Observatory - Overview July 13 & 14, 2010MMS I&T Pre-CDR Peer Review 1 Single Observatory Stowed
MMS Observatory w/SA Removed Mission Overview July 13 & 14, MMS I&T Pre-CDR Peer Review
July 13 & 14, 2010MMS I&T Pre-CDR Peer Review 3 SMART IS Components Mission Overview DIS DES ASPOC FEEPS EDI SDP HPCA EIS IS safe/arm panel X -X -Y +Y ADP DSS FEEPS Mag boom SCM & AFG Mag boom DFG SMART Components ADP - Axial Double Probe AFG - Analog Flux Gate Magnetometer (mounted on boom) ASPOC - Active Spacecraft Potential Control CEB - Central Electronics Box (Fields) CIDP - Central Instrument Data Processor DES - Dual Electron Spectrometer DFG - Digital Flux Gate Magnetometer (mounted on boom) DIS - Dual Ion Spectrometer EDI/GDU - Electron Drift Instrument/ GunDetector Unit EIS - Energetic Ion Spectrometer FEEPS - Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Sensors HPCA - Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer IDPU - Instrument Data Processing Unit (FPI) SCM - Search-Coil Magnetometer (mounted on boom) SDP - Spin-Plane Double Probe CIDP, IDPU, and CEB are mounted under the IS deck
July 13 & 14, 2010MMS I&T Pre-CDR Peer Review 4 Clampband Locations Active Ring Simulator - Future Work Spacecraft Separation System RUAG PAS1666S mm clampband, shear lip design Spacecraft Separation System RUAG PAS1666S mm clampband, shear lip design Spacecraft Separation System RUAG PAS1666S mm clampband, shear lip design Launch Vehicle Separation System Atlas D mm clampband, shear pin design - Also supplied by RUAG
July 13 & 14, 2010MMS I&T Pre-CDR Peer Review5 Observatory - Dimensions +X-X +Y -Y (3150 mm) [124.0”] (3478 mm) [136.9”] (3680 mm) [144.9”] (3690 mm) [145.3”] (3033 mm) [119.4”] +Y -Y +X-X maximum dimension = 3690 mm [145.3”] [12’ 1.3”]
July 13 & 14, 2010MMS I&T Pre-CDR Peer Review6 Observatory - Dimensions Active SOLAR ARRAY PANEL (.850 m 2 ) Passive Sep Plane (1230 mm) [48.4”] (680 mm) [26.7”] (66 mm) [2.6”] (110 mm) [4.3”] (1250 mm) [49.2”] (133 mm) [5.2”] (930 mm) [36.6”] (1666 mm) [65.6”] (1054 mm) [41.5”] Thrust Tube +X -X +Z -Z ORIGIN (216 mm) [8.5”] (167mm) [6.6”] (490 mm) [19.3”] (526 mm) [20.7”]
July 13 & 14, 2010MMS I&T Pre-CDR Peer Review7 Launch Configuration 4 Meter Fairing #1 #2 #3 # mm [193.5”] 5936 mm [233.7”] LV I/F Four observatories will be stacked on top of each other will be clocked 180° from each other separation system details in covered in the Mechanical PDR
Instrument Suite Harness IS harness is the responsibility of SwRI SwRI is using the GSFC Pro-E model for harness routing and transfer of harness tie- down locations –as harness segments are fabricated, the mass of each segment will be added to the model Spacecraft is providing production break connector brackets where IS harness joins SC harness –brackets are attached to the thrust tube Harness between IS deck and SC deck is routed along the thrust tube and is attached via threaded inserts in the thrust tube ribs Some IS harness is routed across SC deck (FEEPS, magnetometers) –these areas are shown on the deck MICD Harness tie downs on the IS deck are bolted to the deck in post cured inserts and with bonded TC105s Purge lines are also routed using the same model July 13 & 14, 2010MMS I&T Pre-CDR Peer Review 8
CEB CIDP IDPU AEB DIS #4 DIS #3 DIS #2 DIS #1 DES #2 DES #3 DES #4 DES #1 ASPOC #1 ASPOC #2 FEEPS EDI #2 EDI #1 SDP #4 SDP #2 SDP #1 SDP #2 HPCA EIS IS safe/arm panel +X -X +Y -Y purge manifold S-Band Antenna Test/thermal pwr distribution panel vent Instrument Deck Components July 13 & 14, 2010MMS I&T Pre-CDR Peer Review9 Instrument Deck Components ADP - Axial Double Probe AEB - Axial Electronics Box ASPOC - Active Spacecraft Potential Control CEB - Central Electronics Box (Fields) CIDP - Central Instrument Data Processor DES - Dual Electron Spectrometer DIS - Dual Ion Spectrometer EDI/GDU - Electron Drift Instrument/ Gun Detector Unit EIS - Energetic Ion Spectrometer FEEPS - Fly’s Eye Energetic Particle Sensors HPCA - Hot Plasma Composition Analyzer IDPU - Instrument Data Processing Unit (FPI) SDP - Spin-Plane Double Probe - 19 IS instruments- SC vent - 4 IS electronics boxes- S-band antenna - IS safe/arm panel- 6 thrusters - IS purge manifold - IS test/thermal pwr distribution panel ` (blue = SC components mounted on instrument deck) thruster
July 13 & 14, 2010MMS I&T Pre-CDR Peer Review 10 Remaining Integration install solar arrays & magnetometer booms install ADP receiving element & orbital debris shields
GPS Hat Coupler S-band Hat Coupler (+Z direction) DES Sensor Head SCM and AFG (mounted on mag boom not shown) DES Sensor Head GPS Hat Coupler DES Sensor Head DSS Stimulator DES Sensor Head GPS Hat CouplerGPS Hat Coupler GPS Hat Coupler S-band Hat Coupler (-Z direction) DFG (mounted on mag boom not shown) Star Sensors (really on underside of spacecraft deck) EIS HPCA Total of 24 Add-On Stimulus GSE for Thermal Tests Adding 1 foot clearance for TVAC GSE. The current minimum width needed with TVAC GSE attached = 157.5” or 13.1 feet 145.5” or 12.1’ FEEPS FEEPS (mounted on spacecraft deck) Stimulus and GSE Locations July 13 & 14, MMS I&T Pre-CDR Peer Review