Faculty Senate February 6, 2014 Office of Faculty Development Jan Gabel-Goes
Administered by OFD per Article 40.4 in WMU- AAUP Agreement To support efforts of Board appointed, bargaining unit faculty To improve student learning through instructional and curricular redesign & innovation Two categories: ID Travel Grants and ID Project Grants
Can be used to fund: Experts to visit campus & work with a dept. Site visits to other schools & locations for pedagogy Group attendance at workshops or training programs Student wages or support for instructional improvement projects Materials to study or support specific instructional improvement approaches (e.g. software, books, other media, props)
Revising Elementary Physics Lab Demonstrating Student Learning Through Student Response System Faculty Training in ACTFL's (Spanish) Experiential Learning Efforts Through Museum Studies Faculty Training in Teaching Improvisational Theatre Fashioning Silhouettes/Creation of Hands-on Clothing
Will NOT be funded: Faculty summer salary, academic year release time or any compensations for instructors Computer equipment Individual travel to conferences (IDT funds may be sought for this purpose) Participation in Cultural Experience summer programs for WMU faculty/staff Study abroad course development
Applicants must provide: Application form Proposal (max 4 pages) Complete cost breakdown, INCLUDING OTHER FUNDS BEING USED, in terms of stated project activities and fidelity of University policies & regulations. Signed support of department chair, school director, or college dean Award max is $5,000 due March 15 th each year for funding beginning July 1 st of the same year.
Sample Project Grand Application Form
Sample IDPG Budget Form
Applicant must provide: Details, including copies of brochures, links regarding the conference/workshop/meeting How faculty intend to use the knowledge gained Complete cost breakdown for travel, INCLUDING OTHER FUNDS BEING USED Signed support from direct supervisor Award max is $1,200 to be awarded with due dates of January 15 th, March 15 th and September 15 th
Lilly International 33rd Annual Conference Mathematics Education: Dutch Perspectives Encaustic & Silkscreening Workshop Early Career Geography Workshop Seventeenth Annual War College of the Seven Year's War Communication, Empire & the City of Rome Abaris Training Resources Learning Tools to Effectively Monitor Social Media Northeast Modern Language Association Conference
Any Questions? Office of Faculty Development