Asian Fellowship this summer...
John 1:29-34 ● Two weeks ago... ● John the Baptist met Jesus
In John 1: ● What did John the Baptist say about Jesus? ● What will we say when we are asked to “testify” about Jesus?
John 3:1-21 ● Last week... ● Nicodemus met Jesus
In John 3: ● How can we be part of God's kingdom, or family? ● What does it mean to be “born again?”
John 4:3-30 & ● This week: ● Woman at the Well
In John 4:3-30 & ● What or who is “living water”? ● Why should we worship Jesus in spirit and truth?
Jews and Samaritans ● common ancestors ● similar religious beliefs ● political tensions ● disagreed about where & how to worship ● Jews believed Samaritans were unclean
“Messiah” ● “Anointed” ● → Chosen and approved by God for a special office, like king or priest. ● Jewish people believed he would come to free them from the Romans and restore their ritual or spiritual purity.
“worship in spirit and truth” ● One concept: ● worship through God's Spirit because of Jesus, who is God's Truth. ● → True worshipers are those who have experienced spiritual rebirth of the Holy Spirit.