How do you split a church?
The Journey
Return to Antioch (Acts 14:24-28)
Visitors to Antioch (Acts 15:1-2) But 1 But some men came down from Judea and were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.”
To Jerusalem (Acts 15:3-5)
Jerusalem Council Peter’s Speech (7-11) Paul & Barnabas’ Speech (12) James Speech (13-21)
Letter to Gentiles Abstain from… What has been sacrificed to idols Blood What has been strangled Sexual Immorality
Paul and Barnabas Separate Who was right?
Essential Decision Salvation is by faith ALONE Sometimes we will disagree We need to work through them.
For Next Week The Essential Decision Read Acts Chapter 16:1-40 Mediate on questions in your handout