The POWER Writing Process 4 A system to get writers from blank page to finished product in five easy steps. 4 A way to help students create better quality writing projects.
Power helps students avoid this shocking scenario.
POWER is an acronym. 4 P is for Prewriting 4 O is for Organizing 4 W is for Write a rough draft 4 E is for Evaluate 4 R is for Revise and Rewrite
P is for PREWRITE Prewriting is defined as the search for ideas. 4 Ways to Prewrite –Brainstorming or Listing –Clustering or Mapping or Webbing –Free writing –5W-How questions (the reporter’s questions) –Create a timeline –Change point of view 4 Do not judge ideas as good or bad; just get as many ideas as possible.
Brainstorming or Listing 4 Brainstorming or listing involves simply making a list of whatever ideas come to mind about the subject being considered. 4 Brainstorm on the subject of summer vacation. –Sleeping late –Cubs games –baseball games –hot weather –children to pool –root beer
Assignment: Brainstorm on the subject of Vacations.
Clustering or Mapping Shoes Athletic Shoes Other Shoe Uses Dress Shoes Boots
Assignment: Cluster ideas about Sports Sports
Free Writing 4 Free writing is defined as writing for a certain amount of time in paragraph form without stopping 4 If you get stuck, you should ask yourself, “What should I write about next?” 4 For example, write without stopping for three minutes on the subject of who in history you would most want to spend an hour talking to and why.
The 5W-How Questions. These questions help students prewrite before research. 4 Who 4 What 4 Where 4 When 4 Why 4 How 4 Who wants to be cloned? Who wants to stop cloning? Who was the first person to clone? 4 What was the first organism to be cloned? What is a benefit of cloning? 4 Where was cloning first done? Where is cloning experimentation occurring now? 4 When did the first successful cloning occur? When will humans be successfully cloned? 4 Why is cloning opposed by many religious groups? 4 How is cloning done? How long has cloning been possible?
Time line Time lines help students put events in order. fantasy reality Time line for “Walter Mitty” Flying Hydroplane in a storm Driving his car to town. A surgeon performing a delicate procedure. Driving past a hospital Defendant in murder trial Hears newsboy yelling about the Waterbury Trial
Football Game Football’s point of view Coach’s point of view Cheerleader’s point of view Parent’s point of view Change the point of view. Look at object or event from an unusual point of view.
O is for Organize the Ideas 4 Organizing has two parts. –Students must select the ideas they will use Brainstorm on the subject of summer vacation. –Sleeping late –Cubs games 2 –baseball games 1 –hot weather 3 –children to pool 4 –root beer –Students must put those ideas in order.
Basic Organizational Patterns 4 Chronological (Time Order) –next, then, later, after that, first, 4 Compare or Contrast –Similarly, but, however, on the other hand, in comparison, in contrast 4 Give the process for … 4 Explain in order 4 Discuss the events that led up to 4 What are the steps of … 4 What are three differences between … 4 What are two similarities between … 4 Compare/ Contrast...
Basic Organizational Patterns cont. 4 Order of Importance (student chooses the most effective order of ideas) –next, then, another, also, first, in addition 4 Spatial (logical order in space i.e. left to right, top to bottom, inside to outside.) –below, above, to the left, next to 4 What are three results of … 4 Discuss four elements of … 4 What are three solutions for the problem of … 4 Describe the appearance of … 4 analyze the structure of...
W is for Write a rough draft A rough draft is a practice copy. It allows the student to write without pressure because it does not matter if the writer makes mistakes. It also is allows the writer to experiment with sentences word choice, and organization. Finally, it acts as a kind of free writing and helps the writer come up with additional ideas. What is a Rough Draft?
There are no Rules! Just Do One!
4 Evaluate means to look for ways to improve. 4 Students should focus on improving three aspects of the essay. 4 Each aspect should be examined separately. E is for Evaluate
We evaluate COS 4 Content 4 Organization 4 Style –Students examine FOCUS –Students look to improve SUPPORT –Students check for an introduction, body, conclusion. –Students review the Organization of the ideas. –Students look to add transition –Students read for complete sentences –Students review word choice –Students proofread
R is for Revise and Rewrite 4 Revise Revision involves actually making the improvements the were decided upon during Evaluation. Evaluation and Revision are often done together.
Revise and Rewrite CONT. 4 Rewrite –Rewrite means to write a clean second draft using an accepted manuscript form. Handwritten: –Blue or Black ink recommended –Margins on both the left and right side of the paper –Required classroom heading with the student’s name, etc. Word Processor –Size 12 font –Double spaced –clearly readable font appropriate for academic writing
P is for Prewriting O is for Organizing W is for Write a rough draft E is for Evaluate R is for Revise and Rewrite
Give Your Students the POWER Give them a way to get from blank page to finished product in anything they do.
Acknowledgements 4 This slide show developed by Mark Astle. The POWER idea was developed partly from ideas in the Laidlaw Composition and Grammar Texts copyright 1986 and partly from ideas in the Warner's Composition and Grammar Series.