UK exams officer training Cambridge IGCSE First Language English 0500 and 0522
Introductions Name Job title Carolyn Presland Regulations Manager Daniel Bragg Exams Processing Task Team Leader Kerry Savage Customer Services Advisor Oliver Yates Training Events Co-ordinator Rebecca Ash Communications Manager – Exams Officers 2
What are we covering today? Overview of the Cambridge Exams Cycle Support available for exams officers Access arrangements Q and A on Access arrangements Making entries – the process Q and A on making entries Coursework sampling Q and A around coursework sampling 3
The Cambridge Exams Cycle To make our exams administration process easier to understand we created the Cambridge Exams Cycle. The cycle groups our processes into one of six phases. It includes every phase of the exams administration process from the preparation that takes place before entries are made to handing out certificates. We use the exams cycle to structure our support for exams officers. This helps them keep track of what they need to do and when.
Support for exams officers We offer comprehensive support and training on all aspects of the Cambridge exams officer role: online training course introducing the Cambridge Exams Cycle online guide to administering exams video tutorials showing you ‘how to’ carry out key tasks clear documentation detailing our exams’ administrative processes monthly eNewsletter an online bank of answers to frequently asked questions:
Cambridge Handbook and Administrative Guide Cambridge Handbook: The regulations for conducting our exams Cambridge Administrative Guide: How to administer our exams icon highlights changes Our list of our administrative forms are available in our new easy access guide from the home page of the ‘Exams Officers’ section of the website
Access arrangements Our access arrangements are different from other exam boards in the UK. The difference between non-delegated and centre-delegated access arrangements Deadlines: Non-delegated access arrangements 21 February 2014 Centre-delegated access arrangements 31 March 2014 Modified papers – June series deadline 21 January 2014 November series deadline 1 July 2014 Where are our access arrangements forms? Access Arrangements Online The use of a scribe The use of a reader
Timetable deviations Key Time regulations Full Centre Supervision
Any questions on access arrangements or timetable deviations?
Making entries Option codes – what are they and where can I find them? Components available for 0500 and 0522 0500 available entry options 0522 available entry options
Making entries Carry forward components – what are they and how can I use them? A mark can be carried forward once in a 13-month period. It is not possible to carry forward any marks from externally assessed papers or components
Making entries Using the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries
Making entries knowledge check You are entering candidates for Cambridge IGCSE First Language English 0522. They need to be entered for the Extended syllabus, the Coursework Portfolio and Speaking and Listening Coursework. Which option code do you need to enter your candidates for? ANSWER: AU BS BT BU You are entering candidates for Cambridge IGCSE First Language English 0522. Your candidates need to be entered for the extended syllabus, coursework portfolio and carrying forward components for speaking and listening test from the November 2013 series. Which option code do you need to enter your candidates for? DY DU
Making entries – using your MIS package Where is your Basedata? Making entries via A2C
Making entries – using your MIS package Checking entry data on CIE Direct If you made your entries through your MIS package you must make any changes to your entries through your MIS package.
Any questions about making entries?
Coursework samples and marks Teacher accreditation Submitting samples for components 4, 5 and 6 Our samples database includes details about how you select your sample, who selects the sample and how you submit your sample
Coursework samples and marks
Coursework samples and marks Component 4 – how to select the sample The list of candidates you need to submit samples for will be in the ‘My Messages’ section of CIE Direct at the end of March.
Coursework samples and marks Component 5 – how to select the sample Component 6 – how to select the sample
Coursework samples and marks How do I submit marks for components 4, 5 and 6? A2C Migration Application – you can create your marks file using your MIS system and the submit to us through the A2C Migration Application CIE Direct – Go to your ‘Dashboard’ in the ‘Administer Exams’ section. You will see a list by syllabus of all the candidates you need to submit internally assessed marks for. If you use either of these methods please include a printout of the internal marks when you send us your samples for moderation If you cannot submit your marks electronically please use the Internal Assessment Mark Sheet sent in your pre-exam despatch instead. Keep copies of all materials sent to Cambridge
Coursework samples and marks Timetabling Speaking and Listening Tests (Component 5) have to be taken between the test window of 1 March 2014 – 30 April 2014 Coursework portfolio (Component 4) has to reach Cambridge by 30 April 2014 How do I submit coursework samples? All coursework for the samples should be clearly labelled with your Centre number, candidates’ names and the syllabus/component number, including CDs, DVDs or tapes Include a second copy of the Internal Assessment Mark Sheet (MS1) or your MIS system or CIE Direct internal marks report Include the external moderation forms – Individual Candidate Record Card and the Coursework Assessment Summary Form, which should be completed by the teacher who carried out the assessment. These forms are in the syllabus. Complete and attach coursework identification labels to each sample.
Coursework samples and marks How do I submit speaking test samples? For more information on submitting digital files please see the ‘phase 3 area of the ‘exams officers’ section of the website We must receive all samples and mark sheets by 30 April 2014
Any questions on coursework sampling?
Any more questions?