Oceanic Jeopardy!
Oceanic Jeopardy! Ocean History Ocean Topograph y Zones Marine Biology Potpourri
How did the crew of the HMS Challenger map the ocean floor?
By lowering a weighted line until it touched the bottom... Over and over again.
What are three factors that make ocean exploration difficult?
A lack of light, near- freezing temperatures, and extreme pressures.
How does the modern way of exploring the ocean floor work? What does it stand for.
SONAR sends sound waves that bounce off the ocean floor and return to the ship. SONAR stands for SOund NAvigation and Ranging.
Mapping the ocean floor has resulted in the discovery of the Mid-Ocean Ridge and numerous trenches. How are they important?
The MOR and trenches play a part in sea-floor spreading: the generation and destruction of crust. Back to Menu Final Jeopardy
What was the ocean floor believed to be like? What is the name of this type of region.
The ocean floor was believed to be flat like a desert. This region is called an Abyssal Plain.
The coastline does not truly end at the water’s edge. Describe the 2 features that extend into the ocean, under the water.
The Continental Shelf is a gently sloping, shallow area. The Continental Slope is a steep incline at the shelf’s edge.
Describe a Seamount. If it was located in a tropical area, what feature could a seamount form near the surface?
A Seamount is an underwater mountain / island that does not reach the surface. It may have formed an Atoll.
This picture shows an active volcanic region. What is it called and what topographic feature are you likely to find on the ocean floor?
Back to Menu Final Jeopardy This picture shows the Ring of Fire. A likely topographic feature you might find is a trench, where the crust can subduct.
List the following zones in order of most to least marine life: Intertidal, Open Ocean, Neritic
List the following zones in order of most to least marine life: Neritic Intertidal Open Ocean
Where does the Intertidal Zone begin and end? Where does the Neritic Zone begin and end?
The Intertidal Zone begins at the high tide line and ends at the low tide line. The Neritic Zone begins at the low tide line and ends at the continental slope.
What is one of the key differences between the Surface / Photic Zone and the Deep Zone? How have organisms in the Deep Zone adapted to this?
The key difference is the amount of light. Because there is no light in the Deep Zone, some organisms have developed Bioluminescence.
What are 5 factors that make living in the Intertidal Zone so difficult?
Back to Menu Final Jeopardy Difficult factors include: Salinity Water temperature Light Dissolved Gases Nutrients Wave action
The largest animal, the Blue Whale, relies on tiny krill. Life in the ocean is connected through a ____ ___.
food web The largest animal, the Blue Whale, relies on tiny krill. Life in the ocean is connected through a food web.
What are the 3 categories that marine organisms are divided into and why?
Organisms are divided into Plankton ( go with the flow ), Nekton ( move freely ) and Benthos ( move on the bottom ) categories.
What makes a Slat Marsh a good place for life?
Salt marshes contain a lot of decayed matter / nutrients, rich mud to feed and hide in, and cordgrass to provide shelter.
Estuaries and Coral Reefs are two marine environments. What are their characteristics?
Coral Reefs are located in shallow, tropical environments. Sensitive to changes. Centers of diverse marine life. Estuaries are found in coastal areas. Water is brackish ( mix of salty and fresh ). Protect coastline from changes by severe weather. Back to Menu Final Jeopardy
Name 2 animals that use bioluminescence.
Two animals that use bioluminescence are fireflies and angler fish.
What is a Hydrothermal Vent and why is it relevant to marine life?
A Hydrothermal Vent is where water heated by magma jets out of the ocean floor, releasing gases and minerals from Earth’s interior.
Put these stages in the correct order: AtollFringing Reef Barrier Reef Atoll, Fringing Reef, Barrier Reef
Fringing Reef Barrier Reef Atoll
Going deep underwater can crush you because of the pressure. Coming to the surface from far down can also cause pressure-related problems. What is this called and why is it dangerous?
Back to Menu Final Jeopardy the bends Rising too quickly to the surface from a far depth is called “the bends.” Gas that was under pressure rapidly expands.
Like SONAR, the word SCUBA is an acronym. It refers to the tank of oxygen divers use to breath underwater. What does SCUBA stand for? SCUBASCUBA
SelfContained UnderwaterBreathingApparatus