O UTLINE Ways to study a system Advantages of simulation OPNET modeler Main features of OPNET simulator OPNET workflow OPNET’s hierarchal modeling Editors Project and scenarios The project and scenario workflow Organizing models- Object palette Choose statistics Simulation What’s next References
A DVANTAGES OF S IMULATION Money, money, money Designing, building, testing, Redesigning, rebuilding, retesting,… The level of detail that you can get from a simulation The only restrictions are your imagination, your programming skills, and your CPU.
OPNET M ODELER OPNET stands for Optimum Network Performance. OPNET is a computer software to simulate communication networks. OPNET Modeler, in particular, is a research oriented package, and it is one of the leading simulators used in the industry.
OPNET M ODELER ( CONT..) OPNET provides graphical editors to you to edit your own devices, configure your own networks, design your own protocols, define your own packet formats, etc.
M AIN FEATURES OF OPNET SIMULATOR The graphical modeling approach(Graphical user interface). The generation of statistical data is customizable. A variety of comprehensive analysis tools.
OPNET W ORKFLOW Create network models Choose statistics Run simulation View and analyze results
OPNET’ S H IERARCHICAL M ODELING Three-Tiered Hierarchical Modeling Network Node Process
E DITORS Network Editor Specify network topology and configure nodes and links. Choose results, run simulations and view results
E DITORS ( CONT..) Node Editor Create models of nodes by specifying internal structure and capabilities Create your own devices
E DITORS ( CONT..) Process Editor Develop models of decision-making processes representing protocols, algorithms, resource management, operating systems, etc.
E DITORS ( CONT..) Link Model Editor Path Editor Packet Format Editor PDF Editor etc
P ROJECT AND S CENARIOS Project-and-Scenario approach to modeling network Project: Collection of related network scenarios. Scenario: is a single instance of the network. It represents a unique configuration of the network.
T HE P ROJECT /S CENARIOS W ORKFLOW Create project Create Baseline scenario Import or create topology (using Object palette-next slide) Import or create traffic (by creating applications and profiles) Choose results Run simulation, view results Duplicate scenario Make changes Re-run simulation Compare results ((Iterate the last three steps until you have good results))
O RGANIZING MODELS - O BJECT PALETTES An object palette is a graphical dialog box that displays a group of nodes and link models. Object palettes can be customized to contain only the nodes and links that we need.
C HOOSE S TATISTICS Right click quick menu Edit attributes Choose individual statistics Check the statistics that you need.
S IMULATION Select Duration, Seed, other Attributes Run the Simulation View Graphs produced Analyze
W HAT ' S NEXT OPNET Online Tutorial Do the step-by-step online tutorials Do some small experimental modifications to the tutorials so you can understand better. Use the online help manual. Search YouTube for easy tutorials such as: PIoVkG3L_A PIoVkG3L_A Try to simulate a real world problem
R EFERENCES OGNmM/Introduction_to_OPNET_Simulator_fla sh_ppt_presentation ZjRiN/Introduction_to_Opnet_Modeler_flash_ppt _presentation OPNE T %20Modeler.ppt wow.eecs.berkeley.edu/ergen/docs/ OPNET.ppt Simulation