Municipal Government & Alcohol Control in Wisconsin
Small numbers, high impact Reduced outside influence Talking to neighbors & colleagues No lobbying concerns
4 Basic Issues 1. Licensing: who, where, how 2. Enforcement: Implementation of policy 3. Budgets: Resources to implement policy 4. Ordinances: Supporting change
Alcohol licensing is like housework….. …………………………because it’s never really done.
Tools to Build A Better Alcohol Environment The Wisconsin Alcohol Policy Project web site has: Alcohol Licensing Process Chart Awarding Alcohol Licenses: A Checklist for Local Advocates Advocates Guide to Alcohol Policy Glossary of Frequently Used Terms
Licensing: You can’t be effective within a system you don’t understand 1.State application 2.Print notice in newspaper 3.Vote by local governing body
Checklist: The checklist provides a series of questions that lets you gather the documents, understand the policies and guides your observation of the local alcohol licensing process.
Learn the Local System of Alcohol Licensing Is the alcohol licensing process staff driven? What is the “official” process vs. the reality of licensing? What do the police, fire, EMT and the school resource officer think are the alcohol misuse problems in your community? Underage drinking? Over-serving at bars? Is there a map of all licensed outlets that sell or serve alcohol? How are alcohol-related issues or problems portrayed in local information such as newspapers, letters to editor, school district reports and communications or neighborhood news?
Every New License Application Starts with 2 decisions, the first is: Do we need or want another licensee? Type of license Overall density Clustering Can law enforcement respond without negative impact on community Impact on other community licensees.
The second question: Do we want this applicant at this location? This applicant? Experience Business plan/concept This location? Compatible with area? Traffic or individual concerns.
Licensed Premises An Important Concept It is especially important to understand the term “licensed premises” and how it is defined. Once a license is issued a community cannot unilaterally amend the description of the licensed premises.
Impact your alcohol licensing process Formalize citizen participation Create specific conditions requiring conditions. Can create guidelines that reflect community values.
NO guidelines? Coalitions can help police build licensee files: letters photos calls to police
Enforcement: Police can only enforce what the community supports.
Budgets: Funding is a statement of priorities Target issues indirectly
Ordinances First: Enforce what is on the books Then: Solve problems Prevent problems
Don’t assume local elected officials understand the full impact Local elected officials are generalists, outside their field they rely on municipal staff. Little or no training on alcohol policy is available to local elected officials
Focus discussion on the community – not the problem How will this benefit/hurt the community? Money Image Others will have a different perspective: Avoid unnecessary regulation Denial
Don’t anoint locals with the power & authority of an organization Locals are local first. It isn’t the Tavern League, it’s Joe from After Hours.
There will be pushback. Embrace the debate.
Insert your contact information here. For additional information: Julia Sherman Wisconsin Alcohol Policy Project
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