An imaginary story: Conversations overheard at PART breakfast after Field Day 2010 by Rick Green (W1RAG) caught napping at Field Day 2007 Photos courtesy Bob Schmeichel
Johan thinking: “Did anyone else notice how many hot dogs Steve ate at Field Day?” Steve thinking: “Did anyone else notice how many hamburgers Johan ate at Field Day?”
“Kim, close your eyes and just imagine all the hamburgers I didn’t have to cook because W1RAG didn’t show up at Field Day!”
“Wait a minute, Alan! Was that Field Day I attended at your house? I thought it was a monthly support group for radio nerds and geeks!”
“Andy considers tossing his cup of coffee at Kim for that last remark!”
Alan has a moment of panic: “Did I mix my Field Day leftovers into my omelet, or Ernie’s?”
“So, Rick, how about it? Will you help me organize a D-STAR-only Field Day next year in France?”
Everyone watches, as Darryl finally removes from his eye a mosquito he received at Field Day…
Rich admits to a very skeptical audience that he missed Field Day because he couldn’t find his sneakers.
Rich recites 100 times, to no one in particular, “I will not miss the next Field Day at Alan’s, I will not miss the next Field Day at Alan’s.”
Kimberly whispers to Scotti: “You are feeling sleepy, sleepy… When I snap my fingers, you will wake up and forget your Field Day mosquito bites.”
Alan wonders what it would have been like riding to Field Day sandwiched between these 2 former NFL linebackers!
Two breakfast attendees have trouble enjoying their food, comparing it to the cuisine they enjoyed at Field Day.
Andy bites his tongue, as Alan lectures him about leaving food on his plate at Field Day and at the PART breakfast!
“Bloody right, this plate is full of meat! Did you see how small the hot dogs were at Field Day?”
Field Day organizer tries to drown his memories in a pitcher of orange juice…
“Um, Mr. Photographer Bob, can you please just take a picture of the hungry man next to me?”
“Johan, back when I was PART President, Field Day breakfast consisted of just QSOs & coffee – black coffee. No cream, no sugar.”
“Steve, I swear it’s true. I’m wearing this elbow brace from shoving people out of the way to be 2 nd in line at the Field Day 6-meter operating station!”
“Look at this guy with the yogurt cup tipped over on his plate. I bet he’s the same guy who interrupted my Field Day QSO with Nepal by tipping over the beam!”
Ernie remembers fondly …. “Breakfast at Field Day didn’t cost me no darn $14!”
“Andrew, I know this looks like just another black box, but if you use it at the next Field Day, you’ll be able to watch all the premium cable TV stations for free!”
“What about the American Sportsman channel? I want to see if they use Linux-based deer tracking programs!”
Bill is overcome with emotion, seeing Steve anointed as next year’s Field Day dance instructor.
The 3 finalists from the “ Cutest Field Day Attendee ” contest ponder who among them will win the prize…
Contest winner feels sorry for the two runners up.
Two PART members and their daughters, delighted to learn that this slide show is finished!