, and learning? What policies and systems are in place to guide effective ICT investments? What set of indicators will be most informative for policy and feasible to collect on ongoing basis? What partnerships and data collection methods will be required to make possible an annual compendium?
Identify and Analyze Current Indicators Review a variety of international instruments that include ICT indicators (Jan 09-: PISA SITES, PIRLS, TIMSS EC Eurydice UNESCO APEC survey Work with international experts to analyze indicators and identify high-priority ones related to US policy concerns: Improving student learning through enhanced instruction Increasing teacher capacity to teach Data systems to support continuous improvement Identify gaps and needed indicators. Examine countries on the international indicators they currently collect.
Survey of Ministries of Education Work with international experts to select countries (24 highest productivity countries) survey of Ministry staff (Sept 09-Feb 10) Follow-up phone interviews Document analysis: Planning processes Funding mechanisms Monitoring practices Country-specific indicators (past, ongoing, planned) Update country specific ICT profiles of a subset of countries for in-depth qualitative study
Final Report (March-Aug 2010) Synthesize findings from analysis of current indicators and survey of Ministerial staff Country profiles Recommendations for annual compendium