Play, Drama, or Prose?
Her face is like the moon That glows in the dark sky She is as bright as June When the sun is up high Her eyes are fireflies Shining away at night Her smile is kind and wise She makes you feel alright
Finding the Way to Winksville In the distance, we hear the sound of a train's horn. A spotlight focuses on a confused girl getting off a train on the right side of the stage. She walks through a village looking as though she is not sure where she is. An elderly woman walks up to the girl. MISS SMITH: Honey, can I help you? You look awfully confused. NATALIE: (Sadly) I think I got off at the wrong train stop. This looks nothing like Winksville or at least not like the Winksville I remember from two years ago. MISS SMITH: (Sorrowfully) Oh, this isn't Winksville. You are in Pinksville. Winksville is just up the road about 40 miles. NATALIE: (Surprised) But the train conductor announced this was Winksville, or at least that was what it sounded like he said. (Nervously) Oh no, how am I going to get to Winksville to see my grandparents? I have no money for another train ticket. MISS SMITH: No worries, child! I have connections. My brother manages the train station here in Pinksville. I'm sure once we explain the situation to him, he can get you on the next train to Winksville. NATALIE: That would be wonderful. Thank you! MISS SMITH: (Winking) No problem at all, dear. Just follow me!
Once upon a time, there lived a princess. She was pretty and smart, but she was alone. She lived alone in a tree and watched people walk by. She looked like a flower with her flowing hair. Sometimes, people would look up and wonder why she lived there but nobody ever asked her why. An angel had promised the princess that if a child asked the princess to come down the tree, she could live wherever she wanted. So, the princess waited for a child to look up to the tree and ask her the question. Days turned into months, and months turned into years, but nobody asked the princess anything. Then one day, a beautiful little boy, who was walking by, looked up to the tree and asked a question.
Rohith's Report by Alicia Skelton Everyone in Rohith's class had to choose an idea to research. After researching, everybody would give a report to the whole class. Rohith was anxious to get started. He loved researching things he did not know much about. His mom drove him to the library after school. Rohith spent several days finding information on Eskimos to write his report. He used the encyclopedia in the library to look up information. His report was looking very good. When Rohith finally finished his report, he read it over. He wanted to make sure he had enough information. He felt very proud of himself. He had learned a lot about Eskimos during his research. Then, Rohith remembered he would have to read his report in front of his class. This meant he would have to stand in front of his entire class and talk. Rohith suddenly became very nervous. The reports were going to be shared the next day in class and Rohith could not sleep. Rohith's dad knocked on his bedroom door. Rohith told his dad how he felt about talking in front of his class. His dad told Rohith about the time that he had to give a report in the fourth grade. Rohith's dad said that he was also very nervous. Rohith could not believe that his dad ever felt nervous about anything. Rohith knew he could do it, too!
SANDY: Mom said we have to clean our room. MINDY: Right now? SANDY: Yep, right now. MINDY: Oh no! I was about to go over to Jennifer's house to watch television. SANDY: Mom said if we didn't clean the room, we wouldn't get to go to the movies on Saturday. MINDY: I guess I have no choice. I'm going to call Jennifer to see if I can go over there tomorrow instead. SANDY: Well, if we do it quickly maybe you can still go to Jennifer's house for just a little bit. MINDY: That's true. I'll let Jennifer know I'll be a little late.
Some Silly Thoughts by J. Robbins One day I had some silly thoughts; "What kind?" you'll ask; Oh, there were lots— What if I lived inside a shoe? What if two monkeys ran the zoo? What if an ant taught at my school? What if I had teeth like a mule? What if my dog could drive a car?