Restaurant Reviews How to Write a Review that Informs and Entertains
Knowledge Read other reviewers/critics – professional, real ones, not Yelp Know your topic Review a place that has a style of food you are comfortable with – No time to try something new you might not like!
Background Give background! When did it open, Who owns it? – What other restaurants do they own? Who’s the head chef? – What are his/her credentials?
Background What is the popular consensus on the restaurant? – Read other reviews – Ask other people Any awards? Check out postings on the walls – other reviews, etc.
Opinion Have a strong opinion Avoid “I” and “in my opinion” It’s not about you – it’s your opinon of the restaurant!
Temper Your Criticism You do not have carte blanche to rip into the establishment. Everyone and every business has "off" nights. Focus on how the restaurant handled any problems. Bad service is just bad service; review it as such, but keep it professional. Try going there are least twice and see if this is a regular occurrence or really just one bad night Be descriptive!
What to Comment On Surroundings – Describe the area around the restaurant - urban, industrial, downtown, etc. Remember to give – Location – address, crossroads – Other locations if there is more than one – Hours – Reservations – are they needed? Do they take them?
What to Comment On Atmosphere – Write about the décor – describe it. Is it romantic and intimate, or family friendly? What about the noise level? Who else is eating there? – Type of people – teens, families, trend setters? Give the reader a feel for the general floor plan – don’t want to bring a party of 12 into a tiny restaurant!
What to Comment On Menu – Can't reprint/list all the food offerings Tell the reader what he/she can expect to order. Cover the major groups: poultry, fish, steak, pork, pasta, vegetarian dishes, etc. Optional for us, but not for professionals: discuss the wine list and give the price range for the restaurant.
What to Comment On Menu – What is their most popular dish? What is the style of food? Describe multiple appetizers, entrees, desserts. Be specific! – Make the reader taste it! – Avoid words like good, yummy – Describe specific flavors, seasonings
What to Comment On Service – Service accounts for about 50% of why people patronize a place. How were you greeted? Seated? What good service is: – Speed – not always a good thing for leasurely dining – don’t want to be rushed, but don’t want to wait forever! – Presentation/plating – how does the food look? a – Demeanor – is the server efficient and welcoming without being overbearing?
What to Comment On Exclusives – Mention things that make this restaurant different Some things to ask about: – special events, – cooking classes, – hosted dinners, – live entertainment
When You Go There Ask Questions! Server is best for information – Try not to take too much of their time on a busy night Can sometimes ask to speak to the chef – Best to do this after your dinner – don’t want to let them know you are reviewing the place!
When You Go There Take someone else with you! – Preferably, someone who knows food You can taste several things if you share – Sample multiple things from every course
When You Write It Start with a strong hook. Appeal to the senses. Include a picture of the food or the restaurant. Have a voice – make it interesting to read and make it yours.