Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration Linda Hosey Customer Service Director
Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration Reverse Auction VENDOR STEP BY STEP DIRECTIONS Reverse Auction VENDOR STEP BY STEP DIRECTIONS Version 1 Dated July 16, 2013
Federal Acquisition Service Agenda Reverse Auctions under GSA’s Platform Introduction to the website 3
Federal Acquisition Service ReverseAuctions.gsa.gov – July 1, 2013 Same login as e-Buy Full suite of e-Buy capabilities (e.g., fair opportunity, set aside) Schedules and Schedule based BPAs available Ability to create/copy solicitations Proxy bidding Vendor names hidden Buyer sets bid time Review submitted quotes for technical acceptability Collect prices paid data for future negotiations and auctions 4
Federal Acquisition Service Reverse Auctions - DO NOT Take the place of buyer’s decision making Choose, write or include appropriate clause – contracting officers’ function Take the place of contracting officers’ or buyers’ decision –Reverse auction is a method to receive quotes in a faster more robust and competitive environment Add steps to the procurement process 5
Federal Acquisition Service 6 Click on vendor log in
Federal Acquisition Service 7 Enter Contract Number and Password – Same as GSA eBuy
Federal Acquisition Service 8 To see list of all auctions under GSA Schedule click on my auctions tab List of auctions in dashboard based on buyer selection of vendors to participate. This does not prohibit any vendors from participating, vendors click on my auctions tab in header to see of list of auctions under respective GSA Schedule.
Federal Acquisition Service 9 List of auctions active auctions or preview which may start in the future Tab for Active and Closed Auctions Filter by auctions starting today or closing today Auction ID listed multiple times means more then one line item associated with auction. Click on Auction ID to see auction details
Federal Acquisition Service 10 Auction page shows agency and buyer contact information and date and time auction closes. Please note awards can be either single awards or multiple awards. Description Tab – shows auction details and any attachments related to this auction.
Federal Acquisition Service 11 Auction details for overall procurement Any attachments that buyer attached related to auction or line items Once you review auction description and review any attachments. Click on line items.
Federal Acquisition Service 12 Click on each line item to see line item bid details, ask a question to the buyer, attach documents and place bids. To place bid without seeing any line item bid details. Click on place bid
Federal Acquisition Service 13 Vendors can select each tab Bidding Details, Bid History, Q & A or My Attachments or Place Bid
Federal Acquisition Service 14 Bid Details for first line item selected. Ask the buyer a questions Description of line item, if brand name or brand name or equal buyer may put part number. If left blank there may be no brand name requirement see buyer attachment for specifications or ask question to buyer
Federal Acquisition Service 15 Apparent Low Bid is shown. Target Price set by the buyer. Bid Decrements are based on Total Price not unit price. (Example $82,500 divide by Qty of 100 shows a unit price of $ Based on bid decrement of $ divide by Qty of 100 that shows bid decrement of $2.06 per unit price would drop by based on proxy bidding
Federal Acquisition Service 16 Bid History Page Shows Bidders. Vendors Name or Schedule is not shown Vendor who is submitting quote bid information is shown here
Federal Acquisition Service 17 Questions that sent to the buyer are posted on a line item and will show up per each line item.
Federal Acquisition Service 18 Add attachments and then review and finalize My Attachments Tab allows the vendor to attach documents related to this auction or line item. After reviewing all tabs click on place bid.
Federal Acquisition Service 19 Final review of auction details and then hit finalize Item information details which shows line item shipping address, delivery terms, Qty, etc. Place your bid. Please see example below on how bids should be placed.
Federal Acquisition Service 20 Final review of auction details and then hit finalize Bid should be placed based on total price which means unit price x qty = Total.
Federal Acquisition Service 21 After vendor submits bid. If bid amount is correct click on confirm bid
Federal Acquisition Service 22 Vendor bid amount for this line item. To go to the next line item click on computer equipment tab.
Federal Acquisition Service 23 After submitting quote for 1 st line item system will know show number of bidders. To quote on line item number 2. click on second line item and repeat steps on submitting bid information from 1 st line item
Federal Acquisition Service 24 To see list of new auctions issued click on my auctions.
Federal Acquisition Service Questions? 25