Fairy Penguins By: Hosanna Murph
I am going to tell you about the Fairy Penguin. I will tell you where it lives, what it looks like and some interesting facts.
The Fairy Penguin has a bluish color to the upper feathers and white under the belly.
The Fairy Penguin is 16 inches tall. It weighs 1kg.They are short and chubby. They are also called The Little Blue Fairy.
They lay two eggs each spring. They live in burrows that are two feet long. They are the smallest penguin.
The Fairy Penguin lives in Southern Australia, New Zealand and on the shore where it is warm. Their feathers are water proof.
They eat crabs, seahorses and krill. The male stays with the egg. It takes 36 days for the egg to hatch.
They keep the same mate for life. They live for seventy years.
I had fun learning about the Fairy Penguin. I hope you did too!